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Hello my name is Mister Pillow. I may have found out how to perform a 7% run. Details are listed in this email I sent to metroid2002 staff.

you should post this exact thing on the forum in a new topic under
zero mission. i don't know enough about zm to tell you anything off
the top of my head.

thanks for visiting m2k2,


On 9/4/05, nick duncan <Mister_Pillow@msn.com> wrote:


> Hey I do not know if you remember me (I asked the question about Quicktime
> videos),

> I have just uncovered evidence that could lead to an 8% run, or possibly 7.

> However you must require EXCELLENT bomb jumping tactics in order to pull
> this off.

> The two items that can possibly be skipped are the power grip and the
> unknown item right before it. (Imagine the difficulty of Chozodia without
> Plasma Beam my God!)

> Now I know ALL requirements of Power Grip can be passed like you would the
> high-jump jumps. However, you just to be a bit trickier to get to morph ball
> tunnels.

> Now I know the Power Grip CAN be skipped. Heck, I beat Kraid without it. (I
> had to some annoying diagonal bomb jumps however)

> Now, the main problem is "the lava room". You know the room that has a bunch
> of lava right next to the first save room? By God I hope you do after
> creating this site. None the less you have to have EXCELLENT bomb jumping
> skills in order to go through. (And I've been able to do this only once.)

> Now, strangely at the end of the room was those weird organic sphere things
> that block your passage. Ya know they first appear around the Varia Suit
> Area place and you have to get larvae on them, at least 4, in order to kill.
> I of course did not find any larvae.

> Now if there is some secret passage around this (probably up, where that
> seemingly pointless part is, or maybe somewhere in the lava and you have to
> risk damage, which would suck), we can get around this.

> Now maybe not. If by chance the requirement to make that thing go away is to
> just visit Crateria then we can bypass it. Or perhaps we must at least get
> the unknown item, which brings us to an 8% run, though Chozodia will no
> longer be so difficult. (And I actually looked forward to that)

> So now, understand that if we can find a way to go without the power grip
> and possibly the plasma beam we can make Metroid history! I bet this is
> something the developers could have long hidden deep within the game. It
> seems highly logical. But there's more: By doing this we can increase the 6%
> allotment on a 15% run.

> If you can help to do this as well as the rest of the metroid2002 staff I'd
> greatly appreciate it.

> From the Desk of Mister Pillow

Thread title: 
There is no secret passage around the organic sphere thing, and the trigger to make it dissapear is the power grip itself. Sorry, but this has been thought of before, and many have tried to bypass it. It appears to be there specifically to make sure you cannot skip the power grip. Skipping the power grip requires either finding a way to destroy the sphere without the larvae (impossible as near as I know) or bypassing the whole room (also impossible as near as I know).

Nice try, though. Wink
Erm you can DBJ accross the huge pit but that would be too hard so yeah..
lol no way
Well, at least I still remember how this game works, if I don't remember how to play it. It's been tried and tried again; you canNOT skip the power grip. The trigger to remove that little plant machine is actually acquiring the power grip, not visiting Crateria or something stupid like that... like, horizontal bombjumping across the crumble blocks leading down to power grip (which, by the way, isn't necessary, just quick jumping will do it) doesn't help either, because the door on the left is grayed out until power grip is acquired. There are no secret passages, and I'm here to tell you there's also none that are there before you get powergrip or something crazy like that, because I've gone through that room using bombs only at least 100 times, maybe more. I hate to break it to you bud, but nope, it is as of now impossible to get less than 9%.
So uh, yeah, that was just me confirming what Light of Day already said. I just sort of wanted to type for some reason.
(user is banned)
aw... AJ beat me to it...  Crying or Very sad
he does rather tend to do that.
lol no way
P.S.: Nate, I watched the dvd you sent me, and uh, I really am amazed at how high quality the capture is. Like, I've never DL'd the HQ runs because they're not really worth it to me, I can deal with a little bit of fuzz... but wow, it really does look nice. And I like how the menus work, very pretty. Finally, good choice on bg music.
thanks. i haven't been able to come up with a way to convey all that to people on the dvd page. probably would sell a lot more if i could. $1000 can buy you a very good picture from a vhs source.
Well it looks like I should explain things in a bit more detail.

