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Dragonfangs: 2013-07-09 08:23:56 pm
Dragonfangs: 2013-07-09 08:23:00 pm
Quote from kirbymastah:
56:09 - Dragonfangs said the second block is shootable, so you don't have to bomb it. After shooting down when starting to fall, charge your beam and when you morph, you'll shoot the block. Or just shot diagonally.

Slight clarification, start charging after destroying the three blocks up top. The charge beam will take care of both blocks in the tunnel.

Also I tested these things:
Quote from Dragonfangs:
- 19:30: I haven't seen this strat for the room before, I'm not sure if it's faster or not. Multiple bomb jumps tell me no, but clearing all the blocks and an earlier shinespark back says maybe. I'll have to check it out.
- 25:45: I'm still not sure if this spark is worth it with late long, I need to seriously time it one of these days.

Spidey strat for early supers is faster and easier, cool stuff. Old strat might be faster if you didn't have to bomb the blocks, but not as it is. Though you should do a normal spark back instead of ballsparking. Ballsparks have a nasty added startup time even if it goes a few blocks farther.

With Late Long, the shinespark through the sidehopper corridor in Ridley is about half a second slower than just jumping through there. Since you have to bomb the blocks to get down to the missile. Running through also gives more chances of super drops.
Quote from Dragonfangs:
Spidey strat for early supers is faster and easier, cool stuff. Old strat might be faster if you didn't have to bomb the blocks, but not as it is. Though you should do a normal spark back instead of ballsparking. Ballsparks have a nasty added startup time even if it goes a few blocks farther.

Well, you don't have to bomb the blocks. Shoot the first one diagonally with a missile, and the other two with your beam while making small ledge hops while hanging on to the opening. It sounds like the strats are pretty close to each other, though.
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spidey-widey: 2013-07-10 05:17:44 am
Quote from Dragonfangs:
Congratulations on the run though. I have faith you can get sub-50 eventually ;).

Quote from Dragondarch:
If you try and submit anything that's not sub-50 to SDA, I'll insta-reject it grin new

The Dragons have spoken! I guess I'm going for sub 50 now.

Quote from Mobiusman:
This is not intended as a criticism of spidey, but it makes me a little sad that if/when RTA leaderboards go up on SRL, this time is going to look a little less impressive than it actually is because of pauses to check time and such. I don't know if it'd ever come to this, but it'd probably be possible to get a faster RTA run with a game time over 51:30, which would cause problems for SRL trying to define what the record is. Again, not blaming spidey, just blaming game mechanics in general :/

I might start pausing less frequently pretty soon; I was mostly doing it here to get some sense of what times I should expect in a segmented run. I'll definitely still pause buffer at several key parts, though.

Speaking of RTA, this run seems to be a 1:12:54 by SRL timing. Pausing to check my time cost maybe 15 seconds or so throughout the run? I don't think it's anything too major, although it does create the potential for awkward disagreements about what the record is.

Quote from kirbymastah:
There are two really risky minor time savers I use:

1. The walljump for the missile tank while leaving Ridley. I can do it around %40-50 of the time, but it's not easy at all, and you're probably better off just IBJing it.
2. Spaceboost at the very end. It saves a half second as opposed to ballsparking, and it's honestly not hard once you know where all the breakable speed boost blocks are. But of course... it's incredibly risky, and chances are, if you got a good run this far, you'd probably screw up from nerves (I would <_< )

Hmm, I'll try these, but they're probably too risky for my liking. I do really like ZX's jump ball suggestion for #1 though; I'm already decently good at that timing because I've often practiced it while waiting for Iron Ted to show up. The jump ball bomb jump could also be useful in the room after beating Ridley, and maybe at 19:35 too. (Also at 19:43, I suppose, but the timing of that first bomb is already tricky enough. >_>)

Quote from Dragonfangs:
- 24:30: I would still recommend at least bonking early here. I know the latest TAS WIP doesn't do it, but it only saved 1 frame and that was with optimized jumping.

Oh okay, I just watched your WIP and thought I'd do it too, haha. (Mimicking a TAS is always best, right?)

