My 2 item run was probably about 40 minutes. I don't remember. Scarlet's was much longer because she took like 20 minutes on refilling before Ridley :P
Recently completed my first run of Metroid in about 19 years... so I was a bit rusty. I completed the game back when it came out in 1986 on my NES console (borrowed the game from a friend for a couple of weeks, then gave it back) and didn't have my own copy of the cart until a couple of months ago, when I got one for about $5 on E-bay. Yes, I know I could play it on the 'cube w/ the Metroid Prime hookup. I tried it, and didn't like it. Controls were all wrong, as they had A fire instead of jump, like it should be. So, I went back and played it on the console (same one I've had for 20+ years, still works) with the good old gray, black, and red controller. ... Let's just say my first few attempts were awful. Started getting better as I got used to the controls. Ended up doing the following route:
morphballmissiles lower right Brinstaretank middle right BrinstarbombsBrinstar ice beammissiles upper right Brinstaretank upper right BrinstarVaria (w/o high jump)long beamTo NorfairHigh jump5 missile packs in upper right NorfairTo Ridley's HOetank middle Ridley's HORidley (+75 missiles)etank in room past Ridleyexit all the way back to BrinstarTo Kraid's HOetank behind the 2nd door down on the rightKraid (+75 missiles)etank in Kraid's roomexit Kraid's HOetank in the ceiling (lower left Brinstar)To TourianMetroids/Mother Brain/Escape
... Don't know my exact final %, but I got 7 energy tanks, 7 missile packs, and skipped wave beam and screw attack entirely. My completion time (timed by stopwatch) was 1:17 - which I think is not that bad. I had a couple of awful bits (getting Varia, exiting Kraid), but with as rusty as I was I'm pretty pleased with the result. :)
Usually around 00:40, though I've gone as low as 00:35 on this route.
My usual collection route (I don't really speed run The Original Metroid, so yeah, I know there's some unnecessary stuff):
Z. Maru Mari Y. First Missile Pack X. Long Beam W. Bombs V. Energy Tank U. Ice Beam T. High Jump S. Screw Attack R. Ridley (+75 Missiles) Q. Energy Tank 2 P. Varia O. Energy Tank 3 N. Energy Tank 4 M. Kraid (+75 Missiles) L. Energy Tank 5 K. KILL TEH MOMMA BRAIN
I actually may be forgetting something, or have a couple things out of order, but generally:
Grab Z, head through Brinstar to the hallway leading to Norfaire for Y, go back, and up the long verticle hall for X. Then I cross the acid rooms (skipping V on the way), to get W, then on the way back collect V, and U. I then go down into Norfair, and on the way down grab T and S. Continue to lower Norfair, complete R, and grab Q. Run back up to Brinstar, get P, and on the way to Kraid's area, O. Once in Kraid's area, get N, then kill M. In Kraid's room, get L, then go up and beat the snot out of K.
I practiced the "frozen Rio bomb jump" that allows you to skip one or both bosses, and got good enough at it that I went for a 1-boss run. Here's the resulting route (copied, pasted, edited from my previous post): ... morphball missiles lower right Brinstar (5) etank (1) middle right Brinstar bombs Brinstar ice beam long beam Varia (w/o high jump) missiles upper right Brinstar (10) etank (2) upper right Brinstar To Norfair High jump 5 missile packs in upper right Norfair (35) To Ridley's HO etank (3) middle Ridley's HO Ridley (+75 missiles) (110) etank (4) in room past Ridley exit all the way back to Brinstar To Tourian Metroids/Zebetites/Mother Brain/Escape ... Finished the gauntlet with about 150 energy and 12 missiles left. Escaped, stopped the stopwatch, and got a completion time of 41 minutes and 30 seconds. ... This was a pretty good attempt - early Varia was gotten very quickly, lured the Rio in on the first try, got the bomb jump in about 15 seconds - to get faster, the first thing I would do is skip the extra e-tank and missile past the Varia - that's probably 2 minutes on the time right there. Getting hit less, and screwing up fewer jumps, would also be quite useful. I did end up with the "tough" form of Ridley - where the fireballs oscillate up/down - instead of the "easy" form of Ridley - where the fireballs arc over your head as you stand 8 inches away and blast him to kingdom come. That probably added 30-60 seconds to the run. ... If I get much more skillful, I would think skipping long beam and Varia would also make the first part of the run much faster, while making the end of the run more difficult. Going the route I do in Ridley's hideout (to grab the etank) is several seconds slower, grabbing the tank after Ridley costs another 20 seconds (and 10 missiles). Looks like for maximum speed, you're doing a run with 1 e-tank, no long beam, and no Varia. THAT should make the gauntlet QUITE enjoyable. ... One related question - is there any way to grab the "5x missile expansion pack" up in the top right corner of Norfair, BEFORE grabbing the high jump boots? Going down for the boots, then back up for the missiles, then back down costs a couple of minutes at least - but, without those 25 missiles, I'd be coming to the gauntlet with a maximum of 80 or 85 missiles. (Five Zebetites @ 8 missiles each, plus 32 missiles for Momma Brain, = 72 missiles if you never miss.) My aim isn't that good yet. ... I know, I just need practice. Still, if there were a cool little bomb boost jump that could get you up there, it would be a good timesaver.
I made a couple of changes, most it's mostly the same.
