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my, what manly hands you've got there ...
Club 27 Goals
just the way you like them :3
Club 27 Goals
I'm on the right. This is what we're going to wear to fanime this weekend.

red chamber dream
idkbutlike2 is a bucketful of sunshine like always.
I was only talking about the suits, geez... :P
Club 27 Goals
Quote from arkarian:
idkbutlike2 is a bucketful of sunshine like always.

I would have been offended if he said he liked it honestly. He always hates everything awesome, so pretty much if he says "you suck" it's like a compliment for normal people.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
ugh look at that collar. shameful.

silly horses.
Quote from Poision Envy:
Quote from arkarian:
idkbutlike2 is a bucketful of sunshine like always.

He always hates everything awesome, so pretty much if he says "you suck" it's like a compliment for normal people.

Uh-huh. Just keep telling yourself that.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Just think of wrongness as a perk of being a Marylander!
Where can I get those horsehead masks.
Club 27 Goals
google searching "horsehead mask" brings up the exact place int he first result. It looks like they went up in price since I bought them ~6 or so months ago. http://www.mcphee.com/shop/products/Horse-Head-Mask.html
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Throw two of them until they land face-up and the door opens
Club 27 Goals
so, who's going to be the first to post pictures of themselves in costume?
I like turtles.
I don't have a costume, but I did dress all in black in honor of the occasion.  Maybe I'll post a picture here later...
Edit history:
BioSpark: 2011-10-31 02:25:48 pm
BioSpark: 2011-10-31 01:54:24 pm

here's my costume.
red chamber dream
loving this cold weather
Club 27 Goals
Quote from BioSpark:

here's my costume.

picture didn't embed, so I opened it in a new tab. The girl sitting next to me thought it was funny as well.
Club 27 Goals
huh weird, it worked when I quoted your post
I like turtles.
Ur so goth.
You look like a movie detective in that outfit (well, minus the fedora).