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kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 11:14:26 am
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 11:12:22 am
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 11:05:57 am
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 11:05:57 am
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 11:04:01 am
Hm well leaving screw attack for later wouldn't save significant time at least, since you pass by that path with screw attack anyways. Having screw attack earlier is incredibly helpful (especially in ridley), and getting it during cleanup probably wouldn't save much time IMO.

Also, ZX, if you get an extra super missile tank in norfair before ridley, that means you have 6 supers for imago coccoon, which makes skipping ice beam a lot easier at least for that boss! (You can use 4 supers on the inner two pairs of vines)
Yeah, but if I'd get it later, I wouldn't even visit that area earlier. I'd just basically any% as much as possible before clean-up, and then just swoop through the 100% route during clean-up.
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kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 11:16:30 am
Well you may want to get hi-jump at least, or else you can't ballspark, and thus you can't get the super missile tank in brinstar until cleanup. Probably not a good idea since it is a lengthy detour to go to that super missile tank during cleanup :P
Quote from ZX497:
Leaving Ice Beam for later, and also grabbing that one extra Super Missile tank in Norfair, which is normally gotten during clean-up (having extra supers saves time on Imago Cocoon in particular, plus you can get a small time saving Space Boost through the triple side-hopper room during clean-up).

One the one hand, I've been wanting to get that super tank early for ages, but on the other hand, the new cleanup route goes right by it - it's no longer a detour. This definitely warrants testing.
Quote from ZX497:
Taking the any% route from Ice (Ridley shortcut), and leaving the hot room Super Missile for clean-up. Sort of a weird route, cause you gotta climb the Norfair shaft up almost all the way.

Would you go all the way back up to hijump from the bottom of norfair? That sounds slow, but by all means test it.
Quote from ZX497:
I'm even teasing the idea of leaving almost all of Norfair for clean-up, including Wave Beam and Screw Attack.

Unless I'm misunderstanding, this won't work, since you need wave beam to get the stupid space boost tank in ridley's lair (Dragonfangs has been trying to do this for weeks, lol)
Oh, yeah, you're right. That Ridley missile tank would definitely be the end of skipping Wave for later, haha.

And yeah, I meant going from the bottom of Norfair Shaft all the way to Hi-Jump. There's two missile tanks there along the way, so it's not as big of a trip as it seems like, though.
So I guess we really can't change the first norfair (pre-ridley) route much because of wave beam :(
Unless someone finds a way to save a whole bunch of time by adding a Ridley clean-up session, haha.
On reflection, I think there are two attractive routes for norfair (neither of these has an extra super tank for cocoon, but I think that's fine - you can use three supers on her if you make sure you get a drop in ridley's lair).

First, a more traditional route, but incorporating ice beam skip:

Second, a more radical route using the stuff ZX suggested:

The first route still looks better to me, but that might just be because it's easier to execute. Thoughts?
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kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 12:34:29 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 12:34:09 pm
Well for route #2, leaving expansions #15 and #16 for cleanup could lead to some fun stuff because MAYBE you can do a space boost immediately after shooting a diagonal super missile at the green door (can you do that?). YAY SPACEBOOSTS

I think I like route #2 a lot actually, because with the new route, you're passing by the hall with expansions 15 & 16 during cleanup anyways. It'll probably have to be tested more seriously, but yeah.
So, I just tested it out, and like Kirby suggested, it IS possible to diagonally shoot that door and Space Boost through the entire room.
Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 03:23:57 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 03:21:48 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 03:12:09 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 03:10:46 pm
I'm going to practice a few tiny things, then do a full run (and hopefully not reset <_< )

The main thing is to test out the space boost I mentioned above, and see how viable it is. On the way OUT of the super missile tank room, you should be able to theoretically space boost VERY EASILY.

I'm recording videos right now for a new strats, I'll post again soon.
For route #2, I worry about the following missile tank; I don't see how you're supposed to get it without the wave beam. I can't imagine route #2 would be faster if it required returning to Ridley during the cleanup.

I can already tell you to not bother. There's no way going back to Ridley would be faster. I'm fairly sure of that.

I think I'll play through those routes a bit and see how things go. Should be fun. =)
Quote from kirbymastah:
I'm going to practice a few tiny things, then do a full run (and hopefully not reset <_< )

The main thing is to test out the space boost I mentioned above, and see how viable it is. On the way OUT of the super missile tank room, you should be able to theoretically space boost VERY EASILY.

I'm recording videos right now for a new strats, I'll post again soon.

You can't Space Boost on the way out. The reason for this is, you actually need to grab that one Missile Tank, and sadly enough, Space Boost doesn't break the block which hides the missile. So, you need to do the regular shoot -> shinespark for the return.

As for the viability of that Space Boost upon entry, it's very viable, lots of leeway.
Also, I might be mistaken, but I think the speed boost isn't that much faster? I mean, you don't have the bonk, but what else?
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spidey-widey: 2013-04-09 03:36:17 pm
I think you could still spaceboost on the way out by having your beam charged and pushing the R button to release the shot while spaceboosting, but it's still not a very useful trick if that route requires going back to Ridley during cleanup.
You can't press R to shoot your beam while charging it in ZM, unfortunately :(

Also, in general, space boosting is faster than speed boost if you can, since you don't have the start-up nor the bonking animation (around 2 seconds faster). Plus, space boosting looks mad sexy.
Spidey, route #2 doesn't require you to go back to Ridley, and Wave Beam is not skipped for later. I was just talking about hypothetical routes when I mentioned it.
Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 03:39:49 pm
@ZX, I didn't test it, but wouldn't screw attack destroy the block that hides the missile tank?
Nope, nothing but a shot blows it up :/
Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 03:48:16 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 03:42:49 pm
kirbymastah: 2013-04-09 03:42:04 pm
dangit :( and i JUST finished a video haha. I'll have to annotate it...

Anyways I'm going to make a new thread about the new 100% routes. I'm not sure but would any mods mind moving all of these posts to the thread I'm about to make?

EDIT: this thread here https://m2k2.taigaforum.com/post/new_100_route.html

Yeah, it does look promising. Can't wait to try it out. But blegh, studying right now. >_<
Quote from ZX497:
Spidey, route #2 doesn't require you to go back to Ridley, and Wave Beam is not skipped for later. I was just talking about hypothetical routes when I mentioned it.

Oh, I thought you were going to Ridley after dropping down the long shaft and then grabbing items 6+ after returning from Ridley. Please pardon my error. That being the case, I can think of no obvious problems with that route, so I leave it to you guys to test it.

You can't press R to shoot your beam while charging it in ZM, unfortunately :(

Really? That's a shame. :(
Did some (really) rough testing, and route #2 does not seem even close to being faster. I can probably do some more detailed testing in the future if there is interest though.

And since you have to enter the hallway for a speed boost anyway, I (sadly) don't think grabbing that one super with a space boost is a good idea.