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Is your hair red or blonde?
ark looks like a douchebag. you didn't know that?
red chamber dream
lol that's the question isn't it

it's actually quite blond but a lot of people tell me it looks red ... my beard is a bit red
Quote from BioSpark:
ark looks like a douchebag. you didn't know that?

I did know that, but they're BOTH d-bags, so I couldn't tell them apart.

Quote from arkarian:
lol that's the question isn't it

it's actually quite blond but a lot of people tell me it looks red ... my beard bush is a bit red

funnily enough another (ex-)forum member also gets representation in that photograph. the blue thing hanging on the wall behind the drumkit is a piece of swirl knitting that was sent to me by chanoire.
Nice Shpongle shirt, ark.
Club 27 Goals
ark looks kinda stoned in that pic

or just tired

probably stoned though
red chamber dream
oh nice, i was wondering what that was. thought it was something or other you had started.
oh god what's with that green controller
it's a controller that absorbs all wavelengths of light except green
I think they were a halo 3 thing, I just bought one because I needed a second controller
Edit history:
ryu: 2011-11-25 05:23:43 pm
it's just a weird color for an official controller
Club 27 Goals

fuck yer, one of my woot shirts got here.

Also I'm pretty sure this is the only real picture of me I've ever posted out of a private thread on this forum.
red chamber dream
looking sexy as ever
There's a real picture of you?
Well, I think it's about time... Sup.

What'd you say?
Quote from Poision Envy:

fuck yer, one of my woot shirts got here.

Also I'm pretty sure this is the only real picture of me I've ever posted out of a private thread on this forum.

You're male? Your profile says otherwise.
Club 27 Goals
red chamber dream
it's not her fault if she has excessive facial hair
What'd you say?
The internet: those who claim women are really men, those who claim to be men are really little boys, those who claim to be little boys are really the FBI.
weren't those horse-mask pictures of you?
Club 27 Goals
eh yeah, I didn't really count those though cause lol mask.
Guess Spy o' Bark was right after all...
Bloody hell poison envy looks like me Confused
Club 27 Goals
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
Guess Spy o' Bark was right after all...

he was just being a tsundere baka, he just really wanted me~