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Not sure, but it's an event pokemon from what I can tell. (Actually, looks like its wi-fi event is set to start tomorrow in Japan based on what Serebii lists.) It's also 000 in the new region's pokedex for some reason too.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Roll on the day when HM's (or whatever their replacement would be) are useable by the player, so you can keep a full team at all times, rather than wasting space with slaves...
okay I like these designs
All these Pokémon look almost indistinguishable from the last two crappy gens.
Some of them are pretty much exactly the same as old ones.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I don't know what you mean.  They all look completely different from existing Pokemon.  See?

red chamber dream
those do look pretty different.
Club 27 Goals
Can't tell if you guys are being really sarcastic or not. They aren't THAT similar.
Edit history:
arkarian: 2010-09-17 03:16:30 pm
red chamber dream
i wasn't being sarcastic. it's like ok there are over 600 pokemon now ... of course some of them are going to look similar. sort of like real animals -- panda bears look sort of like grizzly bears but they're actually pretty different and both pretty cool. to me pokemon is less about looks and more about ok what cool stuff can this pokemon do? so if it's got an interesting type combination, ability, etc etc
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arkarian: 2010-09-17 03:20:29 pm
red chamber dream
also ursaring is such a fucking lame pokemon
red chamber dream
usually i hate the ones that look exactly like real animals
These are p much Budew, Chimchar, Forretress and Starly

None of which were particularly cool Pokémon to begin with.
red chamber dream
i don't think the third looks like forretress at all (looks way cooler). if it were bug/steel, then yeah that's lame but i don't think that's the case.

the first two look like they might be pre-evos of existing pokes but i can't think of which. the second definitely looks like a pre-evolved chimchar but of course that's not the case ...

agree about starly, but after all the shitty normal/flying bird pokemon they've designed i'm not surprised they're out of ideas.
Club 27 Goals
You know what I want? Pre-evos of the old legendary birds. They would be cute little tiny birds (like the last one TGM posted) but still resemble articuno/capdos/moltres.
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arkarian: 2010-09-17 04:00:23 pm
red chamber dream
i don't like when they introduce new evos for really old pokes. tauros's evo can suck my dick.
I did notice today that there aren't any new Eevee evolutions this time, or at least I don't think so. Nothing fits.
They didn't introduce any new Eevee evolutions in Ruby Sapphire either.
red chamber dream
yeah also lame. it'll take 524305981 years for them to hit them all at this rate ;(
There are only so many types for eevee to evolve into, unless they make some new bollocks types.
red chamber dream
right. if they do two new ones every other gen it'll take decades.
We don't need anymore Eevee evolutions. Hell, I was fine with the 1st and 2nd gen lineups, they really didn't need to add Leafeon and Glaceon in the first place...
Quote from arkarian:
right. if they do two new ones every other gen it'll take decades.

or they could go on ad infinitum.
or go back and make jolteon and flareon look more overdrawn like everything since GSC
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Poision Envy:
It was only recently that I realised their names ended in uno, dos, tres, and counted up in Spanish.  I suppose I just wasn't looking for it, and suspect that if they'd just had pokemon ending in one, two, three, I'd have noticed.
red chamber dream
i would definitely like to see them do all 16 eevee evolutions -- why not?