I guess if you can't watch them Tim, I'd more or less just have to do very boring typed commentary about each room..unless you can sucker Nate into Mpeg4'ing them then sending to Radix for you to dl.
finally beat hard mode today. surprisingly high item pickup considering i beat ridley before kraid and accidentally skipped screw attack and high jump this time. oops.
and now easy is complete. what are you supposed to get for completing all three difficulties on one file? it didn't open anything for me.
You unlock a cutesy-wootsey witte pikachu... Aww.... cute wittle pika wika... Nah, actually you unlock a big fat nothing. Although you do get those difficulties to turn yellow...
Whatever he is, with a time like that I don't think it's human. I was vaguely considering speed running ZM one day, but I think Dave has sucessfully put me off of trying that. 100% in less than an hour? It took me nearly an half that long again to do 15%.