Yeah, it's very annoying. It does have a certain timing, but in order to explain it, I need to play it and I can't right now. I'll explain later though. =P
I haven't done much in the way of 100% the past few days; I'll get back to that soon. However, I did use my 14:33 Tourian save to finish a 26:43 any% run, which I've uploaded to youtube. I've estimated the amount of potential improvement in each segment, and interestingly enough, my estimates suggest that sub 26 might be doable.
Watching your run makes me sad for some reason. Maybe it's because I feel I should be able to get at least somewhat closer to your time? Like you said, your final segment definitely had about 20 seconds of errors. My old Tourian time was 16:54 which is about 1:11 slower than yours. Assuming I would play the same, I should've gotten 27:54, but instead, I have 28:47. I guess there's work to be done. >_<
Well, I do know I should probably aim for sub 27 now and not that lousy sub 28. =P
Congrats Spidey your run. This look you are overlord with this game. Thats always awesome see how you can lower and lower your already awesome times.
I think i want comment that your run little bit. Im not really find much complains.
-Imago cocoon. Its look somewhat unomptimize. I think its not big deal make reset because its very first part your segment. -Awesome rng with metroids. -MB and refill luck seems somewhat unoptimize but still good. -LOL Tourian escape. you did 2 single error and you still got 1:32 timeremain. Thats simply awesome. I personally need mistake free escape and its still never better than 1.30. -RNG with chozo boss was simply awesome. But damn this miss shot. But you really got fast diagrams IMO. -Very good last escape and very good run at end.
I think two you errors. imago cocoon & chozo boss was biggest one. I really wonder if you can make this more and more faster. But its might be just really hard. BTW Congrats first sub 27 run and good luck runs in future.
Thomaz: I know how you feel, at least a little bit. This run felt messier than I remember my old 27:40 being, so I find it difficult to account for that full minute of difference. (Incidentally, I think it's mostly a result of new tricks rather than cutting out mistakes, but even then the difference is huge.)
I did happen to watch the last segments of the 26:43 and the 27:40 side by side, so I have some idea of where you might be losing time. As Master pointed out, my luck at the Chozo was pretty good; your luck at this fight can make a big difference, certainly more than I'd previously thought. Your luck at Mecha Ridley can also make a big difference, and I got a very quick claw swipe in the 26:43. The last big thing that comes to mind is making effective use of the charge beam. I actually messed up a few of my charge beam strats in this run (and I don't even know if you grab charge beam in any%), but I find that the charge is really quite helpful for quickly eliminating pirates that are in your way.
Also, thanks for sharing your strategy for the sidehoppers before the first super missile tank. It's fast, reliable, and requires fewer missiles than what I've been doing.
Quote from MASTER-88:
-Imago cocoon. Its look somewhat unomptimize. I think its not big deal make reset because its very first part your segment.
I know that it's possible to finish the fight faster by shooting three missiles at once instead of two, but do you know of anything else I should be doing differently? I wasn't really sure how an optimal fight would look.
Quote from MASTER-88:
-LOL Tourian escape. you did 2 single error and you still got 1:32 timeremain. Thats simply awesome. I personally need mistake free escape and its still never better than 1.30.
Yeah, I was surprised; I guess those mistakes were both really minor, since they only cost me about a second in total. My best time entering the last room of that escape was 1:35.51, which means that my best Tourian escape was probably 1:33.3x. I think 1:33.0x is pretty typical for me when I don't make mistakes.
Quote from MASTER-88:
I really wonder if you can make this more and more faster. But its might be just really hard. BTW Congrats first sub 27 run and good luck runs in future.
It can definitely be done faster; I actually estimate that a high 25:xx should be possible, but it will require an extreme level of optimization as well as incredible luck in every segment. Thanks for your congratulations, I am happy to have finally gone sub 27.
Also, I did a 51:36 100% SS a couple days ago, but I still want to do better. In particular, I fell in Ridley again, just like I did in the 52:28. I might just aim for sub 51, haha...
54:50. 9 seconds from mobius and thomaz. I'm coming for you.
Kraid was very bad. I missed the vertical norfair shinespark TWICE. Messy chozodia after charlie. Missed a ridley shinespark. I can easily get below 54 <_<
Improvements: -Fell down pre-kraid room, but recovered quickly -Bad acid worm -Fell down ridley pillar room... this seems to be an ongoing trend <_< -Sloppy mother brain room -Missed crateria to chozodia space boost... a bit expensive <_< -Tons of very tiny mistakes on last visit to chozodia
Really though, all the mistakes above add up to maybe at least 40 seconds total. I'm really happy with this run, but I'm not finished with ZM 100% attempts until I beat ZX's time :P
I was expecting some discrepancy because I did early kraid cleanup on this run. That's like a 10 second difference I think, not sure where the rest came from
I am terrible at ZM any%. 30:45. I can definitely get sub-30 <_<
This run was soooo goooood... until i missed the escape spark. AGAIN.
- Solid hive room after dfangs told me how to do it - AWS first try - Amazing cocoon fight - Didn't get pwned by Ridley sidehoppers - Perfect stealth - Very very good tourian (but bad mother brain)
Also I didn't get the brinstar super missile tank. IDK how to do the shine trick for that.
How the hell do you guys deal with that pirate while shinecharging for the ballspark escape without wave beam <_< blargh O48$T$TF(54w5y6byr6y6Wb45un6in46U$S^nu54m*u5m could've been sub-30 if it weren't for that, especially since i was out of missiles at the workbot T_____T
I really don't wanna do any% anymore. The entire run was so good until the endspark, and it's stupid to do attempt that simply come down to whether i get the end trick or not, and i have to make sure everything went really well too <_< missing the endspark reeeeeally killed my motivation to do more attempts...
31:48 any% SS, lol. obviously pretty bad, I would like to work on this category a bit. I find the segment from suit back to mecha ridley terrifying with 3 etanks and no screw attack, but I guess I just need to learn the right room strats to not get hit.
There are a few rooms that can be pretty bad in any% SS, but it's like you said, if you know what to do, it's not a problem anymore. Honestly, the only thing I have trouble with there, is doing the Black pirates the way spidey does (although I'm not sure he does it the same in SS and segmented...).