this is amazing. both are very amazing. also that 22% SS time is sick. on the other hand I cant even compare it to any time so maybe it is even sicker than I think who knows.
and tbh also 21% SS hard mode is concerning. if i don't get back to finishing my segmented speedrun and get some good Meta Ridley & Metroid Prime fights you will end up killing my time but yours will be SS oh my shit lol
That's really sick. I know you're going to do another one (hopefully with rockhop) and recorded entirely this time too :) Get the sub 1:30 dude I know you can do it.
SS added wavesun and IBBF but still made copious mistakes...gonna keep working on it but I'm glad I finally have proof that I'm not as bad as the last few weeks convinced me of being.
Significant time losses: 1:12 zoid 1:00 ghost fight 18 seconds to workstation 21 seconds spent in Control Tower for 2 try Elder + Farming 41 square maze (done poorly as well) No extra PB for missile farm before shafts, about 4-6 seconds. 6 seconds in shaft 2 7-8 seconds because Calvin shoved me into Warrior Elite's LoS 23 seconds to ghost skip because I fell down Exo has good luck: SC2 was Pow/Ice/Wave (missed 1 ice snipe). SC3 was Plas/Ice/Pow/Wav, so perfect luck. SC4 was Pow (Ice, lost 7-8 seconds on invis orb freeze + subsequent charge) / Plas/Ice (missed a snipe)/Plas (also missed a shot) So despite very good luck I lost at least 15 seconds on poor execution.
In total, the obvious mistakes add up to 1:59 in time loss, not counting the many, MANY smaller mistakes.