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I like turtles.
Quote from Tyjet66:
Fusion is quite nice, and I'd enjoy speedrunning it if not for all the damn cutscenes.

I realized today that this is why I have the patience to keep resetting ZM in my own attempts at speed running and not Fusion.
Attempt 4: 1:09:56

These are no-reset 100% attempts and I haven't been practicing anything.
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Thomaz: 2013-02-18 05:42:05 am
Man, I had a really rough start working towards Kraid, when I beat him, I was like 20-30 seconds slower than normal. :/ Yet, I still continued. I made a lot of stupid mistakes and I would screw up a lot of regular tricks and yet, I got 57:45.

Well, apart from the Ridley fight, I guess Ridley on it's own went really well and Norfair went ok too. It went all downhil after Tourian. I didn't skip the map ( ;_; ) and got hit way to often during the whole Space Ship part (suitless and the Ghost went fine though) and I missed a ton of shine tricks.

Oh well, new record anyway.

Also, one time, I was doing really really really well and when I got to the first real spark (Brinstar -> Norfair elevator) the game froze when I saved the spark. ;_;

Edit: another run with good and bad things. Got 57:29. :/
Finally, broke the hour :D

Congrats. =D
I'm a longtime lurker of this thread and I too have been working on 100% single-segment. After many months of practice, I finally got a time I'm pleased with - 57:09. I should have cut the 57 but I took a couple of tries to get the very last shinespark :(

I used zx497's brinstar route (ie, I didn't collect the items at the very top of brinstar until after ridley), and a couple of new strats (like Thomaz's timing for the first pirate room, which is awesome), but apart from that it's the same old run.

I wish I had a video to post, but I don't currently have the setup required to record from console.
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kirbymastah: 2013-02-24 07:46:06 pm

Absolutely outstanding start, and almost nothing went wrong until Ridley area. No major mistakes in Ridley; just a lot of smaller execution errors. Mother Brain was mediocre. I could've easily broke 59 minute if I didn't make one of the several big mistakes I made during cleanup <_<
57:19 99% ss

It would have probably been around 58 if I didn't miss the last missile, but I lose a lot of time due to missed sparks and really stupid mistakes =(.
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Thomaz: 2013-03-01 09:23:29 am
Thomaz: 2013-02-28 12:57:50 pm
Had another really bad run, but at least improvement lol.

56:57 100% SS.

Wow, this game can be so depressing sometimes. Had a decent run going, got the final spark save, then missed the recharge on the third platform and had to go through the escape walking... -_-

56:21 100% SS.
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samthedigital: 2013-03-02 02:44:51 pm
57:25 100% ss

It's still like a minute worse than my personal best, and I missed a lot of stuff. At least I didn't forget anything this time.

56:44 100% ss

This time the first 2/3rd's of the game were alright, and then it started to go really downhill. I still have a lot of stuff to work on though.
why are you guys so good o.o
Honestly I wouldn't call myself good right now =(. I still have a lot of problems in the second half of the game. I'm losing at least two minutes there compared to spidey whereas my first half is relatively clean.
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Thomaz: 2013-03-04 06:01:06 pm
Ugh, wow. Thanks to a different method of fighting the Worm God, I can sort of reliably 2HKO him now which makes running any% and 100% that much faster (and lessens the luck required). Because my Norfair 1 time wasn't that good, I just continued. I got my best time so far in Ridley which is nice (still not great, but decent nonetheless), 8:44. Then, I had 12:15 at Kraid elevator, which is cool. But then, AWS happened. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Of course, I messed up. Everything went downhill from there. I did play until Tourian, but Tourian itself can give anyone a depression with the bad luck I got. I actually went to MB around 19:xx, because the refilling was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

Of course, I also screwed up the fight big time so I just ended it there, but ugh.

Oh, and I wouldn't call myself good either. It's just practice and getting better at it. I mean, isn't that the same for you and Fusion? =P

Edit: had another strange run, it started of well, then I somehow lost a bit of time towards Ridley, then messed up all kinds of things, had a stupid Tourian (5 Supers and 3 invincible lunges) so I went healless, still got a semi-decent time around the Ghost, but then destroyed any hope in the run by missing the E-tank spark TWICE. Still continued though, but merely for practice. I got 56:49. =/

So, I wanted to check the time lost if you miss that spark, so I played from a save I had at Tourian, and then completely forgot to check my time so I was like meh and played the rest of the game lol. Got 55:14. It's a new segmented record for myself I guess.
03:46 before Varia suit etank
09:46 before Kraid
18:42 after Screw Attack
23:09 before Ridley

I finally finished that last segment. I lost maybe 2-3 seconds compared to an optimal time, but I finally did the segment well, and I still think it was really solid even with the mistakes. I was doing imago cocoon all wrong before, so I was wondering why I wasn't doing so well compared to spidey here. It's been at least a year since I've worked on this though. It's nice to move on >_>;;.
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ZX497: 2013-03-05 12:20:08 pm
A break has done me some good with this game. Did 5 attempts at 100% over the past few days, and four of those beat my old PB (one died in that hot room, where you have to shinespark at the very top of a room to grab a missile tank). 56:27 is the new PB now :)

Funnily enough, the biggest mistake of that run was, and I don't even know how this happened, the two worm cocoons in Norfair. Somehow I managed to miss all the bombs on the second worm, and he rolled me all the way far into the left. I didn't even remember what the heck do I do if that happens, so it turned into a total disaster and I wasted like 15 seconds there... lol. Other than that, the other big mistake I remember was missing the return spark for the first E-tank in Chozodia once.

