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arkarian: 2010-05-10 04:12:32 am
red chamber dream
red chamber dream
steel-rock-fire is one that's almost perfect. each is x2 against one type and .5 against the other. fire v. fire is .5 and steel v. steel is .5, so the only anomaly is rock v. rock is x1.
red chamber dream
there's fighting-dark-psychic too but that's one's pretty unbalanced.
Dark is a shit type. Like Normal
red chamber dream
like most types, both of those are very good types when used right. some types are shit no matter what though, like lol poison.
I don't like the types that don't mean anything tangible. This is where the classic RPG elemental types (fire, rock, water, etc.) excel, but what the hell is dark? Or normal? Bah!
i love ice for some reason. seems like everything is weak to it. perhaps it was just a trend in one of the games.
and yes, i know that it's only super effective against four types.
red chamber dream
hey, better than poison's one. ice is a great type.
red chamber dream
looking at the type chart, there aren't many types that are super effective against more than 4. the average is probably around 3.
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Gamma_Metroid: 2010-05-10 05:18:58 pm
Gamma_Metroid: 2010-05-10 05:18:09 pm

The real deal?
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Let's see... a sad Pikachu recolor, a an upside-down dolphin, or a motherfucking scorpion with FLAMING STINGER CLAW.

Tough choice this gen.
Meh, I always pick fire anyway. Never picked anything else.
red chamber dream
fire one looks cool but i'll probably go with the water one this time. will be the first gen where i don't pick the grass. i can see the water one looking bad ass when it's done evolving.
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Prime Hunter: 2010-05-10 05:28:10 pm
Those don't look anything like the silhouettes Serebii posted yesterday. These three look like a panda-esque creature, a dolphin-esque creature, and a fire ant/scorpion to me.

If these are the real deal, I'm likely going with the water one since I love dolphins. Then I'd probably go with the panda one since I like those too, even if that means I leave the fire type (My starter of choice 3 out of 4 generations for my first go around) for last. And I agree with you Ark, the water type could end up being really cool once it's done, although I can say the same thing about the fire type at least.

Edit: Out of curiosity, what magazine are these pictures from?
red chamber dream
yeah it actually seems like those are probably fake. oh well.
Yep, turns out they are fakes.  The scorpion would have been cool, though.
Ready to internet!
The scorpion looks like it would take shit from no-one. I'm not sure if it's good that they're fake or not. The silhouettes on Serebii make the Diamond gen look good.
Club 27 Goals
The legit fire starter better be as bad-ass as that scorpion.
Whoever designed that fake water starter needs a nice kick in the shin.
Club 27 Goals

O Lawdzy, the fun never ends.
Are the top ones official?
Club 27 Goals
no idea, these were just the ones I saved from a thread on /v/.
Last I knew we hadn't seen the official versions of the starters yet.