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Lose the ponytail at once.
Super Metroid Addict
Already did, last week :P
Thank goodness.  I used to know this guy (who I hated) that had one of those little ponytails.  I struggled between wanting to rip it out by the roots and wanting to light it on fire like a fuse and watch his head blow up.
Club 27 Goals
There's this kid at our school that has a ponytail down to like, his waist. He has also never shaved in his life, so his face is covered in a pube-beard. It's disgusting, but somehow his girlfriend likes it.
It's those little ponytails that are most annoying.  Long ones at least have a purpose.  The short little ones are just like an accessory, an ugly one at that.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Guybrush Threepwood is the only man who can get away with a pony tail.
red chamber dream
Quote from Opium:
It's those little ponytails that are most annoying.  Long ones at least have a purpose.  The short little ones are just like an accessory, an ugly one at that.

sort of like penises rite
Edit history:
Super KB: 2010-09-30 09:41:42 am
Quote from Poision Envy:
There's this kid at our school that has a ponytail down to like, his waist. He has also never shaved in his life, so his face is covered in a pube-beard. It's disgusting, but somehow his girlfriend likes it.

thats because for some reason girls like hairy men these days
Edit history:
arkarian: 2010-09-30 09:42:49 am
red chamber dream
poision's in high school though iirc. so it's like ... not even a hairy man but rather a boy with a little bit of scruff in random places. which is yeah p. gross.
don't give none of that boyhair to fork

he needs a real man mane
red chamber dream
i used to have a pretty rocking mane going
i've got a pretty rocking mane in a certain place if you know what i mean
Club 27 Goals
Quote from arkarian:
poision's in high school though iirc. so it's like ... not even a hairy man but rather a boy with a little bit of scruff in random places. which is yeah p. gross.

Yeah, also he has blonde/really light hair. It might look better with dark hair, but with light hair it just looks kinda gross :/
Quote from Super KB:
Quote from Poision Envy:
There's this kid at our school that has a ponytail down to like, his waist. He has also never shaved in his life, so his face is covered in a pube-beard. It's disgusting, but somehow his girlfriend likes it.

thats because for some reason girls like hairy men these days

I wish.
yeah that's exactly why i have a beard. need to avoid attention. though i'm getting uglier every day so the pressure is coming off.
red chamber dream
i recently shaved my beard for the opposite reason. applebee's ftw. lol.
I like guys hair that is touchable.  I can't stand hairstyles that are so full of styling product that you cannot touch them.  They may look cool, but not being able to touch them without getting greasy/sticky hands is NOT sexy at all.  Also, long hair on guys is kinda ugly.  I prefer short haircuts that can be styled very conservatively for a more formal occasion and left kinda messy when just chillin with friends.  Also, sideburns are a must.

When it comes to facial hair, definitely sexy as hell.  Some guys, however, can't pull it off, but most can.  It needs to be well groomed and not look like you grew it out on deserted island. 
Super Metroid Addict
Edit history:
horscht(i): 2010-11-10 05:42:03 pm
horscht(i): 2010-11-10 05:41:12 pm
defrag in progress
A wedding ceremony does not stop us from showing off!

3 kg pure intellectuality packed in 183 cm pure sex!
Quote from horscht(i):
3 kg pure intellectuality packed in 183 cm pure sex!

wow you know a lot about my penis!
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
If BioSpark were in D&D, he'd be a trap, with a 95% chance of making a sexual remark when triggered.
defrag in progress
Quote from BioSpark:
Quote from horscht(i):
3 kg pure intellectuality packed in 183 cm pure sex!

wow you know a lot about my penis!

Sure, your mom told me some day ago. ;)
A bad hair day
defrag in progress
looks like bald hulk hogan