Quote from kirbymastah:
6:15 - Have you actually been able to make that first IBJ there? With that ripper placement, I personally would've waited until the bottom one moves out of the way, then IBJ straight up along the right wall, then diagonally left after passing the top ripper. My personal rule for this is, if the top ripper is touching the left wall, start IBJing diagonally left then straight up. If the top ripper is touching the right wall, then start IBJing straight up along the right wall then diagonally left. As long as I don't mess up my IBJ, it's very consistent.

I have been pretty consistent at that IBJ, even with that ripper placement (although it's always been by a very small margin). Your rule sounds a lot better, though. I hadn't thought to IBJ up and then left.

Quote from kirbymastah:
12:17 - Wouldn't it be a bit faster to unmorph just as you roll out of the alcove, instead of after falling?

I don't know. :/ Unmorphing after falling gives you a small jump extend to the right, but I don't know if that ends up being faster or slower.

Quote from kirbymastah:
1:05:14 - nooooo don't fire three missiles :( One missile + beam is enough

I find this funnier than I probably should. I used three missiles in my 100% hard run from three years ago, too. Shows just how much I know about this game, lol.

Quote from kirbymastah:
1:12:24 - Shoot diagonally down-right while speed boosting so you can kill the pirate maybe? I have had problems with it before, but if you don't, then whatever floats your boat.

That pirate hasn't given me trouble in the past. Are you shooting the robot to the right? Because I've still been shooting it to the left, although apparently I should consider switching.

Quote from Dragonfangs:
Slight clarification, start charging after destroying the three blocks up top. The charge beam will take care of both blocks in the tunnel.

Oh, so I should turn to the right during my fall and morph to shoot the charged beam to the right, taking out both blocks?

Quote from Dragonfangs:
Spidey strat for early supers is faster and easier, cool stuff. Old strat might be faster if you didn't have to bomb the blocks, but not as it is.

I don't suppose that was using a diagonal jump ball bomb jump to get to the super, was it? Because that might even make it possible to get to the super using two bombs and the power grip, though I haven't tried it yet.

Quote from kirbymastah:
By the way, if you do imago early, then wouldn't that make it viable to skip refilling before tourian? You don't use any supers after ridley, so you can get plenty of super drops from ridley, the crowded tunnel you speed boost through, and the owls later; you normally go for supers to fight imago, but since imago's already dead, you can maybe skip the refill to compensate for the time you lose on not using supers on cocoon? This might've already been discussed before :S

I'm sure you noticed this while watching my run, but skipping that Tourian recharge is quite viable even without early Imago; I've actually been doing it for a while now whenever I have at least 6 supers. I even got by once with 65/6 going into Tourian, although I was kind of pushing my luck there (I only had 6 missiles left when I killed the brain).

I've compiled a list of things I should test/practice. There sure are a lot of them, which is good because taking off another minute is going to be hard. Also, kirby, I haven't watched your save state run yet, but I'll do that soon; I'm sure I'll learn even more good stuff from that.
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ZX497: 2013-07-10 06:37:39 am
ZX497: 2013-07-10 05:45:10 am
ZX497: 2013-07-10 05:44:30 am
Quote from spidey-widey:
The jump ball bomb jump could also be useful in the room after beating Ridley

Yeah. If you do it right, you'll get just enough height to grab the ledge with just two bombs. It's a tight timing, though, but it's definitely plausible.

Quote from spidey-widey:
I don't suppose that was using a diagonal jump ball bomb jump to get to the super, was it? Because that might even make it possible to get to the super using two bombs and the power grip, though I haven't tried it yet.

Yeah, so, this trick is gonna be crazy. It's possible to get to the super using Jump Ball and two mid-air bombs, plus the Power Grip, but it's seriously difficult. Give it a shot and see what you can make out of it guess. Just like the Ridley one, the timing is very tight, and on top of that you have to do it diagonally, AND you have to unmorph with a very precise timing thanks to the roof.

EDIT: After messing around with the diagonal jump ball double bomb jump (rolls right off the tongue) for a bit, it's starting to seem dangerously close to being viable. You have to unmorph surprisingly late to catch the ledge. Also, video is up in the routing topic.
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Dragonfangs: 2013-07-10 12:19:37 pm
Dragonfangs: 2013-07-10 10:02:34 am
When I timed the new Early Super strat to be faster, I did a standard Diagonal Double Bomb Jump, so 5 bombs. Springballing it probably saves at least a second more.

