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Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
1 and 1/3rd metres tall...? Eh?  That about 4.25 feet, so yes, I'm definitely taller than that. grin new  According to the conversion I did, I am 181.61cm tall.

Due to laziness, I actually still have it shaved in my head, but it's growing out fast.  Back to the barbers this weekend, so it'll be gone.

And no, I haven't posted a pic before. Razz
I meant to say 2/3rds.  d'oh!

And looks like you're about as tall as me.  That'll teach me to prejudge someone's height by the roundness of their head.  Embarassed  laugh new

Edit: Da**it. LOL.  The monitor on that public computer at work is too wide for the resolution the OS will allow to go to, so your head looked like....  You looked like you were short. Razz

Sorry about that.
Believe it or not that's actually a floppy disk.
What happened to that poor animals right eye!??!?!
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Obviously that's his costume. He's a zombie dog.
About time I took one that doesn't only show my face. D:

looks european genug.

we americans don't need sunlight because we have science to generate infinite energy using oil owait
Quote from nate:
looks european genug.

we americans don't need sunlight because we have science to generate infinite energy using oil owait

You seriously have appartments without windows?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Terrization Zillion:
What happened to that poor animals right eye!??!?!

Nothing.  It's quite common in dogs of various breeds, as well as other animals.  It's usually used when relating to horses, but the term is 'wall eye'.  The top half of Trooper's (my doggie woggie) is actually brown like the other, and it's just the lower half that's greyish blue.
What'd you say?
Quote from Ryu:
Quote from nate:
looks european genug.

we americans don't need sunlight because we have science to generate infinite energy using oil owait

You seriously have appartments without windows?

No.  laugh new
red chamber dream
well, i'm sure they exist in some places, but i've never seen one.
[img]http://nate.quandra.org/Photo on 2009-10-28 at 18.42.jpg[/img]

and it (text encoding in this forum) was like a gigantic creature ...

_utf8_on($data) if !is_utf8($data) && ($target_encoding eq 'UTF-8'); #it's possible that the string doesn't have the utf8 flag on yet if we're not in force mode and html::entities only decoded ascii area crap - we can safely turn it on now because postgres will just reject it if it's not valid utf8 anyway and then we will force decode (hopefully with an autodetected decoding) and reencode it as utf8 on the next try - we must have the flag turned on in order to use uniqueness hashes e.g. for human insertion
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Quote from njahnke:
human insertion

bad ass. i'm assuming you're in some sort of library.
red chamber dream
yeah. urmom.

the best part about that is how long it took me to figure out why it was "your mother" when i set that censor myself like the day before yesterday ...
red chamber dream
wow haha, didn't even realized it got censored. nice. :P
The censor for what? Let me guess, cunt?
red chamber dream
try again.
Quote from Baby Sheegoth:
The censor for what? Let me guess, cunt?

it's pretty clear with the "ohhh" that he was still making a urmom joke.
urmom ? Oh dear I remember that from forever again.
Believe it or not that's actually a floppy disk.
Your mom was so stupid she downloaded windows vista. There i said it. (laughs at the people in his art class who said that joke would never be used)
my dick had a nice vista inside urmom.
Here's moi.

heh nice extra_smug
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I like smiley people - they balance out my perpetual melancholy. Very Happy