Some super cool stuff, though, I got that 7-second time saver shinespark right before Wave-beam... that one always feels so nice to hit! :)

I also managed to beat my old any% time by 3 seconds (30:24 now). I had another run going, where I was in-pace for well under 30 minutes, but that run completely fell apart starting from the Chozo Guardian. Missed two shots on him, somehow goofed up enough during the following section to have a little over 30 health on Ridley, and although I managed to get by him, I missed two Supers. It would still have been a PB, if I hadn't missed the charge on the last shinespark a whopping 4 times (I didn't have enough missiles to speedily roll the robot to the far-left, so my timing was all screwed up), before completely dropping it by hitting a Pirate right afterwards.

Anyhow, having fun doing attempts again :)
0:58:45 - Terrible run =x
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Thomaz: 2013-03-06 05:39:32 pm
My day started of bad, with a semi-decent run until I screwed up the second diagonal spark in Ridley, then had terrible Metroid luck (4 Supers at the end...that's a new low) and finally, I missed the E-tank spark after Ghost TWICE AGAIN. I just turned of the game after that. -_-

But Sam showed me a puzzle and I was like, wouldn't it be fun to record it? So that's what I did. The goal was to collect the Hi Jump without opening Red doors with missiles (after getting Bombs), without entering any heated rooms regardless of the suit and without destroying particulary missile blocks and speedboost blocks. I'll try to find the pic later. I had to think of the route and decided I might as well follow the 100% route until at least Bombs. During one of my attempts, things went to well, that I decided to try and go for a new 100% save before Varia. I actually got a pretty decent save. I can do better, but this was kind of my goal for this particulary save so yeah. =)

Got 3:44 at save before Varia (and recorded lol), which is 10 seconds better than my other save. I'll be hard pressed to even get sub 55 with my current saves and with my increased skill (lol) I can skip two saves, which is nice. As long as I keep the same skill throughout, I should be able to get sub 54 even, so that's definitely something I'll be going for. =) Should I record it though?

Edit: apparently, Sam got the puzzle from ZX. Thanks! I played horrible, but it was fun to do. =P I'll upload it for laughs.
Hell yeah, Thomaz, that'll be fun to watch! :P

I finally cracked that 30 on any%, 29:54. Had very bad missile drops in Tourian, and didn't actually get to utilize the 2 extra Supers at all, except for the first set of Metroids, and had to grind for a little longer than I would've liked. I also picked up the Super after the Chozo Guardian for safety, cause a lot of my recent runs had been very bad on Mecha. And somehow I shinesparked into a wall after getting the Super Tank, but whatever! At least I finally met my goal time for any% :)

Also, just cause Sam was asking about it earlier, I actually checked my time on this run when I entered the ship after Tourian, 19:10. Didn't pay attention to it otherwise until the end.
nice :P i need to learn any%
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samthedigital: 2013-03-07 03:03:13 am
I did some Kraid first testing by doing a real time tas. This won't really come as a surprise, but Kraid first is definitely slower than Ridley first. I got 14:39 without the long jump at Tourian and 15:02 with the long jump. A Ridley first run would have at least 14:55 here (spidey's time), but it can realistically be at least 10 seconds faster. I could see cutting one save from Kraid first, and I did do Ridley the slower way without the etank, but even giving Kraid first as many advantages as possible it still falls short of Ridley first. The times would be 14:45 compared to 14:52, but that doesn't take into account the fact that this is a conservative estimate for Ridley first, and it's a generous estimate for Kraid first.

I'm glad I can finally put this to bed though. This is something that's been bothering me for a long time. I can't really comment on the difference if the player chooses to go for real time instead of using the game's clock, but the time lost in Kraid first coupled with the difficult tricks that aren't possible in a single segment run leads me to believe that Ridley first would still be faster.
What'd you say?
I'm really glad to hear that we have an answer for this. This has bugged me for the longest time as well.
I also tested out early varia suit etank and missile vs. getting it later since I saw kirbymastah getting it later. Assuming absolutely everything is the same everywhere else it saves 1-4 seconds getting it later. It depends on how my platforming was to determine exactly how much faster it is, but I'm pretty confident that it does save time even if it's such a small difference.
You also counted the time it takes for the chozo statue to show you the map, right? (not the actual map, but the chozo statue glowing and junk like that)

The problem with zx's route is that you're one missile tank shorter than getting varia suit early for kraid, meaning you're actually struggling with trying to have 31 missiles by the time you're approaching kraid. So that'll probably lose 2-3 seconds for going slightly out of the way for drops.

I'm hoping it is ultimately faster though, since I hate IBJing up the shaft with the two turtles <_<
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samthedigital: 2013-03-07 07:52:23 pm
samthedigital: 2013-03-07 07:51:47 pm
samthedigital: 2013-03-07 07:51:04 pm
I did test with the chozo statue in the way, yes. I tested the differences between the two routes from a fresh save before the bomb jumps, and then I timed how long it took to get the two items as you get the other missile missile.  You'd usually heal before Kraid by the way, so the only tricky thing is having enough missiles before the two huge sidehoppers (unless that's what you're talking about?). The platforming for the items is a little trickier than earlier on in the game too I guess. I'm pretty sure that the two routes cancel one another out though if you get the missile tank next to Tourian the first time though, but that's not practical for a ss.
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kirbymastah: 2013-03-07 09:05:52 pm
Well you need the 31 missiles for acid worm (1 for the missile door before acid worm), that's what I was talking about. And the pre-kraid refill is after acid worm.