I got the game today and did my 2. run. 02:08:57 and 52%. I did my first run on the day the game came out in the USA, so it's 2 month ago. Next time, I'll get under 2h :)
Got the no-helmet-samus too :) A tad surprised at the short playtime but I shouldn't feel disappointed (is it 1 s or 2?) since I know you can play them over and over again... But still :( Got it yesterday & beat it this morning.
The bastards @ my store had said that it were to be released today, Friday, but nooo. Nintendo changed the date & didn't tell anyone... to April 7, Wednesday, while all over stores released it Thursday... Because of this I got it at a better price. around 15ish $ less so I'm happy :)
A tad weird percentage though. 1% less than before & yet I collected like 5 extra things I totally missed last time. I accidentally missed the Super Missile Boss completely so that's probably why to some degree.
Which is like 5 minutes faster (or so). I did this one on my SP, so it's not recorded. It started out as a no-hit no-Varia Ridley first run, and then when I got to MB I abandoned the no-hit thing. I don't think she's possible... when I record though, I'll do as much no-hit as I can. I'd have to say that PG helped a shit load more in Kraid than I thought it would.
Teehee. I'm recording one right now, just before Ridley at like 9:37. The only difficult part is the first seg, the rest just flies right by nowadays... Mother Brain takes a couple tried without Varia though, what with the everything-does-20-damage, and the instant kill eye-beam, not to mention that falling into the lava drains to incredibly fast... but I'm just rambling now. I think my first seg was pretty good, cause both times I was in the hive room I went through pretty fast (got two missiles off on the first hive the first time around, and then on the way back I guess it takes 3 missiles and 1 normal shot to kill a hive, so I shot all 4 and one hit a mellow so I hopped up and, to my surprise, it died rather quickly. Hoorah). But yeah, I'm gonna get back to recording that shit. I do still hope more people get into this though, I want to have a reason to keep doing it.
Yes, I suppose that was the basic idea of saying I was recording, to let you know you'll get a tape eventually, heh. This run is Ridley first and no varia (as stated) as well, so it won't be like watching the same run as last time.
Ok, well, I guess this recorded run is rather similar to the non-recorded one... 00:49:41. I'll do another one when anyone else cares to try to beat it. Consider the tape sent tomorrow.