Once when helping my grandmother go through a box of old stuff I found a letter to her from my mom, dated a month after I was born. It said "[name]'s nose grows rounder every day. Should have named her [dad's name] Jr." And yeah, I do definitely have his face, except for the eyes and maybe upper lip. Every time this was mentioned he'd say "Sorry, kid." >_< Just what you need to hear growing up, your parent apologizing for your face...
The weird thing is that my sister's face is about the same but reversed (she got Mom's face but Dad's eyes). It's as if our parents' faces were chopped up and reassembled. Yet we are still clearly identifiable as sisters. Doesn't help that we sound alike, I guess.
Nah. I could've ended up with my grandmother's nose (which my uncle did but not my mom). And my sister is the only adult blonde in our family, and I have the only grey eyes and midbrown hair. We don't always directly resemble our parents.
my acne could have pwned your acne any day of the week.
My acne is, well, nonexistent, mostly. Sometimes (like now), I'll get a few pimples on my cheekbone area, but that's about it.
Wait till you hit puberty.
Hah hah. What I meant was that, through the use of medication and actually washing my face every day, I don't have any acne anymore. If I didn't use the cream stuff, sure, I'd have tons (and used to, until I got the medicine). Whatever this stuff is that I have works wonders.
As i happen to work in an area where you nearly have constant steam, acne is nearly not a problem for me, its just that its no longer much on my face as it used to be.