For some, it's all about the thrill of the capture, but I'm just after getting a party together, and playing through the game's main story.
It's not the thrill of the capture for me, I just don't want the series even easier than it already is. I could see making weaker Pokes basically an instant capture (more so than they already are,) but not the stronger and/or legendary ones so.
I'm also trying to slowly fill the bank so hacking wouldn't be an option, at least for me.
I wasn't thinking so much about having whatever party you want. You'd still be restricted to what you encountered. It'd just mean that when you do, you haven't got to mess around with some running away, some doing moves that kill themselves, etc.
On another note, I had my first roaming legendary encounter ever yesterday. I had just completed X, loaded back into my game, ran into the first grass patch, saw a white flash, and Zapdos appeared.
since we're saying goodbye to Pokemon X/Y, I figure I'll end this off by giving out a free demo code to whoever sees this first and REALLY wants it. Apparently there's exclusive demo stuff in here or something. Lemme know if anyone snags it and what all you can do in it since I have another code I might want to use myself.