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my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
to me, bottom one looked like turtwig with pig tail.

i wonder what will their secondary types be once they evolve. 4th gen pokes all got a secondary type.

i'm guessing:


this flows like the 4th gen guys where their second types made them beat the one that was supposed to beat each one.
red chamber dream
my guess is top left = fire, top right = water, bottom = grass. it would be pretty cool if they didn't use those types again though ...
they should fuck shit up and mix up the types. like water/fire and grass/fire. would be pretty cool.
red chamber dream
i guess the typical reaction to that list is "there's never been a sole flying type poke?". guess they always make it flying/normal or whatever.
red chamber dream
guess the first might be eevee. we'll see.
Club 27 Goals
Wouldn't it be kinda... silly if there was a "fire bug" type? I guess they already did an ice flying, and an electric water, but still.
red chamber dream
why would that be silly? could be like a fire ant or something.
red chamber dream
or a huge fire breathing praying mantis
Club 27 Goals
Yeah I guess. I was thinking more along the lines of something being super effective against itself.

Is there any Ghost normal types? Wouldn't that like, completely defeat the purpose?
Edit history:
arkarian: 2010-05-10 01:30:56 am
red chamber dream
Quote from Poision Envy:
Yeah I guess. I was thinking more along the lines of something being super effective against itself.

why would that matter? there are tons of pokes already that have that (water/electric, dark/ghost, ground/flying, etc). it's not like pokémon can attack themselves.
red chamber dream
not to mention single-type ghost and dragon types
Club 27 Goals
yeah but its still annoying, because its like, if it get hit with electricity is it "not very effective" or super effective because its a water type?
red chamber dream
type effectiveness is based on multipliers. electric attacks are x2 against water but .5 against electric, so it would just do normal (x1) damage. 2 * .5 = 1.
Club 27 Goals
see, its annoying.
red chamber dream
lol, it's only the fundamental system on which pokémon is based. :P
Quote from UchihaSasuke:
i wonder what will their secondary types be once they evolve. 4th gen pokes all got a secondary type.

Fuck secondary types for starters. Fuck 4th gen.

I post like a broken record... of 4th gen Pokemon hatred.
red chamber dream
fuck grass-fire-water
Edit history:
Poision Envy: 2010-05-10 03:29:21 am
Club 27 Goals
next 3 starters: Psychic, Dragon, and Ghost.

Shit just got real.
red chamber dream
lol you should at least make it a rock-paper-scissors relationship :P
Club 27 Goals
Oh, right.


Or I guess Ice-dragon-(something dragon is half as effective to, but is super effective against Ice)
red chamber dream
couldn't do rock (rock isn't super effective against electric) but ground would work. in that case though electric would be x0 vs. ground, so it wouldn't be as balanced as grass-fire-water, but i actually don't think there are any other 3-type combinations in the game with perfect balance like those three.
red chamber dream
ice-fighting-flying might be cool
red chamber dream
poison-grass-ground lol
Quote from arkarian:
ice-fighting-flying might be cool

That's what me and my brother came up with yesterday, we were having this EXACT discussion.