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Now go beat spidey's 100% WR with your RTA route, gogogo
53:24 / 1:14:16 (RTA route) Most of the run was really solid, only a couple of biggish mistakes kept it from being a 52. Baby steps, but getting there
I pick up new GBA some weeks ago. My old got broken so its main reason why im not are played that game for years.

I did any-% in 32:45. This is one sitting segmented run. I just die few times and need reset acid worm skip few times i also use savepoints im not was needed. Otheriwse just unoptimize playing and allow nearly every single possible mistakes. This time was surprisely good compared how rusty i am after those years breaks. Just only 2:50 minutes lost my all around best time.

I also dislike any-% category. 100% is my favorite category just much less RNG and more skills. I hate heavy RNG, especially Tourian is piece of shit any-% runs. But well my new GBA now i can play that game without worry about my gameboy advance got crash. My old GBA got crash nearly everytime. It was impossible make any serious progress. I need save game often and then those crash happens.

You guys are make really good progress. Im not mastered that game anymore, but i am still decent good player. Right now i think i can reach any-% 30-31 minutes range quite easily with few more practice and effort. Though im not have GBA player rightnow. So i can,t recorded. I think i have to also increase my skills up before i will make any serious recorded runs.
Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2014-01-15 10:21:50 am
MASTER-88: 2014-01-15 10:19:26 am

Another rusty run for fun. Some new route testing. I got ice beam later and some kraid lair items later. I used some savepoints here and there and avoid bigger errors. This still take me only few hours to make this run. Nothing very great run but decent with my skills right now. I probably never beat my anicent 56:38 run even with old routes used its really tight run. Though im not know is this new route any faster than old SDA route. Ice beam later save some time but its also cost some time here and there. Take two Kraid expansion later game is faster to get with better items, but its caused some backtrack later.

What ever that was pretty nice feeling got sub one hour run after very long break.
Any-% (27% items)
31:27 (segmented)

-Okay this run started are pretty good for me rightnow. Its take me quite bit resetings and Ridley take me several deaths with 1 energy tanks, i usually grap 2 energy tanks its make Ridley a lot easier.
-I still working that pretty lazy. Its mostly unoptimize i also got extra M-expansion in Ridley lair, because its make Tourian metroids refills little bit easier manipulated.
-Most bad intention was use savepoint before Robot Ridley. This savepoint cost at least 15 seconds or so. But i was really need practice that last part better. I was super rusty here.
-I lost 1:32 minutes my all around best run (done 2007 IIRC).
-At this point this run is quite good for me rightnow. I think could be really happy if i can go sub 32 minutes SS category somedays. My best SS time is 32:23. But like i say there is many things i dislike any-% category. Mostly Ridley and acidworm skip. Especially acid worm skip is nearly suicide SS runs.

Edit history:
samthedigital: 2014-01-22 12:56:02 pm
"Mostly Ridley and acidworm skip. Especially acid worm skip is nearly suicide SS runs."

I usually just hbj if I miss aws. It loses like 11-15 seconds, but it's better than trying aws again at least. Also, you should give brinstar super a shot. It's not too hard, and it makes Tourian a lot more bearable in any%.
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MASTER-88: 2014-01-22 01:18:38 pm
Lol i definitely can,t got that HBJ working even segmented run, its super hard for me.

So making AWS double bomb jump SS run is only possible choice and yeah this is also random. I could make this 20-25% of the time. I usually use savepoint in Kraid lair and reset as much i need reset that. But its frustrating in SS runs reset entire game when you mess up it once and yeah its take much time miss this trick. Its usually run instantly over when you miss it.

Taking SM in Brinstar caused some hard backtracking. I am pretty sure its slower in segmented runs (i think its take some 30 ingame seconds pick up bluebrinstar SM expansion). Probably its make Tourian Metroid much more consistent SS runs with 6 SM items.
Getting the brinstar super is faster in segmented runs because you don't have to go out of the way for missiles some missiles among other things (I've done some calculations on this). It's technically slower in single segment runs, but those extra supers do make it a lot more consistent.
It does NOT take 30 ingame seconds to grab Brinstar Super, more like 10. And 5 more realtime seconds because of doors.
If you think it takes 30 seconds for that brinstar super, maybe you don't know about this strat:

Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2014-01-22 02:21:44 pm
MASTER-88: 2014-01-22 02:19:48 pm
Quote from kirbymastah:
If you think it takes 30 seconds for that brinstar super, maybe you don't know about this strat:

Damn i am trying that couple times. Its doens,t seems i can,t even close it. Is anyone making this on console?

Yeah this stragy is so fucking cool. Its damn hard too. I think i have to practice it with that way. IIRC im not are see this SS runs.
Edit history:
samthedigital: 2014-01-22 02:32:25 pm
A few people are doing it in single segment runs now. I can do the 'harder' strategy pretty consistently. If you practice it a bit it's not so difficult to do. Here is spidey's single segment run where he does it:

Cool. I just practice that few minutes. I am very close make it right now. Thanks this video, im not even remember that trick before. I think its might still really pain SS runs and even segmented runs. I think its might be good idea use extra savepoint before that trick even segmented runs. Best save spot are right before Kraid. I will still need practice that trick a lot. I did something like 30-50 attempts and i was very close couple times but my speed didn´t still enought yet even im close.

