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MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-08 07:17:37 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-08 07:06:28 pm
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
im kinda glad, doing the SJ-less section after getting sandigger in dark pirate base is INSANELY hard.. thanks for the help! :D

so, how much damage do you get with and without dark suit per second?
how closely can you survive with 3 tanks?
just read the link I just put up. Dark world atmosphere damage does 6 damage per second without dark suit, so clearing boost guardian within ~30 seconds means you use up ~180 energy; a bit more for entering and finishing the fight.
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kirbymastah: 2013-12-11 07:24:29 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-12-11 07:19:28 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-12-11 07:18:43 pm
Did some testing of a route I thought of, aligning with mrspeedrun's proposal. I timed starting from early power bomb tank to finishing off the 2nd flying pirate in torvus temple.

Original Route:
door after PB to dark portal before abandoned base: 1:01
Portal before abandoned base to elevator-to-torvus: 0:51
elevator-from-torvus to end of flying pirate fight: 1:14
TOTAL: 3:06

In the timing above, I took out the time it takes to get the missile tank in great temple since it's not part of the route comparison.

Route in question: After early PB tank, go back to Agon then use sandigger SW to wallcrawl to Torvus
door after PB to elevator-to-agon: 0:35
elevator-from-TG to elevator-to-torvus: 2:00
elevator-from-torvus to end of flying pirate fight: 0:48
TOTAL: 3:23

Admittedly, I was a bit slower on the wallcrawl, so you could probably take away around 10-15 seconds from that.

So both routes are probably roughly the same timing. Now, if you decide to just not bother with the early PB tank in temple grounds (which is what mrspeedrun wants to do), and instead, after light beam, just immediately sandigger, then that means you use up roughly 2-2.5 minutes to use sandigger to reach the end of pirate fight #1, so no mrspeedrun, you do not save 3 minutes <_<

Also take into account that you need to move the light crystla block in hall of the eyes if you want to take the endgame path after sunburst to go to the portal... that wastes more time with route #2.

I'm going to do some extensive timing on sandigger to skip agon pirate base, and make sure it's viable. But what I've found so far is this.

Route begins after arriving in light world right after space jump, and ends upon sanddigger emerging from sand.

Take right path through Mining Station A while scanning the sand-waterfall: 1:03 (excluding two missile tanks)
Take left path through Transport Center: 0:28 (excluding the bomb slot for the missile tank)

Now the left path route timing didn't include the time it takes to reach the scan point in Mining Station A, without space jump, but the BSJ and 2BJ that I use doesn't take up 30 seconds, so if you're going to use sandigger, then it's faster to take the path through Transport Center and Save Station, using BSJs and such to reac the scan point.
Edit history:
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-11 08:02:00 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-11 08:01:50 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-11 08:01:30 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-11 07:59:31 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-11 07:58:23 pm
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
thats not the route i do.
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kirbymastah: 2013-12-11 10:27:12 pm
Quote from kirbymastah:
Now, if you decide to just not bother with the early PB tank in temple grounds (which is what mrspeedrun wants to do), and instead, after light beam, just immediately sandigger, then that means you use up roughly 2-2.5 minutes to use sandigger to reach the end of pirate fight #1, so no mrspeedrun, you do not save 3 minutes <_<

Also take into account that you need to move the light crystla block in hall of the eyes if you want to take the endgame path after sunburst to go to the portal... that wastes more time with route #2.

I thought you're doing sandigger to wallcrawl to torvus after light beam?
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
yes, and i get early PB's after seekers.
Edit history:
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:58:27 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:51:46 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:48:12 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:48:03 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:47:53 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:47:35 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:37:42 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:27:08 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:26:36 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:25:38 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:25:20 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:24:57 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 07:24:07 am
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
uhm, but in miles 1:56 it took him about 6 minutes and 40 secs to get from sandigger to supers, taking off the ~1:20 minutes i'd lose later on to get early pb's would still mean that it'd save a rediculous amount of time though.
opening the crystal in hall of eyes would take around 12 secs with fast strats...
make that 8
then that means you use up roughly 2-2.5 minutes to use sandigger to reach the end of pirate fight #1

what pirate fight are you talking about, the one in torvus? 2-2.5 minutes?.... uh no, it would probably barely be 2 minutes in real time >_> (including sandigger and the entire pirate fight)

taking off those 2 minutes the 8 seconds from the light crystal (oh no) the 1:20 minutes to get early PB's adds up to roughly being saved around 3 minutes, though. (actually its over 3 minutes but lets be a but generous because theres two portal cutscenes and two more elevators...)

also, the BSJ's im doing to reach the scan post after bomb guardian you need for sandigger cost less than 20 seconds.

anyway, i wanted to ask something for early PB's here, is there a way to let the room load around you, its really annoying to do that little backtrack for that missile expansion... and that aether dash to the other one, which would be my alternative time saver would be even more annoying....

Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 11:49:57 am
kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 11:45:40 am
kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 11:44:31 am
kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 11:44:11 am
kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 11:30:32 am
kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 11:10:37 am
kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 11:10:14 am
kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 11:07:57 am
kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 11:06:42 am
kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 11:05:54 am
kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 11:03:31 am
I'm going by in-game time... And my previous post started timing from when Miles leaves the room from early power bombs (aka Dynamo Chamber).

EDIT: I made a few minor mistakes with the timing, but it's still not as ridiculous as mrspeedrun made it out to be.

Let me make this as clear as possible to tell you how ridiculous you sound right now.

What I said in the PREVIOUS POST is Old Route takes 3 minutes to go from:

Point A: Exiting Dynamo chamber after OoB
Point B: Finishing second flying pirate

I just retimed this RIGHT NOW to time how long it takes for miles to go from Mining Plaza (note, this is an earlier starting location) up until finishing the flying pirate fight in Torvus Temple. I'm going to literally time miles's 1:56 to spell it out as clearly as possible for you, for in-game time.

Mining Plaza A to Elevator in Agon: 0:20
Elevator from Agon to Elevator to Great Temple: 1:19
Great Temple (excluding the missile tank): ~0:32
Elevator from Great Temple to Elevator to Torvus: ~1:11, ignoring miles's mistake
Entering torvus until finishing second flying pirate (ignoring PB tank): ~1:12


Ok, your route.

Mining Plaza A to elevator to Torvus using sandigger: ~0:45
Elevator from Torvus to finishing second flying pirate: ~0:20 (with the segmented strat)

TOTAL: 1:05

Keep in mind, when timing your route, I used my video which has mistakes, so I paused my timer a LOT more than I should've, to overcompensate for my mistake, so my timing is GENEROUSLY SKEWED in YOUR FAVOR. It should really be like 2:30ish or something, realistically, but whatever.

Now, you said it takes 1:20 to get the early PB tank later on? Ok, your route total is now:

TOTAL: 2:25

The route in Path of Eyes to shoot the light crystal takes 20 seconds (your route). The route in Path of Eyes with skipping the light crystal after leaving torvus (which is miles's route) by using the shortcut takes ~10 seconds. So you lose another 10 seconds.


4:44 VS 2:35ISH. Two minutes saved, roughly. Not three or 6 _<

Also, about the BSJs for the scan post, I literally said,

Quote from kirbymastah:
but the BSJ and 2BJ that I use doesn't take up 30 seconds, so if you're going to use sandigger, then it's faster to take the path through Transport Center and Save Station.

So I was SUPPORTING the route you were taking with that BSJ? Can you please read properly? <_< (Also keep in mind, the first sandigger SW for dark beam has nothing to do with using sandigger SW again for going to torvus, which is why these two route changes can be independently timed of each other)

VERDIT: Saves slightly over 2 minutes, with segmented strats
Edit history:
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 12:12:18 pm
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
Now, you said it takes 1:20 to get the early PB tank later on? Ok, your route total is now:

that was just a random rough estimate, i think i could push that under a minute. (using segmented strats)

The route in Path of Eyes to shoot the light crystal takes 20 seconds (your route).

well, depends on your movement though... i think you could also cut out a few seconds there...

so, if im not wrong i could potentially get it over 2:30 saved, okay miles run was a single segment, and that 3 minute estimation was just another random rough estimate....
Mrspeedrun, do you have a video of wallcrawling to spider guardian to skip the trip to cobalt for 100%?
Edit history:
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 06:08:30 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 03:49:30 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 03:18:44 pm
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
No i dont, sorry. I will be uploading one of saturday i think, i want to have a good capture card first before ill upload a testrun.
And i'll make a redo of that testrun, so i have something to compare against later...

the RBO from maskedkirby does that wallcrawl though, you will have to take the portal i think, unless you want to make the game crash when trying to load spider guardian. (didnt find a faster method yet...) when you try to get into the fight without transitioning the room the camera will glitch out, making the fight rediculously difficult.
What exactly do you do then, to transition to spider guardian without making the camera stupid nor crashing?
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MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 03:50:39 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 03:49:22 pm
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
entering the portal (the one behind spider guardian)

you will have to take the portal i think, unless you want to make the game crash when trying to load spider guardian.

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kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 04:57:28 pm
After entering the portal behind Spider guardian, then re-enter light world, then you go OoB by screw attacking into the morph ball tunnel in the light world?
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MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 05:41:05 pm
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
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MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 06:19:29 pm
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
so, after hours over hours of work and rechecking, busting out problems and breaking my head about it... here FINALLY is the end-product of my route. it turned out pretty well and i got pretty lucky with it, only problem i still have is that stupid dark visor door in sanctuary, since i never opened it ill have to do a small detour before getting sunburst (shouldnt cost too much time because theres a e tank at the entrance of sanctuary...)
otherwise, the route saves tons of time later in the cleanup (skipping a trip to torvus, also found a SW to the echo lock after dark burst at the entrance of agon which fits really well and some more stuff)


