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Thomaz: 2013-04-15 05:28:27 pm
Thomaz: 2013-04-15 05:24:28 pm
Man, I really need to step up my game!

And I did, I was doing pretty well (not the best I can, but still good nonetheless)). I was about 10 seconds ahead of my best time at the save before the slugs, but then Imago and Ridley happened.

;_; I even nailed all the hard tricks, but failed the reasonable easy ones (though I guess the wtf speedboost MT in Right Ridley is considered hard; I failed it twice in a row...).

I continued anyway and had a stupid MB fight and thus figured I shouldn't heal. I died in Suitless because after the middle save, I hit a laser somewhere and didn't want to wait and some dumb pirate jumped into me (never happened to me there, even if I got into the laser on accident). It wouldn't have been good anyway, I guess around low 56:xx or something. =/

Edit: I did get a new segment done for my quick run. 15:13 at save before Screw Attack. Could be about 6-7 seconds faster but I couldn't be bothered anymore.

Also, Ice Beamless sucks. Imago is even more annoying than usual. <_<
I never had any problems with ice beamless haha, imago isn't too bad to deal with for me usually. For me personally, the most annoying part about not having ice beam is the room before the second super missile tank, in norfair, with the purple flame dude you have to shoot out while charging a speed boost.
Maybe I'm just not fast enough or something but I can never get two Supers on Imago's left side before I get knocked away. =(

And yeah, that part is pretty bullshit. I just jump and missile now.
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Mobiusman: 2013-04-17 08:07:18 pm
I just executed a HBJ on console for the first time. I'm not saying I'm going to be incorporating it into a run anytime soon, but I guess I never really believed it was possible until now, haha.

edit: you know, this is not as bad as I used to think (I was using completely the wrong method before). It's gonna take a lot more practice before I can do it first try for actual runs, but this grinding session is going well at least
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ZX497: 2013-04-17 07:18:03 pm
Haha, gratz. I was grinding it out yesterday, and there was like a 2 minute period when I could make most of my HBJ attempts almost all the way, with a couple of them being successful too. But then the magic wore off and now I can't do it again :P

It comes and goes. I guess it'd help if you'd have a very good sense of rhythm.
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ZX497: 2013-04-17 08:51:24 pm
ZX497: 2013-04-17 08:32:30 pm
Just got a 55:02 :)

Top-route clean-up, late Kraid items. The biggest mistake I can even think of, was missing the Space Boost during Kraid clean-up, and having to charge an extra shinespark to break all the barriers there. Otherwise this was just incredible, I dunno how I can beat this now O_o

Oh yeah, 29:11 after first escape.
that's awesome, zx. I'm still shooting for that 54, but it may take me a long time to get there...
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kirbymastah: 2013-04-18 11:48:34 am
kirbymastah: 2013-04-18 11:47:59 am

Obviously not a save-state run; I got a 1-minute improvement over the save-state run before the changes in the cleanup route in norfair. Geez.

IMO Sub-52 will be possible, but REALLY FREAKING HARD and you will need good luck too (tourian <_<)
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MASTER-88: 2013-04-18 11:50:50 am
Awesome Kirby. Even with savestate thats so quick.

Year 2007 when i running this game. I timed lowest possible time with human skills are 54:40. How wrong i was?
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kirbymastah: 2013-04-18 12:05:36 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-04-18 12:05:07 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-04-18 11:54:06 am
I forgot to note, the route changes I used are:

Brinstar Cleanup - ZX's
Ice Beam after Ridley
Upper Norfair Cleanup
Delay kraid missile tanks until cleanup

I did use a refill in norfair before Ridley; a WR attempt would probably go for no refills at all.

inb4 spidey gets sub-52

I'll go ahead and upload my save-state run probably by later today. I'll post again once it's on my youtube channel.
so I attempted a segmented run with the AWS route and, long story short, it was a disaster. I definitely believe the route has potential to get a good segmented time with a lot of effort, and I also firmly believe it should never be touched for single-segment runs ever.

some notes:
  • assuming you don't refill at space jump, you have only just enough missiles for kraid. so having a good fight is essential.
  • escaping kraid's lair without power grip or high jump is pretty hard :/
  • skipping all the refills in norfair requires some really good drop luck - you want to have enough supers for a quick cocoon, enough health to not die doing the lava bomb jump, and even enough regular missiles to get through the tentacle corridors without slowing down. having the extra super for tourian is nice though.
  • cleaning up kraid is so wacky with this route, I had a lot of fun doing the acid worm area with all the powerups.
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kirbymastah: 2013-04-18 03:39:52 pm
Quote from Mobiusman:
I also firmly believe it should never be touched for single-segment runs ever.

unless you're jaggerg

also, you don't normally have power grip nor high jump for 100% when leaving kraid, so how is that relevant...? I'm probably misunderstanding something
Quote from kirbymastah:
IMO Sub-52 will be possible, but REALLY FREAKING HARD and you will need good luck too (tourian <_<)

For SS, you mean? 51:xx SS would probably be tough, but I expect that it's feasible. At this point, I also think it'd be feasible to get 50:xx in a segmented run. That may sound crazy, but that 52:38 had a lot of room for improvement, even before factoring in potential route changes (like the AWS route).

