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I understand what you are saying, ryu, but don't expect everybody to be like you are.

I said that mostly because I used to be annoyed by people not responding to my posts too, but grew accustomed to it as I started to hang out on message boards more often.
Chooser of the Slain
Uhm, I see.
people ignore most of my posts. unless they're really into creepy stuff.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
You shouldn't worry too much about any response to something you type on here.  With any community of decent size, you're going to get all opinions on all subject matter.  Sometimes you'll be in the majority, and sometimes you'll feel ganged up on, but that's just the tinterwebs.  There are groups within groups here, which I can pretty much split into three:

Oldskool - from the beginning days of speedrunning Metroid Prime
The middle ground, where most people fit
The new peeps

Getting from new peeps to the middle ground is easy enough - just stick around, talk about stuff, don't do anything stoopid, and it'll happen.  Getting into the oldskool is like mining in granite with a glass hammer, so feel free to try. Razz

And who has been throwing the 'good looking' card around?  I thought we were supposed to leave it a week before entering sleaze mode, and hitting on new members... Wink  Just gutted I wasn't first...
Quote from DynaDASH:
Honestly, hurts my feelings, yes.
I am taking a therapy to begin to accept myself more openly, that meant to share my appearance on the internet and see the reactions, obviously, as my psychologist said, I wasn't to expect only positive reactions but still, I am human and I do feel things and react to words.

Woah...wait a minute. Your psychologist encouraged you to share your appearance (or anything, for that matter) on the internet and see the reactions?  Has your psychologist ever actually used the internet?  If I were a psychologist, I don't think I would ever encourage anyone to fish for peoples' reactions on the internet, especially if they had self-esteem issues.  Because truthfully, nobody here has said anything near as horrible as the kinds of things that are commonly said to people online for no reason at all. 

I'm sorry I said that I doubted your pic.  Not because of your claim that it has hurt your feelings, but because of the whine parade that followed. It's a classic example of attention-seeking behavior.  Now I doubt it even more.  If I'm wrong then don't get butthurt - just call me a bitch and move on.  If I'm right then use a less attractive pic on your next adventure.
Edit history:
DynaDASH: 2010-09-12 03:08:08 pm
Chooser of the Slain
The psychologist is one of my parent's friend ¿why I accepted? Maybe because they insisted I had to open myself to "other things" not that I do it often.
"Whine parade", I think one thing is honesty and other thing is being rude.
Of course you are wrong but I won't call you "bitch", people don't deserve my rudeness unless necessary.

Of course it's attention-seeking behavior (I already said I wanted attention), it is normal to do that, but I just don't want to create problems, so I apologize for any inconvenience.
Club 27 Goals
Well, here's something on-topicish. Here's a picture of Andrew, it's awesome. I wish it was faster though, can't be bothered to edit it in photoshop or gimp right now.

can we see the original?
Almost happy
Reminds me a bit of Michael Cera.
Edit history:
Poision Envy: 2010-09-12 03:38:35 pm
Club 27 Goals
lol I hope he doesn't mind. These are from the year before last year. I only got them off my cellphone recently though. We took a picture of his REALLY weird grape (more like 6 grown together, whatever).

He looks pretty young in the first one for some reason.
Here's my Andrew:
I mean, HERE'S my Andrew:

red chamber dream
Quote from Poision Envy:
We took a picture of his REALLY weird gape
Club 27 Goals
Hey, I said grape >:(. I was scared at first I left out the r.
red chamber dream
Quote from Opium:
I mean, HERE'S my Andrew:

Isn't he a dream ?
Club 27 Goals
he looks a LOT like my uncle, Dirk. Only with more hair.
Set me up with Dirk!  I'll change my name to Daphne for the evening.  (10 coolness pts to whomever knows wtf thats about)
...Dragon Slayer?  *googles*  No.  Dragons Lair.  I don't deserve the points.  But the right cartoon/characters were in my mind.

Also.  ('bout time I said something) I'm familiar with another Red head that is going with an Andrew that has dark brown eyes.  So they must be a perfect/natural pairing. extra_smug
I'd say u get the points.
Edit history:
Gaius_4: 2010-09-12 11:27:48 pm
It's been many a year.  And as long as you're changing your name, you might as well dye it blond to complete the effect.
Was she blonde? I dont remember.  I just remember her pursing her lips and making this dorky 'Ooooo!' sound.
She was when a 'googled it' to make sure of my answer a few minutes ago. ;)
Then I bet she was back then, too.
Super Metroid Addict

Yosuke style <3