EDIT: So I did a more robust timing and turns out I was just too sloppy, new strat isn't actually faster. However, it's only like 20 frames slower and seems a lot easier to me, so I would do it anyway.

This was with the Springball Bomb jump in the new route, one double bomb jump out of the lava (diagonal in the case of the old route) and ledge hopping to destroy the blocks in the old route.

Bottom Norfair still just gained a second of time. If Early Imago works out to be viable this might become a lot more standard than some of us might like.

EDIT 2: Nevermind what I just said, I didn't know you could get out of the lava with only 2 bombs like Zx showed in his video. This is really damn hard to do diagonally, which puts the strats pretty much equal to each other.
Quote from ZX497:
Yeah, so, this trick is gonna be crazy. It's possible to get to the super using Jump Ball and two mid-air bombs, plus the Power Grip, but it's seriously difficult. Give it a shot and see what you can make out of it guess. Just like the Ridley one, the timing is very tight, and on top of that you have to do it diagonally, AND you have to unmorph with a very precise timing thanks to the roof.

Wow, that is tight, definitely more than I expected. I was thinking the ball jump would move you farther horizontally than it actually does. Moving farther left on the platform before jumping might help; in your video, it looks to me like you were pretty close to the center of the platform.

If getting enough height with the jump ball in the room after Ridley is a problem, then it might be more viable to use two pairs of bombs and land on the ledge without gripping. It's slower but likely much easier. (I'm only guessing at this point since I still haven't gotten around to actually trying these crazy jump ball bomb jumps.)
Quote from spidey-widey:
Wow, that is tight, definitely more than I expected. I was thinking the ball jump would move you farther horizontally than it actually does. Moving farther left on the platform before jumping might help; in your video, it looks to me like you were pretty close to the center of the platform.

Yeah, in the video I was pretty much as far right as you can be and still make it up there. If you're far left on the platform, you can unmorph sooner (sort of as you're still gaining height), the timing is just a little bit... weird. There've been attempts where I've been unable to unmorph at all, and I think that has to do with being too close to the ceiling or something, I can't quite put a finger on it.

But yeah, this is definitely doable.
I could get it pretty consistently during save-state practice. The biggest issue for me is that the springball->Bomb timing is slightly different in the air and in lava, and you have to do them right after each other in this room, throws me off pretty easily.
Edit history:
ZX497: 2013-07-11 11:25:24 am
ZX497: 2013-07-11 11:25:11 am
ZX497: 2013-07-11 11:25:04 am
ZX497: 2013-07-11 11:25:04 am
29:37 any%. Not a good run. Very sloppy all around, attempted the early Supers and failed, had to farm for items for about 20 seconds before Mother Brain, and still managed to screw it up and had to farm for a few missiles during the fight. From stealth on out, pretty good, and Mecha gave me the God pattern and allowed me to just decimate him without doing anything.
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kirbymastah: 2013-07-11 11:31:10 am
phew, i'm still ahead of you. And just after I said i'm basically retired from any% attempts :(

gratz on the PB regardless though
any%, 29:20. This was the run for me, with one major exception: goddamn Tourian. I entered with 55/6, and in the last Metroid room I had 40+/2, and full health... yet, I still had to waste a ridiculous amount of time to get that one Super drop I needed for Mother Brain! After the first escape I knew I was doing pretty good, so I actually picked up the extra Super Missile tank, which in the end I didn't need since I didn't tink any shots on Mecha. But I guess it did move the last workbot out of the way a little quicker, so all in all I only lost like 2 seconds due to this safety measure.

Anyhow, pretty happy with this one! I just needed a little bit more luck for that sub 29 :P
53:22 100% ss.
Nice! Was the run any good this time? :P
sam officially has 2nd best 100% record :P
Quote from ZX497:
Nice! Was the run any good this time? :P

I didn't like the run >_>;;.
Spidey run was absloutely mad. This route was something like really news for me. How anyone can make this FUCKING HARD HORRIZONTAL BOMB JUMP SS RUNS??? Iirc i practice that 3 weeks and i was happy i managed it even once my life.  Its never happen again after this. So its absolutely impossible for me even segmented runs. But you guys i did it SS runs is something like really mad.

