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Haha, yeah... PAL, 22%, Single Segment, no damage, no varia suit, 1:10 !!! Beat Pirates time. lol. Even a 23% SS would be amazing. anyone up for it? And about the 100% single segment. I might try it for PAL once ive gotten a good any% ss done. Graveworm, are you anygood at ore prosessing coz u could help me out. It is the hardest part of my run and i always die here when under that much pressure. Oh damn, you play NTSC, oh well, you might do it anyway. thanks
I played PAL first, since I live in Sweden, but I bought 0-00 to try it out, for orc processing, it's the room with the 2 power troopers and a tall spiderball tower in the middle, right?

Just sit down in an emptied room and do the jumping over and over until you can't fail, then it shouldn't matter too much if you're being shot at or not.
yeah, ss 23% should be realistic,

ss 22% i doubt it's realistice since it's too hard, and there are too much crazy tricks which are even too hard to do in a segmented one.

haha, now it got me, the crash in the tunnel in chozo ruins, hehe.
i am trying now to go through that tunnel in ruins and to head to ice beam, but the crash always gets me now and ruins my tries.
man, i try a lot for nothing, the tunnel in ruins is driving me to hell.

i have a lot of respect for smilingjack13.
the tunnel is making me crazy, but it doesn't seem smilingjack13 has gone insane from the ruins tunnel crash.

now i know how difficult single segment runs on ntsc version are to do, especially 100% single-segments, because they are so much longer.

well the ruins tunnel crash refuses to let me go through and finish the run, but well, what choice do i have.

at the end i have to try and try, until the crash doesn't stop me.
Quote from Miles:
i have a lot of respect for smilingjack13.
the tunnel is making me crazy, but it doesn't seem smilingjack13 has gone insane from the ruins tunnel crash.


That tunnel doesn't crash on me a lot actually. What really makes me insane is the Chozo elevator. It's weird how different areas seem to crash more for different people.

Call me crazy, but after some good luck with Geo Core, I've been wanting to do SS 22%. I wouldn't focus too much on speed; I would alter the route to make everything as easy as possible, and to avoid the crashing spots as much as I can.

This isn't a priority though. I'm working on a multisegment 22% run that I'd rather finish right now.
ss 22% is bullshit. period
Beware: off duty ninja
wow .. . . . you have got to be a very mad man to do a ss 22%  Shocked  I mean, that's . . something that would make you loose all sanity. . . . .

on topic goodness: just did a 31% 1:58 to seeif I could do a sub two hour prime game and I can. yay new personal best (well it wasn't the best, there were some sloppy parts ie: fighting the chozo for the x ray forgeting  to skip the fight Embarassed )
red chamber dream
Even a SS 23% would be pretty insane. Definitely realistic, though.
Quote from Arkarian:
Even a SS 23% would be pretty insane. Definitely realistic, though.

Shocked single-segment 23% would have quite a few killers in it:
1.  After Flaahgra, you've got to pull off the Suntower IBJ (no energy tanks, of course) first time, then beat the ghosts w/o charge beam.  Mess up and it's a restart 15 minutes in.  Definitely annoying.
2.  Pull that off, and it's pretty smooth sailing for awhile.  Boost/wave, early Lifegiver/ice, GTH DBJ over the bars (boost makes this pretty easy), Main Quarry dash (if you've got NTSC), early CD powerbombs, early plasma, blah blah blah... there's definitely places you could mess up (for instance, Mines Security Station w/o charge, Elite Research, MQA and MQB), but nothing that's a real run-killer - until you get to Omega Pirate.  At that point, your run is nearly complete, you've probably put in around 60-100 solid minutes of work (depending on skill) - and then it all hinges on that fight.  What kind of troopers will drop?  Power troopers may sink your run right there.  Ice troopers aren't pushovers w/o charge, either.  Plasma troopers, and you're better off.  You've got no supers, 5 missiles, and no charge beam - so it's regular plasma shots for the armor, pray for plasma troopers (unless you can PB Omega and get him to skip the "calling troopers" animation), probably the powerbomb strat for a one-round kill... that would be INSANE pressure.
3.  Following Omega, it's backtrack for Newborn, climb PPC w/o spider (and w/o getting killed by power/plasma troopers), and Meta-Ridley.  Dying at this point would really, REALLY suck.  You've got boost ball to end the air phase quickly, but will be relying on uncharged plasma to MR's chest... not TOO bad, but you'd be really tired by this point.
4.  Your reward for making it this far is MP under 23% conditions.  Death=restart.  Death probably=smashed controller, also.  Crying or Very sad  :x
To the 23% single-segment run, I say - no thanks.  I'll let someone else have the glory.  (And the frustration.)
Beware: off duty ninja
you know ark. . . I would pay someone to do a 23% ss run. . .. . if you do this for me you will get 5 cookies per quarter hour <_< >_>

monsterERB: why don't you start that interesting TMT concept over herre? I like it, and pretty sure everybody here has more than one metroid. . . . so why not?[/quote]
Quote from SamuraiSamus:
MonsterERB: why don't you start that interesting TMT concept over herre? I like it, and pretty sure everybody here has more than one metroid. . . . so why not?

