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No entiendo japones, amigo.
Club 27 Goals
Idk is a silly baka gaijin uguuu~
Club 27 Goals
pretty much my entire japanese/wapanese vocabulary is loli, uguu, baka, tsundere, watashi-wa, desu, gaijin (sp), moe, and hentai I guess.

I've learned so much from animu~
I know what "baka," "watashi," and "hentai" mean, but that's about it.

Japones es tan tonto, ¿si?

red chamber dream
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
Japones es tan tonto, ¿si?

Tu madre es mi baño.
ew grose
red chamber dream
when i took first-year spanish i liked showing it off on internet forums too
you gringo
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I'd be quite surprised if anybody knew of hentai, but hadn't heard of bukkake (in the sexual sense) too. aiwebs_013
Life is a speedrun!!!
Here is me, not really anything else to say, but I love Metroid its my favorite game, all you people are amazing btw!!! :)

rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Club 27 Goals
jesus christ that's a hi-res.

you're kinda cute though so it's cool.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Quote from Poision Envy:
you're kinda cute though so it's cool.

Poision, aren't you a dude >_>
Club 27 Goals
yeah, it can't be helped
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from itsPersonnal:
Poision, aren't you a dude >_>

Don't be lame.
Life is a speedrun!!!
O_o  lol
Edit history:
Hazel: 2011-12-25 10:00:07 am
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I like how shitty my webcam is ^_^

red chamber dream
i like how similar you look to the panda on your shirt
aw you're a wittle pandy bear!
get a haircut, hippie!
Life is a speedrun!!!
lol I thought people would think i'm a Douche Bag, but it's cool to see everyone is accepting to others XP
Club 27 Goals
your collar is down, and you're wearing a tshirt under your button-up tshirt instead of just having your chest showing.

You're safe on the douche-baggery meter.