First, I don't so early Varia...the time saved by going up there via the shaft near the Bombs is somewhat lost in the procedure to actually get up to the Varia hallway (either via Scarlet's method, or freezing the green flying thing method). Also, there's a lot of luck involved in getting all that to happen correctly.
Now, since I don't have Varia (and I'm also down 1 E-Tank/Missile), Norfair actually has a little difficulty added to it, so I can't be reckless. This last run through was good until about halfway through when it got a little sloppy, but nothing too bad.
Ridley is where it gets hard. Everything here does 24 damage per hit, and I usually have in the vacinity of 100-200 left. Dodging is required here, especially for those narrow hallways with the bees. I actually lost like 12 seconds trying to get into the hole in he hall before the uppermost E-Tank thanks to 2 puppy-guarding side-hoppers. Ridley himselfis pretty easy if his shots travel far - just sit next to him and unload missiles, then Wave Beam (rapid fire trick works awesome here). If he fires close then screw attack through him for some damage, and resume the barrage.
I make a slight route change when getting the Norfair Ice Beam. Instead of going to the uppermost hallway first, the bomb jumping into the hole in the Ice Beam hall, I hit the middle hall first (with the 3 missiles), then the uppermost, and I use the rear entrance to the Ice Beam. With the Wave Beam you can open the blocks up pretty quick in the Ice Beam room.
I get Varia after heading back to Brinstar. High Jump makes getting it quick, and the E-Tank/Missile are also quick. I'm not 100% on this, but taking the Blue Hall back to the Gold Shaft might be a little quicker since there's nothing but running and a few jumps. The Green Hall has a couple areas you have to stop and bomb through.
Kraid isn't hard at all, but annoying with some of the jumps that need to be performed. I changed the route here almost entirely. I start by grabbing the missile in the first room on the left, then continue down to the long shaft on the left side. I fall to the bottom, then grab the missle to the right, then use the bomb hole to get to the Green Hall that leads to Kraid. Kraid dies quick. I use the normal way out of that area while grabbing the missile in the room on the way up the block shaft. I completely screwed up the unmorph jump coming back into the main shaft, and lost about 12ish seconds for it. I grab the E-Tank and the missile in the right side doors on the way out.
Long Beam is last, of course.
Also, a quick note for Nate - after you get the DVD recording guide up I may pick one up, for multiple reasons but the main one being that my VCR is starting to finally make funny noises when rewinding/FFing. Gotta love aging electronics
yes, absolutely would recommend buying one asap. the difference will blow you away, especially if you use s-video like you're supposed to. and because the dvd recorder probably has composite out for if your tv doesn't have s-video, there's no reason not to.
My TV doesn't have S-Video to my knowledge...the only way I've found to hook things in is the same way you would use an RF switch like what used to come standard with old consoles (NES,SNES,Genesis).
I'm still going to wait for the Guide first since I still ave a few VHS tapes kicking around that I'd rather not have go to waste
100% - 54:07 (according to the start/stop tape times - 19:07-1:13:14)
...and I haven't watched it through yet to see whether I want to keep it (not sure if I want to sacrifice sleep to do so...we'll see). But will say this: it felt a lot cleaner.
EDIT: Check that...I will watch it now. Who needs sleep?
EDIT2: Yup, it looks good to me. The escape was a little messy, but the rest of the Tourian was great. The Block shaft in Kraid was a little timid as well, but I hate that room with a passion. Also, the E-Tank (near entrance) in Kraid didn't cooperate that well..or rather my bombs didn't cooperate anyway. Now I just need to get those AoS Julius runs on here and this one'll be good to go. :)
Outstanding stuff, Dragondarch. For those not in the know, it's a new WR. The previous 100% record for Metroid 1 is 56:40 by Scarlet. This is 2:33 faster. LOADS faster. This would be like the Prime WR going from 1:04 to 1:01. Like MZM any going from 28:50 to 27:30. ... Weird, though - I had just finished downloading and watching Scarlet's 100% Metroid run, in preparation for doing a run of my own for the TMT board. Mind you, I wasn't shooting for a world record, just something around 2:00 - but in watching the vid, I noticed that there were at least 2-3 minutes of mistakes - enemy damage, missed jumps, et cetera. Still an impressive run, given the overall difficulty level of M1, and the fact that any legit run has to be single-segmented. But... somewhere in the deepest, darkest recesses of my mind, I was plotting. "Do a practice 100% run, just to refresh your memory... then another few runs to optimize route/techniques... then see where I am. If it's 1:00 or less, go for the WR." ... Now, I'm still planning on doing the 100% M1 run pretty soon, but now any plans for a covert WR run have just been made much harder. Thanks, Dragondarch. * enrolls Dragondarch in 146 different "coffee of the month" programs * * knows that all the extra caffeine will make DD too jittery to destroy any more world records * * clears the field for his own feeble efforts *
ERB: I haven't watched it in awhile, but I know my 29:10 had some stuff I could've used if I were to have redone a 100%, but I never got around to it. I'll have to see DD's Kraid area; I could never decide how to go through that place.
I beat both Ridley and Kraid. I didnt collect any missles, bombs, varia, E-tank, Just the morph ball. I used the Door Warp on the Kraid, Norfair, and any other place that requires any power-up. I only got the missles by beating Ridley and Kraid. I used almost all the speed tricks and what not to bypass the whole game by getting 1 optinal item. This took me about 3 weeks to finish. And it is VERY similar to the Run Red Scarlet or someone used on their spped run. I think this is the run: is similar to mine. I havent watched this in a while so i dont know if this is the one