Well, I'm back on the MZM trail after so many months off...
Normal 100% - 56:54 single segment...and the run was craptacular at best. I screwed up a lot of shit that I normally have no problems with, though I AM getting better at the quick Mother Brain kill (I just need to be, well, quicker )
Nothing major really...just mistimed jumps, walljumps, a couple sparks in the WRONG direction (3 times ), not to mention a shitty Kraid fight. I'm guessing the sections I did perfectly made up for all the mistakes (slightly slow but near perfect Mother Brain fight, perfect suitless segment, perfect Imago Cocoon)
I dunno, maybe it was better than it felt while playing, but it still FELT like it was crap. I KNOW for certain I can do better, so expect a run within a month or 2 (need some luck )
Morph ball Missiles Bombs Power Grip Ice beam Varia suit (not really needed but the game adds it when you get the fully powered one) Unknown item 1, 2 and 3 (Plasma beam, Space jump and Gravity suit)
Now, I'd just like to ask everyone to bear in mind that any times I post are done with an emulator (and save states, unless I say otherwise), though that emulator does spasm randomly.
Therefore my times should be doubled to reflect my actual skill.
Edit: How do you kill the Zebetites with only 5 missiles?
You can destroy the rinkas until you get a missile, but DON'T GRAB IT! Instead, shoot your 5 missiles at the zebetite, then grab the powerup and quickly shoot the zebetite with those 2 missiles.
Overusing save states, and on a spasming emulator, I bring you the first and only... Skreemaster 9%!
Edit: from this we learn that:
1) Mother Brain's room without 2 missile tanks is the hardest room in the game. 2) Save states are the most powerful technique short of frame-by-frame, which I don't have. 3) My emulator doesn't actually work. and 4) I'm not actually very good at the game.
Time: 1:04:54 Percent items: 100% Difficulty: Hard Type: Single segment
Still need a good route, developed my own route, but it kinda sucks, since I always need to backtrack and always is short on Power bombs.
Time: 35:51 Percent items: 28% Difficulty: Normal Type: Single Segment
No route, got Screw, not sure if it was a good idea. Well, I made both these on the first try, not in the mood to try again, I don't think I can improve any run until I make a better route.
That's what I do, how else could I possibly get my 49 minute time.
The way I got mine: with blood, sweat, and tears. I don't think any of those substances actually left my body during the run, but I have it on good authority that they were in there.