First of all, each event in the game, like getting an item or beating a boss has an event index.  This index is used for two things, to change the sprites in a room, or to change door states.  The power grip event uses both.  When you first enter the power grip room, you enter the regular room.  Once you get the power grip, several things happen:  First, when you go back outside, the room is different.  It looks the same, but it's actually a totally different room.  What happens is that there is a door event that makes it so that when you enter the tunnel, it branches upon getting the power grip, so it re-points to the new room.  Also, when you get the power grip, the plant thing goes.  I forget if it's a sprite state change, or if it's sprite specific, but either one should do it.  The last thing is noticable to anybody who has BJ'd the platforms and left the room before then form.  If you do, you will notice that re-entering the room will cause the stone in the middle to raise up again.  If you let the platforms materialize, another event is triggered.  If you enter the room from the back door before getting the power grip, the pit will lookas if it was allready filled.

Anyway, to be short, the only way to skip the power grip is by hacking, and if you allready do that, why not just put the last boss in the second room and the escape pod in the first, and just make all the missile packs give 255 super missiles and make the last boss have 1 HP?

BTW, I've backdoored Chozodia without the power grip.  Not hard if you know how to wall jump.  doing so with the power suit does mess up your game though, if you decide to beat Mother Brain after you get your full power suit, unless you, erm, hack again.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Quote from Jigglysaint:
BTW, I've backdoored Chozodia without the power grip.

But with hacking, right?  There must be hacking or you couldn't get through the yellow doors....
Obviously. There's no (community-legal) humanly possible way of backdooring Chozodia without using a Shark or a CodeBreaker.
Time bomb set get out fast!
I know, stupid question, Jig's wording just made me wonder.
I have tried even insane bomb jumping to get past organix plant things with blue spheres and to no avail.
It's possible to bypass Plasma if you have the Screw Attack. I know it's possible to wall jump up and go through the Screw Attack blocks. But I'm not sure if it's possible to get Screw Attack before Power Grip...
You can't get Screw before Plasma/Power Grip. And Plasma would be needed for the two black pirats in the escape.
Don't think so.  There isn't any way to get to the rest of Norfair except to the right of the elevator, which is where the plant thingy blocks.  The left side (leading up to Chozodia) doesn't connect with the rest of Norfair...the dead-end room is right above the screw attack room.

Too bad Fusion's early PB tank trick doesn't work here.
Aww damn. Heh I dunno why but I've never attempted to go into Norfair without getting the Power Grip. That's why I never saw that plant...

Too bad the other way through Kraid's is blocked as well...
The only way that a 8%/7% game is to be accomplished is if someone finds a way to either:

a. Break the plant thingies
b. Find a back way into Kraid.
c. Find a way to get a Power Bomb Tank Early.

Quote from Razorflame:
c. Find a way to get a Power Bomb Tank Early.

Well the only Power Bomb Tank that is theoretically gettable is the one in Norfair. But then again, it's impossible to survive in a low % run...
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)

Blast from ze past.
Time bomb set get out fast!
I've always liked your filename for that image.
This is probably pointless, but if the plant thing can be destroyed by the speed booster, then you could trade the power grip for speed booster. Just a guess.
That would actually possibly make a 9% run faster and easier if it works.
Quote from The Dark Knight:
This is probably pointless, but if the plant thing can be destroyed by the speed booster, then you could trade the power grip for speed booster. Just a guess.

That's what I was getting at last night, but I'm assuming it's already been tried.
That would mean going into Kraid, thus requiring the power grip(although im not so sure.). Ive never really encountered that thing(probably cause you need the power grip to get there anyway.). Eh just a thought.