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Well, I just started any percentage speed running Metroid Prime and decided to register to add (or subtract) to the community. I just have to ask about the PC version, what's the best route to go? I've checked online and such but everything I find is either the original or the PAL version. With the NTSC back at home, I could easily get plasma beam and run through Phazon Mines in one sweep, but in the PC version I'm having to go by Phazon Mines three times (need grapple beam for plasma beam and power bombs for grapple beam. Oh by the way, here's my route so far (run time of 2:50 ):
Space Jump
Missile Expansion
Morph Ball
Charge Beam
Morph Ball Bombs
Varia Suit (can't get AoWild :()
Boost Ball
Wave Beam
Ice Beam
Power Bomb
X-Ray Visor (backwards from crash site)
Grapple Beam (don't dash jump to ore processing)
Plasma Beam
Spider Ball
Super Missile
Thermal Visor
Phazon Suit/Beam
Ice Spreader

Edit: Updated paths.
Thread title: 
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Welcome aboard...

You can get early Wild on your NTSC?

I can't. :(
I meant I can't get it with skill, not because of the game :(. I guess I should go practice a lot more
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
You're a brave brave man for enduring PC low %.
Er, I didn't mean low % either. I just listed the "prerequisite" items for handy reference. It appears no one plays the PC version so I'll be stuck for awhile :(. I'll run it low eventually... stupid thing requires the retarded Grapple Beam though :(
You know, there's a chance you could possibly exchange it for a non-PC version. Being stuck with the Grapple Beam does suck. I mean, you only use it what...twice in the whole game? Well, anyways, I'd sugest you swap it. If not...well, a few things might be easier with the required items.
Well, I'm stuck with it because it's a friend's game. Plus, it's teaching me things I'd never would have thought of in the NTSC version. Sigh, developers and their "normal" routes.
you dont need the grapple beam for the geometral core,watch one of the vids on the site
Yes you do. In the Player's Choice version, there's a stupid lock on the door to the Plasma Beam until you get the Grapple Beam.

Well..........  I'm glad I got it around the time it came out.  Thank GOD!
I personally can't wait to play the players choice version, my friend should be picking it up today.  The changes really interest me.

Likewise, i don't sequence break, so i see the majority of them as extra's to the game.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I really don't think I could stand the PC vesion, the canges that they made really pisses me off for some reason, I can only thank God I got the game the year it came out.
PC version sucks, all the door locks if you dont have grapple suck, the removal of the scan-dash sucks, sequence breaking is near impossible.....

How 'bout i stop there?  8)
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from Syl:
I personally can't wait to play the players choice version, my friend should be picking it up today.  The changes really interest me.

Likewise, i don't sequence break, so i see the majority of them as extra's to the game.

Wait, what benefits did they add to the game? I know the PAL loading is in, so no crashing, but iirc no other PAL changes were implimented, so if you're not sequence breaking you'll have about the exact same game. Well, except for the no scan dashing thing, which I think is a downside no matter how you play the game.
Quote from Toozin:
Quote from Syl:
I personally can't wait to play the players choice version, my friend should be picking it up today.  The changes really interest me.

Likewise, i don't sequence break, so i see the majority of them as extra's to the game.

Wait, what benefits did they add to the game? I know the PAL loading is in, so no crashing, but iirc no other PAL changes were implimented, so if you're not sequence breaking you'll have about the exact same game. Well, except for the no scan dashing thing, which I think is a downside no matter how you play the game.

How often do you dash off scan points when you're not sequence breaking? The only time I can think of that it might happen is when you're scanning a boss.
Ready and willing.
Quote from smilingjack13:
Quote from Toozin:
Quote from Syl:
I personally can't wait to play the players choice version, my friend should be picking it up today.  The changes really interest me.

Likewise, i don't sequence break, so i see the majority of them as extra's to the game.

Wait, what benefits did they add to the game? I know the PAL loading is in, so no crashing, but iirc no other PAL changes were implimented, so if you're not sequence breaking you'll have about the exact same game. Well, except for the no scan dashing thing, which I think is a downside no matter how you play the game.

How often do you dash off scan points when you're not sequence breaking? The only time I can think of that it might happen is when you're scanning a boss.

I was wondering the same thing. Although, it's not like it's ever an UPside.
Sometimes while scaning something I jump around to avoid them. Since you can't jump in Scan Visor in all but NTSC, I think Toozin's half right.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
I'm mostly thinking for bosses. You gotta scan those things, and dashing gives you some more manuverability when doing so.
W00t! Not that you guys care, but I just hit 2:18! I'm not sure how my new path will compare to my old (actually I accidentally diverted because I skipped the Artifact of Warrior while getting Grapple Beam). Anyone have ideas?
Space Jump
Missile Expansion
Morph Ball
Charge Beam
Morph Ball Bombs
Varia Suit (can't get AoWild :()
Boost Ball
Wave Beam
Ice Beam
Power Bomb
X-Ray Visor (backwards from crash site)
Grapple Beam (dash jump to ore processing)
Plasma Beam
Spider Ball
Super Missile
Thermal Visor
Ice Spreader
Phazon Suit/Beam
Quote from Toozin:
I'm mostly thinking for bosses. You gotta scan those things, and dashing gives you some more manuverability when doing so.

wait, so they removed the ability to dash AT ALL while in scan mode?

oh, wow, that would be a complete and total pain, oh fuck.

espicially for shit like sheegoths.

why would they do that? >_<
It made some sequence breaks and SW's easily accesible, and they dont like stuff to be screwy like that.  Rolling Eyes Yes, The scan-dash is completely gone, sorry.  :(

Edit #1: Awesome sig, Syl
Ready and willing.
Hopefully in Echoes, they'll fix this not by disallowing scan-dash, but by making it so that releasing your lock in mid dash won't fling you sky high.
Quote from Yoshi348:
Hopefully in Echoes, they'll fix this not by disallowing scan-dash, but by making it so that releasing your lock in mid dash won't fling you sky high.

thats actually something that i hvae an issue with, blizzard did the same thing.

"hey, X skill isn't working right, there seems to be a bug so that THIS happens instead of the intended THAT, any idea how to fix it?"
-well, is it a number issue? can we do it within 5 seconds?
"no, it would take longer than that"
-well, just remove the feature alltogether, noone will miss it, it was bugged anyway.

its called pure fucking LAZINESS.. espicially cause they coded the original idea into the game.

alright, sorry for that rant.
"....'s away"