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Club 27 Goals

The white one looks like it has a penis.
red chamber dream
tough pick, i probably like the white one more though
they both look retarded. sure that's legit?
since when do the legendaries not look retarded?

troll troll troll
red chamber dream
it is. apparently reshiram and zokrom are their english names. also confirmed the games will be called black and white in english too.
but we still don't know the english names for the starters?
red chamber dream
Club 27 Goals
I think I prefer the white one, has a more "epic" look to it, like it comes from the heavens or something, and the black one looks like he just came out of the ground.
red chamber dream
interesting thing is that supposedly the black one's going to be on the white cover and vice versa. might have to get pokemon black after all.
Either Serebii's description of them is wrong, or the reverse legendaries are supposedly going to be on the covers. (The black one on White, the white one on Black.)

Odd looking legendaries, although they feel kinda like cousins of Dialga/Palkia to me.
red chamber dream
i think serebii wrote that because that's what it seems like in the image on we'll see i guess.
They look quite like digimons zu me, that makes me doubt it was a good idea to try making the series more "mature".

But I'm still liking the black one's mecha-golem look. It just doesn't seem very "pokemon" to me.
The legendaries look dumb. Not as dumb as the starters, though.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I reckon if the black one was smart, he'd easily win, because he could just pick a fight in mid-air, and since whitey's arms are also his wings, he can't fly and attack at the same time. Razz
red chamber dream
yes because pokemon can only use physical attacks
Club 27 Goals
It doesn't even look like the black one COULD fly. look at those tiny wings, and he also looks like he'd be 100000lbs.

Not that physics even matters in pokemon, just saying. The white one looks like it could fly pretty easy though, he kinda looks like a cloud.
What pisses me off already is that I know that I'll be disappointed by that badass golem anyways.

One shall stand, one shall ball.
Bet the black one can't learn Surf.
[url]More info to make you pessimistic.[/url]
That link is broken, by the way.

Serebii has a bunch of new info about seven new pokemon, although the one that stands out for me is the fire gorilla, which looks great. But the electric zebra sounds interesting as well.
That was pretty much what I linked to. Stupid site.
red chamber dream
grr ... can't decide which legendary i like more. i'll probably get white though so i can trade pokemonz with windy. :D
uh, you're supposed to get whatever version can trade with me ...

so in that case i guess i'll get black so i can trade with you lol. then windy and i can be cool black ppl.
3-way battles? Some things are just better one-on-one, and Pokémon is one of them.