Speaking of which, I'd like to do a quick and dirty segmented run with the AWS route and delayed long beam, but I need to read through the routing thread because I don't know what the route is anymore. XD
Quote from kirbymastah:
also, you don't normally have power grip nor high jump for 100% when leaving kraid, so how is that relevant...? I'm probably misunderstanding something

I mean the shinespark through the corridor with all the flies. in 100% you just use the zipline.
Well, in the usual any% route, you use the shinespark to skip the zipline, and by that point, you have both :P

So it is indeed a little weird to do it without them, especially Hi-Jump. Without Hi-Jump, you have to wall-jump off a door at a fairly specific spot to make it up there, and you really gotta stick the landing of the shinespark too so you don't fall back in the sand pit.

- Dragondarch's Brinstar item route (early Varia E-tank and missile).
- Skip getting the E-tank at the ceiling before Kraid (useful for a refill later, potential chance to skip refill stations).
- Delayed Kraid items (naturally, goes with the AWS route). This includes the one E-tank you normally get before leaving Kraid.
- Early Norfair Super (I guess getting it late works too, but in that case, you absolutely _must_ refill somewhere in Norfair. I guess you could make a judgement call when you reach the Screw Attack room)
- On Kraid clean-up, just remember to start by first doing the Acid Worm section, and then picking up the zipline E-tank right under that door.

And, that's it :P
also, don't enter the long hot room in norfair with the two missile tanks until cleanup, unless you want to refill at screw attack and then do a more traditional norfair route
Yeah, if you're getting the early super, you really want to skip that hot room. Even if you have enough health for that room, it's best to skip it, since when you're doing Norfair clean-up it's faster at that point to take the bottom path.
Honestly, the non-zipline spark is pretty easy to do. I've done a couple of 15% runs back in the day and had no real problems with that.
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kirbymastah: 2013-04-18 06:49:19 pm

Mostly meant for single-segment
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ZX497: 2013-04-18 10:05:53 pm
Hell yeah, guys, 54:41! The crazy thing is, I made a bunch of super obvious mistakes on this run too.

I was 10 seconds behind on Kraid, lost several seconds on Imago Cocoon by getting knocked into water two times, missed the Speed Boost jump missile room in Ridley once, had an absolutely atrocious Guardian fight with at least 3 missed shots (he gave me pretty fast first three, and then a terrible pattern for the fourth), almost killed the entire run by blowing a Power Bomb after I had already used the "freebie" (luckily, some run saving enemy had dropped me another), and I completely missed breaking the block for the final shinespark... at least I managed to get the perfect spot on the next attempt. Also, Kirby's strat of freezing a turtle and standing on it for the late Kraid items cost me 2 seconds, cause the stupid zipline wouldn't want to grab me off of the damn thing! lol.

Rest of the run was pretty damn good, outside of missing some of the speed tricks, like the Crateria Speed Boost and the shinespark across the pillar room in Norfair.

28:58 after first escape, first time I've ever cracked 29. Pretty happy about this run, most definitely the last full minute I crack :)
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kirbymastah: 2013-04-18 10:32:57 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-04-18 10:31:50 pm
Yeah i'm realizing that for some reason, the zipline sometimes doesn't like to grab you if you spring ball from the frozen ripper. Dragonfangs, can you look into this?

Also, nice job breaking the 55 (and screw you for making my goal harder)

Wait, that means you have the second best 100% time officially. Nice!
lol I dunno, just stop doing it, it looks dumb and it doesn't always work.
Well, I didn't plan for it, lol. It's just that when I got to the end of the Space Boost, I noticed the turtle was frozen right there, so I figured, hey, I saw Kirby do this :P
I just got a 58:42 100%! Woo sub hour club. I kind of mixed myself up with all these new routes and used up all my supers on Cocoon, but I managed to get a super drop from the bugs in the room to the right in only two waves so it wasn't too bad.

Late Long Beam, Early Brinstar Cleanup, Late Ice, Late Kraid cleanup, Top Norfair Cleanup.