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Club 27 Goals
I seriously need a haircut too. Not going to pay for it though, just need to buzz it a little. Not bald, just like, 1.5inch long all over. I don't know.
me getting prepared for certain training:

Club 27 Goals
Pretty cool O-face :o
Club 27 Goals
Decided to take a more glamorous picture of my new haircut.

Really disappointed I couldn't find my red plaid boxers. would have really complete the set.

Club 27 Goals
btw might be hard to see but that's a volcom beanie. And a clover tie. man I'm awesome.
red chamber dream
he's more handsome, but i've got a bigger dick

ark looks like he hasn't slept in days
that's from a year ago. and he had just driven for 12 hours
and i was just thinking you wouldn't let him have any sleep in bed
red chamber dream
weird how i think i look so much younger there when it's only from a year ago
red chamber dream
don't think i've seen that picture before
cum is supposed to make your face look younger
red chamber dream
oh that's probably why then, considering i haven't seen you in a year
Club 27 Goals
The "M" in the background stands for "Manly".

wow you have some lame friends
Club 27 Goals
It was for a photo contest type thing, was a lot of fun actually.

My friends and I are pretty lame in the sense we like to have fun.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I bet you like to GAY SEX TOO, fukkin funhavers.
I like turtles.

Seemed nominally relevant to this board.
Club 27 Goals
Perlers? Nice, I still have all mine somewhere. I should make some cool stuff with them again.
Edit history:
Turtle: 2012-11-05 09:20:12 am
I like turtles.
I should note that my roommate bought it at a convention.  I'm not that good at life.  ;_;
Club 27 Goals
on the very rare occasion I actually wear a collared shirt. Happy bird-day.

red chamber dream
loving the plaid
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Loving the random fish mobile. aiwebs_004
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Man if you're gonna wear a collared shirt at least iron it. Goodness.