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I like turtles.
Quote from Opium:
Ur so goth.

Not really, just like black.  And it was Halloween.
Club 27 Goals
LA Noire?

But yeah, just needs a fedora like Idk said.
I like turtles.
A fedora would be pretty neat, actually. 

I also want a fez, but that wouldn't go with the whole "man in black" thing I have going in the picture.
i just call everything emo
so he looks emo to me
I like turtles.
Ironically, I'm the happiest and most well-adjusted I've been in a long time as a result of going to college and making some friends.

Well, there was that one little hiccup that I may have mentioned in passing on the social thread, but other than that...
college is a p. cool place
learning shit, fucking girls, etc.
Club 27 Goals
man, it's been about half a year since I've had a picture taken of myself. I think I'll take one at the end of no-shave november, although I might end up shaving anyway because lolmeeting girls.
last picture i took of myself

Club 27 Goals
very swag
Edit history:
ryu: 2011-11-04 09:48:53 pm
ugh i had completely forgotten about that shirt
red chamber dream
it's a great shirt
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks

Ryu, please don't bring back any more bad memories of watching Evangelion to me...
red chamber dream
red chamber dream
grenola and me chillin


you both look like you're ready to just let your dicks hang out
what game is dj playing?
red chamber dream
red chamber dream
which of course i'm now itching to download
Quote from arkarian:
grenola and me chillin

Which one is Grenola and which one is you?
red chamber dream
he's holding the controller