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red chamber dream
lol not sure if that's supposed to be taken seriously or not
What'd you say?
You'd pass? Probably cause she isn't <16 aiwebs_032 but that's fine, I'd definitely take her for a ride.
Club 27 Goals
Quote from arkarian:
lol not sure if that's supposed to be taken seriously or not

the person that made it is being sarcastic. She's a pretty popular "cosplayer" (not really, she just gets paid to wear shit like Lolipop Chainsaw and random stuff from games she's never played). She's a bit infamous online.

Quote from Tyjet66:
You'd pass? Probably cause she isn't <16 aiwebs_032 but that's fine, I'd definitely take her for a ride.

Too white, no variation, needs more asian.
red chamber dream
ah ok it being sarcasm makes much more sense lol
red chamber dream
and no, of course i wouldn't pass on her, she's not really my type but a decent chick is a decent chick
red chamber dream
i will say the moles on her stomach are amazing though
What'd you say?
Not Teemo, but is this better Poision?
red chamber dream
ew now that's a nasty looking chick
Club 27 Goals
eyes too big, duck face lips, no neck, and her skin is doing something weird under her left (our right) boob.

3.5/10 wouldn't fondle
red chamber dream
yeah all those plus she's just weirdly shaped, has really wide hips which i think is gross, boobs too big, weird stretch marks or something on her stomach, and a duck face which means she's actually ugly and is trying to hide it

also too much makeup, but i disagree on the eyes ... possibly her only redeeming quality
What'd you say?
Well shit Poision, what does make you happy?

Possibly this?
Club 27 Goals
Something with fluffy tails is prefered
red chamber dream
i'll take the one she's holding :9
gap in teeth, no tnx
What'd you say?
red chamber dream
red chamber dream
any "fashion" photo is always going to look crappy to me though, all the weird lighting and makeup just makes chicks look weird
One shall stand, one shall ball.
What even is this shit.
red chamber dream
man i really want to go back to japan
red chamber dream
so much stuff i feel i should do there still
red chamber dream
think i want to do seoul next though because japan felt like a very unique and interesting place to me, so i want to visit other asian countries to compare
Club 27 Goals
Seoul is pretty neat. only got to spend a few hours there between planes but it was nice.
Quote from arkarian:
man i really want to go back to japan

we can just go in the future. kinda sick of it now but i'm sure i'll want to go back eventually
Man, this thread grew a malignant tumor pretty fast.
red chamber dream
who cares