Well, I've already got it going over at SCU, and was hoping that anyone who's interested would post their times over there (thus, the little ad in my sig text).  For instance, aj's already posted his TMT, and DJGrenola seems interested to know what Scarlet's TMT would be... if there's enough demand, I guess I could start the topic over here at m2k2, but I was kind of hoping to just have it in one location.
(FYI = "TMT" = Total Metroid Time = the time you get from adding your fastest times in each of the 7 Metroid games.  You get 20 hours for any game you haven't completed, and 15 hours for any game you've completed, but can't remember the time.)
Anyway, if people think it's a good idea I could start a TMT board over here at m2k2, and combine that leaderboard with the one over at SCU.  It would be more work for me, though... any opinions are welcome.
sounds pretty cool, just the only metroid Ive ever completed is prime. With a good effort i recon ill pass super metroid, and echoes which is just painful to play, but ill try anyway. Yeah, im still interested in 23% ss. Would never try this on PAL though as i would have to do ore processing and falling down that shaft is like already suicide! no thanks...
heh, yeah, main problem would be people like me, who own all the metroid games but have little skill in most of them, yet could still own far more skilled people due to having games they don't.
red chamber dream
Quote from SamuraiSamus:
you know ark. . . I would pay someone to do a 23% ss run.

If you're going to pay someone, definitely don't pay me. It took me hours and hours to do a 22% run. Death after death after death. I probably could never single segment anything under 30%.
Chocolate cookies, I hope.

I'm trying that 23%, but I have problems with my dash jump at critical points (almost always with Ridley and MP), and my best time is 6 hours (counting all my first try errors)  :? . It's a shame I can't practice all I want (I don't have my Cubo with me); so far I've noticed I don't use missiles to kill/fight enemies before OP [that's good!], but I still need 3-4 etanks (I'm good to kick those pirates with my face, I guess).

I tried the GTH bars and got it after 1/2 hour (20 tries, more or less), and that's make me feel I can do it better if I play more.

I'm looking for a 22% using the MW SW, too. Wallcrawling is not so hard after 10 hours of practice.
red chamber dream
Wait, are you trying it Single Segment?
Sure. First I play a saved game to practice some things, then I restart the whole game, and try it in a SS. Before I feel could die, I save, then I try again some weird things.

I cannot play it too much, since the Cubo ain't mine, and Daniel (the owner) get bored from me doing some things over and over again. 6-7 hours each 2 weeks of MP. :(
red chamber dream
If you save, it's not really SS...or am I just not understanding you correctly?
I'm having my training days.

What I tried to say is: I play without saving 'til I die, and each time I go further [that is an incomplete SS, but in a near future...]. After dying, I go for some SW boring...; ejem, I  mean, fun.
Quote from graveworm:
orc processing
I think you've played too much WoWarCraft.

Who'd want to process orcs anyway?
red chamber dream
Quote from ShadowJedi:
Who'd want to process orcs anyway?

1:22, hard any%, 33% items. I only picked up 30 missiles this time, 20 for the first Elite pirate fight, no ice spreader. I messed up so badly at Prime that I don't even wanna think about it, the fight sucked ass, and there was many sore spots too, but I wasn't in the mood for replaying, 'cause I honestly think that the Prime fight is the most boring part of any Metroid game. Done in one day, as soon as I get a capture card I'll record a run, even though I don't think anyone will watch it. (I had 00:16 after Flaahgra, I had the most amazing Chozo ghost fight ever.)

And well, 4:21 or 4:22 somewhere in the escape. I don't know how to do the from the pirate in that big room in the beginning of the escape, and when I get up on the second floor, the pirate is always in the way of the scan point, so whatever, I suck.

And of course a question: In normal mode, I usually shoot OP with 4 charged plasma shots and then lay a power bomb to drain the remaining hp, is this faster or slower than plasma-ing down the remaining hp?
Quote from graveworm:
And of course a question: In normal mode, I usually shoot OP with 4 charged plasma shots and then lay a power bomb to drain the remaining hp, is this faster or slower than plasma-ing down the remaining hp?

It sounds like the power bomb would be faster but I've never timed it.

I've just started trying SS 22%. I'll let everyone know when I get it.
everybody knows it's true
Quote from smilingjack13:
I've just started trying SS 22%. I'll let everyone know when I get it.
<3 smilingjack.

Good luck on that run.

Btw, any progress in your 22% multi segment? I actually found a run I enjoy watching.
Thanks.  :)  I'm still stuck on segment 11 in my multisegment run; I was really close once but I died just as I was leaving Elite Control. Once I start trying again and finally get that segment, I have a feeling most of the remaining ones will come pretty easily... Except maybe the last boss.