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How much of a difference do your preliminary tests show? There are a couple of things you might have missed, for example, not having to charge a shinespark after the two worm enemies to break the blocks to enter Ridley. You're also best off grabbing the missile tank there when heading down.
My preliminary test was just running from the exit of the Ice Beam area to Hi-Jump through the Ridley First Shaft and not. Like I said, very rough. It was a ~5 second difference in favor of the normal route. But you're right, I might have overlooked some things. I feel I'm going to do some more thorough testing in the coming days, stay tuned.
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kirbymastah: 2013-04-10 12:38:36 pm
IIRC the idea behind mobiusman's route #2 is that after getting ice beam, you use the any% shortcut to go all the way to the bottom of norfair, so you don't have to bother with using a speedboost to go down an extra level. You can very easily climb up to the hi-jump room from the bottom, very quickly (and it gets rid of a block that is annoying to speed boost through after the worm mini-boss, which is nice haha)
Got a new PB with Late Ice early Super, 56:10. So close to that 55! :P
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ZX497: 2013-04-11 09:59:32 am
New PB, 55:42! The only major mistakes I made were missed shinespark charges, and there were a bunch of those (at least 4), and they cost me over 30 seconds in total. Kraid was a little bit sloppy too, but all in all I'm very satisfied with this run :)

Oh yeah, and I did screw up by planting a Power Bomb slightly too low when going for the out-of-the-way PB tank in Chozodia. Luckily, though, that was for that one part just before the recharge room, so I could recharge my PBs for a relatively minor time loss, so it didn't kill the run like a missed PB usually does! :P
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spidey-widey: 2013-04-12 08:15:50 pm
I just did a segmented 100% run using the new route. I was already pretty sure that 51:xx was possible, but my time was 52:38 and it was really sloppy. I'm thinking a segmented 100% run could at least hit 51:30.

I grabbed the varia energy tank immediately after getting bombs, and I used the delayed ice beam route that Dragonfangs deemed to be fastest. My segment save times were as follows:

3:46    Before varia
9:31    Before Kraid
15:11    Before screw attack
21:10    Before Ridley
27:50    Before Mother Brain
38:16    Mother ship after getting power bombs
52:38    Final time

Hooray for the new route!
that's terrifying, spidey. but congrats :)
Damn, I don't know how you do it... But it's glorious anyway! Gratz Spidey!

We're still struggling to crack 55 and you're already gunning for sub 52.
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spidey-widey: 2013-04-14 12:21:20 am
spidey-widey: 2013-04-14 12:20:37 am
Here's the run on youtube.

Segment 1:

Segment 2:

Segment 3:

Segments 4, 5, and 6:

Segment 7:
New 100% PB - 56:53

Huge mistakes:
1. holy crap i forgot how to shove the norfair worm backwards lmao
2. One super drop in tourian -_- horrible mother brain -_-
3. Missed the endgame ballspark for the first time <_<

Otherwise a really really good run
that's a huge improvement, grats kirby!

I haven't watched the whole thing, but I noticed in spidey's run that skipping ice beam with the old brinstar route makes it possible (difficult for a SS, but still possible) to not take any refills in norfair. Does that swing the pendulum back towards the old route?
Hm I'm surprised that I'm the only one who shoots two missiles per jump against kraid, rather than short-hopping one missile at a time. I'm pretty sure my strat, if pulled off correctly, is consistently faster; with a good fight, I almost always finish off Kraid in 2 rounds, or at the start of his 3rd opening.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's faster if done optimally, maybe even by as much as 5 seconds. It's just harder :/
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Thomaz: 2013-04-14 09:15:44 am
Thomaz: 2013-04-14 09:15:15 am
Thomaz: 2013-04-14 09:14:53 am
I like to think it depends, if you jump just high enough to fire one, it should be about equal. But they are both annoying regardless. <_<

Anyway, still working on the quick run, but seeing that spidey did a run, I'll try to tie his times. =P

3:44 : VSE
6:36 : AW
9:32 : Kraid

So far. And yes, AW is me being lazy. It's a quick and dirty run anyway. <_<
I think that ajbolt also used to use double missiles vs. Kraid. It could be faster, but if it is it's only by a second or two, and I personally haven't found it to be faster in any way shape or form.
Quote from Mobiusman:
that's a huge improvement, grats kirby!

I haven't watched the whole thing, but I noticed in spidey's run that skipping ice beam with the old brinstar route makes it possible (difficult for a SS, but still possible) to not take any refills in norfair. Does that swing the pendulum back towards the old route?

I was thinking this same thing. I'll probably try it out sometime soonish and see how it feels.
Double missile Kraid fights look a little faster to me. Thus far, though, I've been too lazy to really try it, much less time it.

Quote from Mobiusman:
I haven't watched the whole thing, but I noticed in spidey's run that skipping ice beam with the old brinstar route makes it possible (difficult for a SS, but still possible) to not take any refills in norfair. Does that swing the pendulum back towards the old route?

Likely, yeah. I took one avoidable hit from an enemy before the screw attack, which cost 30 health. Other than that, I played that section of the run quite well, taking minimal damage, and got to the worms with 50 health (which means I would've had 80 if I hadn't taken the unnecessary hit). To survive without recharging in the ZX route, I think you'd need to rely a lot on luck and waste some time grabbing health refills from enemies.
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Thomaz: 2013-04-14 11:12:07 am
So, is this route really that different from normal? I can imagine not healing up to be faster obviously. Those purple rippers are almost impossible to dodge lol.

And ugh, I'm not sure why, but I keep failing at this segment (Kraid - before Screw). I would have had a 15:14  if I saved once, but something went wrong and I walked past the save on accident. :X (plus I'm only using one save for this run)

And getting the boost for the second Super Missile is bullshit without Ice Beam. I have to switch hands to be able to shoot faster (I'm a lefty) but that's not even enough so I have to take a few seconds by standing still and shooting the platform before running and shooting the purple dude. -_-
Quote from Thomaz:
And getting the boost for the second Super Missile is bullshit without Ice Beam. I have to switch hands to be able to shoot faster (I'm a lefty) but that's not even enough so I have to take a few seconds by standing still and shooting the platform before running and shooting the purple dude. -_-

the most consistent method I've found for this room is just to do a short hop and fire a missile as soon as you enter. I saw kirby successfully kill that guy by just running in and firing left but I haven't been able to do that consistently.
Yeah, that works too, I guess. It's exactly like you said, I was unable to find a consistent way to get him. You can fire a missile diagonally up or down depending on where he is, but it's so close that it's pretty easy to miss.
Hm maybe it's because I mash pretty fast, or I get lucky? I've only been stopped by that purple guy before the second super missile once out of around 10 times...

Also, I've been too lazy to make videos, but after the two speed boost puzzle rooms in eastern Ridley, doing a normal shinespark left is about a half second faster than waiting for the room to scroll so you can open the door and ballspark. When you leave the wtf missile tank room, shine charge as you destroy the two columns of speed boost blocks, run left and power grip, then jump on the platform by the door, shoot it, and shinespark. It's 100% consistent and as long as you're not waiting around more than a second, the red sphere won't hit you while you power grip.
Heh, that used to be my old strat for that spark, but I switched to ballspark cause I figured it'd be faster :/
The method kirby describes is the method I've always used. It's the easiest to do and it's completely risk free.

Got it in the 9-person 100% race, also with 2nd place.

Major mistakes:
1. Falling down vertical shaft in ridley for the first time ever <_<
2. Crap cocoon
3. Overall many small mistakes in the first half

Cut the dragondarch by ONE SECOND.

Next up, beat zx's time