I totally loved this run. Its nearly mistake free. LOL tourian escape went a lot faster than Kirby savestate run. I think this run is finally SDA worthy. Im not think sub 50 is humanly possible console condition. Yeah Kirby did 49:59 his totally perfect savestate run. Im not believe anyone can make it on console because his run look like super good.
There are improvements in my save-state run, though you do have to take into account, I got godly unmatched luck in tourian (I didn't luck manipulate it). Also, as awesome as spidey's run is, I can see why he's not pleased with it. There are definitely some ugly mistakes, though there isn't anything significantly huge. It will be tough improving it.
Sub 50 is a fairly ridiculous goal, to be sure; upon completing this run, I had a hard time imagining an unassisted run below about 50:30. But if I'm that close, then I need to at least try for 49:xx, right?

Mistakes were scarce in the 50:58, but some of the mistakes I did make were particularly bad. Off the top of my head, the big stuff cost me some 25+ seconds. I can probably gain another ~20 seconds by implementing the tricks that others have suggested after watching my run. I'll almost certainly get back another ~3 seconds for free, too, since I doubt that stupid robot will deflect my super missile again.

At this point, we're looking at something like 50:10 without even cutting out small mistakes or praying to the RNG gods. (The enemy spawning at 20:31 and my refill luck before the hives were both bad, and Tourian could be a lot better too.) This is a very optimistic estimate, I grant you; I seem to be counting on producing a run that's flawless, save for a few minor mistakes. However, for what it's worth, I've only ever underestimated the amount of possible improvement in my runs. I don't expect this one to be an exception.

I'm glad you liked the run, Master. It's probably the first 100% SS run that I was really proud of. :)
I just got a 29:26. This run was REALLY good by my standards, except I failed AWS once. It would've been sub-29 if I didn't screw that up.
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samthedigital: 2013-07-16 09:37:33 am
samthedigital: 2013-07-16 09:16:42 am
I did some tests for Ridley in any%. This might not be very useful, but whatever:

Getting the energy tank before Ridley is 5 seconds worse than the optimal way of beating Ridley.
Not getting the energy tank and not shooting missiles while damage boosting through Ridley is 5 seconds worse than the optimal way of beating Ridley.
Not grabbing the energy tank and damage boosting through Ridley and then stepping back after a bit is 2-3 seconds slower than the optimal way of beating Ridley.
Not getting the energy tank and then damage boosting through Ridley and then killing him after he rises is the fastest strategy in any%.

I tried getting the energy tank and then having Ridley not rise at all, but it's really almost impossible to actually do =(. Anyway, the fastest strategy really isn't feasible in a single segment run, so I would suggest getting the energy tank and skipping the one after fighting Ridley. It should be faster than what I was doing before anyway, and it's not very risky at all.
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Dragonfangs: 2013-07-16 11:04:16 am
It is feasible. I rarely take 2 tanks of damage against Ridley. You just have to make sure to take your first hit from a flame. I grab both energy tanks anyway because I'm a coward, for Tourian mostly. Having full health also helps for ammo drops on the way to kraid, which might be important if Ridley doesn't give you anything.
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samthedigital: 2013-07-16 12:50:18 pm
I find it risky because you could get damaged after the damage boosting anyway, and one mistake and it's a run over.
Man's reach should exceed his grasp
56:18 100% SS http://imgur.com/5SmUaJG

My next goal is to beat the SDA record!
Edit history:
samthedigital: 2013-07-18 10:04:52 am
samthedigital: 2013-07-18 10:04:29 am
I'm not sure if this trick is useful or anything for normal (it is for hard), but I found a way of keeping stealth and skipping the save room. Maybe there's a faster way to do this though:

edit: (this has nothing to do with the video >_>)

27:46 any% ss

I saved at Norfair because the first part was good enough for a sub 27 run, but I continued to see if I might get lucky ss. Tourian was a little painful but the rest was really good.

53:51 in-game, with the AWS route. the splits are PB splits with no AWS, late brinstar cleanup, early long beam, and upper norfair cleanup, so yeah they're kinda screwed up.

The beginning was surprisingly good. I butchered imago cocoon, acid worm somehow, and didn't have enough supers for iron ted <_< SO BAD UGH.