Spidey is damn good player with GBA Metroids. IIRC Spidey did 0% SS run in Fusion so he have damn fast fingers speed.
Damn im really interested recorded some new runs with this game because many new things are founded since 2006-2007 and most my skills are increades back quite well. But this fucking Gamecube like give me continous errors/crashes. This Cube laser probably are way too old. SS runs seems definitely out my plans because those errors happen quite often at least once per half hour its pretty frustrating even segmented runs.

Let see can i make anything about this. I have to ask my brother. Probably i have to buy new gamecube if this all is laser fault. I can,t fix it.
Quote from kirbymastah:
If you think it takes 30 seconds for that brinstar super, maybe you don't know about this strat:

I finally succesfully managed this trick. Its take me few days and and some hundreds attempts. So used that in speedrun definitely requires use savepoint before that trick then i think its pretty pointless even used that. Did anyone know how much this trick actually save game time? Its seems you can only make barriers & motherbrain faster? Seems still pretty pointless use that on normal mode if you consistent is rare like me. Probably if my succesrate went up somewhere 10% of the time i could use that segmented run. Though its requires use at least one extra savepoint.
This is my recorded run its went much better than i thinking. I might aim try redo last segment and got 56 minutes. I did some errors but nothing very bad. Hell yeah this was really good run 11 segments used. I might try another 100% run later and i want beat my all around best run 56:38 or probably go for sub 56 minutes, but its will requires really hard job. I think if i can go for sub 56 minutes somedays i´ll really done that category.

Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2014-02-07 02:49:31 pm
MASTER-88: 2014-02-07 02:46:04 pm
100% Single segment

7 seconds faster than my all around fastest single segment time. That was pretty okay run expect really horrible Ridley lair part. i think i lost something like 1 minutes here. I think i´ll post video later. I did some most noob mistakes ever. Those all not cost much time but look just fucking noob.

I think good SS run i´ll aim 57.xx. I was very close reset my game in Ridley lair this time, i still think continued. I still got my all around best SS and new PB im happy rightnow. Thats still ironice WHY not 58?? WHY??

But yeah that was still pretty crap run. I think good SS with my stanard are 57.xx. I still wonder how much those savepoints cost time. I still wonder if i can go for 55 even multi segments and perfect optimizion. 56 seems just limit for me.
100% Single segment

57 seconds improvement over my previous PB. This run was actually quite good. Though there is at least two really time costing mistake. Missing ridley lair roulette room hard expansion and fucking last energy tank shinespark.  That not was easy beat my PB i spending  two days with this. Also two random error screens ruin two my SS attempts. Ridley lair probably take me most reset. There is several most difficult and dangerous tricks entire game.

At this point i am pretty happy with this. Its not easy make all fucking shine sparks and other tricks right without any dyings.
I did a 15% TAS, and I figured this would be a good place to mention it. Ever the console runner, I care mostly about the in-game time, which was 21:57. I don't actually know what the real time was, but I don't think I ever sacrificed real time for game time, so the real time is probably some 15 to 20 seconds slower than Dragonfangs' Kraid first TAS (since I did Kraid first for this run).

My extra six items were two missile expansions, three super expansions, and speed booster. I'd thought that this was probably ideal, but Dragonfangs seems to think that switching out one of the expansions for hi-jump would be better, and I'm inclined to trust his judgment over mine on TAS matters. Anyway, I'm slightly surprised at how close 15% can get to the times achievable in any%; if this run was up to tasvideos standards, it'd be even closer to the any% TASes than it already is. It makes me want to try an any% TAS with super refills from red rinkas and fewer expansions.

Anyhow, here's the run:

Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2014-02-20 05:29:10 am
100% hard segmented (14 segments)
I dislike run hardmode. But i really want got new PB. My previous pb was 1:02:16. I got pretty good improvement over it. This run was pretty pain only because somereason my game cart like crash a lot. I got at least 5-6 crashes a today only. Its frustrated and nerves me all time, this is pretty good reason why i mostly run segmented runs, those game crashes happen a lot. Im not still spend much time attempt that run. Its unoptimize but still decent one.

I was especially happy my Motherbrain fight. This take me nearly 2 hours practice make consistent SM double hits, i was close give up it. This was really hard boss trick.

Edit history:
ZX497: 2014-03-31 11:08:07 am
ZX497: 2014-03-31 11:07:29 am
ZX497: 2014-03-31 10:56:16 am
Segmented NBMB in 58:44.


Finally got Kraid skip done. The time is actually terrible, but it's a completed NBMB, so, I'm happy :P
K r a i D F o r C e
Metroid 2 Ho! (and Zm soon to come!)
Finished my first 100% run! Game time is 1:18:06.
tiny improvement in any% SS, 29:04. It's recorded but hopefully I'll beat it soon enough that it's not worth uploading!
Quote from Mobiusman:
tiny improvement in any% SS, 29:04. It's recorded but hopefully I'll beat it soon enough that it's not worth uploading!

another tiny improvement, 28:57. similar statement about beating it soon