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red chamber dream
it's when companies try to turn everything into saas that things get dangerous, it's looking like the next xbox is heading that way too
red chamber dream
we're getting to the point as a society where technology has started making practically everything worse instead of better and it's fucking crazy
Club 27 Goals
what's saas?
red chamber dream
software as a service
Whining Bliztards itt.
red chamber dream
what does that even mean lol
It means STFU about Diablo III.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
But they're talking about DRM and software as a service.
Yes, as it applies to Diablo III, for the most part.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Just as important, maybe more so given that it's a pretty huge title.
red chamber dream
yeah, god forbid i talk about video games with my friends on my own fucking forum
Edit history:
Poision Envy: 2012-05-23 12:11:42 pm
Club 27 Goals
>having friends online

how's that basement feel? Must be getting warm this time of year.

nah jk <3 ark. Also apparently D3 is the fastest-selling game for the PC. I guess this always-online DRM is going to get more popular.
red chamber dream
yeah, and then consoles are going to do it too ... fucking yikes
red chamber dream
would give me a good reason to stop playing video games i guess
Club 27 Goals
Watch valve take over the next gen, or at the very least the one following. The Wii-u has some impressive specs actually, looking forward to E3.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Poision Envy:
Also apparently D3 is the fastest-selling game for the PC. I guess this always-online DRM is going to get more popular.
I can't see the DRM influenced it one way or the other.  Blizzard have a good history of quality products.  Diablo has always been popular, and most of the players who enjoyed both no doubt bought the third - probably a big chunk of those sales at least.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Activision doesn't care about the Blizzard or Diablo brands in this case, a game with their dumb DRM scheme sold like a motherfucker and as far as they're concerned that's proof that the system works or at least isn't a deterrent.
Games are virtual content anyway. Thus they should be stored in virtual space.
Surprisingly, I am just making a joke.
Why are you guys talking about games and stuff? lol

This is me on Halloween: here

Another of me pretending to be G: here

One with me and one of my friends going to the club: here

And one of my favorite pics: here
Club 27 Goals
Thorne left his stupid stoner hat and glasses at my house.

Is this some baseball mascot or something?

red chamber dream
not just ANY baseball mascot

IT'S THE B-MORE ORIOLES BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
red chamber dream
i like how someone from california is wearing that hat now that the o's are doing well
One shall stand, one shall ball.
90% of hats like that are worn by people with no interest in the team or the sport but thinks hats are cool.
red chamber dream
yeah i know lol, that was my attempt at humor
Club 27 Goals
I thought I looked cool in a hat... maybe I just need to find one with a better design.