no clue, how much it exactly is; though ill still need to get the sanctuary key behind spider guardian =/
honestly, i dont really care how much it does save exactly, since skipping grapple in a single segment is probably not gonna happen, cause GA is so far into the run, although its probably still faster if you do the SW, who knows.... (if you skip grapple beam, that also means you can get the early PB's later IIRC, which would save 1-2 minutes in a single segment)

but it feels really convinient for me and so ill defenitly be taking it for my segmented run.
I would appreciate, if you would tell me about your ideas for eventually improving the route.
Random, but I'm not sure if you want to skip cobalt in 100%. On the way to cobalt is the bomb slot for the second gyro ring; if you skip cobalt until returning sanctuary energy, then that means a dumb detour to stop the second gyro ring before echo visor. It's not much time, but meh. Need to take that into account.
Edit history:
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 09:17:53 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 09:11:14 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 09:10:50 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 08:51:10 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 08:50:24 pm
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
i will activate that bombslot after fighting quad (or after grapple skip), sure taking the elevator twice is annoying, but shouldnt take too long.. (probably like 10 seconds or so)
compared to that huge detour to cobalt, though, still thanks for checking that.

Edit: Forgot you're coming from Screw attack, though, its still faster im pretty sure, especially using segmented strats. ugh doing that incredibly annoying SA for the missile container AND the fast spider skip method, fighting spider and quad in one segment is gonna suck though :(

Edit²: just checked the map again, looks like those are indeed very close together, i'll have to time that ugh =/
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kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 09:41:39 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-12-12 09:39:57 pm
Oh, that's true, you can activate it while on your way to returning sanctuary energy, forgot about that.

So are you skipping dark samus 1 for dark beam? I just tried it out and (probably already known but) after you kill her with power bomb (or annihilator i guess), you have to reload the room for the spider tracks and the missile tank to appear, and dark samus 1's room takes a WHILE to load =/ Might just be better off killing dark samus normally, especially since wallcrawling to dark beam does take extra time too. I'm gonna go ahead and time that, hopefully within the next few hours.

In a nutshell, the route in question is while sandigger, is it faster to fight dark samus immediately like in any%, or skip her and leave her for cleanup?

Fight early:
Advantage: Don't have to wallcrawl to dark beam; can just be in the cutscene trigger while OoB
Disadvantage: Fight takes over 30 seconds

Fight late:
Advantage: Power Bomb (or annihilator, if you're out of PBs) dark samus
Disadvantage: Have to leave the room and come back to reload it for the missile tank, which takes a while
Edit history:
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 09:52:26 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 09:51:16 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-12 09:50:33 pm
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
i didnt know you had to reload the room to activate the spider tracks >_>

anyways, i think reloading the room is quicker, probably only like 10-15 seconds or something.
doing the wallcrawl to dark beam is gonna barely take time in the segmented run (probably around 5-8 seconds)
which probably equals out, cause you dont have to get the dark beam after fighting DS2.
Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2013-12-13 11:08:10 am
kirbymastah: 2013-12-13 11:06:04 am
kirbymastah: 2013-12-13 09:54:27 am
I'm still going to go ahead and time it, but I wont have time for a while. I do hope skipping dark samus while doing sandigger is faster, since PBing her later is fun

Also it's not just the spider tracks. The missile tank doesn't appear until after the room is reloaded.

EDIT: Also, it doesn't matter that you lose time from getting dark beam if you don't skip DS1. Because if you do late DS1, you HAVE to take the elevator up and go to a different room; heck, you lose more time with late DS1 because you go to a farther room than dark beam. It's probably really close between doing early and late DS1; if it's within a few seconds, then I'd rather do late DS1 since it's less RNG and it's cooler.
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MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-13 03:35:29 pm
MrSpEeDrUn: 2013-12-13 03:35:02 pm
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
im almost certain that its faster for segmented, though finding standable spots for DS late at the part where you normally trigger the fight from OoB could probably cost some time in a SS run.

Edit: i REALLY hope that PBing DS2 is faster, because doing that fight after sandigger sounds like a pain in the ass >_>
also: in my route, later on i dont go that way, meaning i would never take that elevator, i'd go straight to sanctuary.
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kirbymastah: 2013-12-13 03:50:37 pm
...Wait what? Then what do you after you beat dark samus 1 late if you don't take the elevator? there isn't any way out of the bottom floor <_<?
Also, starting from the top of the mini-elevator, by entering security station B to reload Main Reactor, the late DS1 route loses around 20 seconds. I timed this without boost ball, so it's probably more like 15ish.

Although you do save time with not having to use the spider track for the missile tank, since you come out of Security Station B, because you can just jump on the center pillar then screw attack into the alcove with the missile tank, so you save a few seconds from that.

Sandigger with Dark Samus 1 Late is faster than Sandigger with early Dark Samus 1, but not by much (at most, like 15-20 seconds faster). It's probably a lot more consistent and less RNG dependent too, since early Dark Samus with missiles is... annoying <_< So yeah, if you're doing sandigger for dark beam, then doing dark samus 1 late is easier and faster.
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
oh yeah right, completely forgot i have to reaload the room.