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I've been thinking about doing this for a while and I really really wanted to finally write something.  I just wanna know if I can use some of the things here for my FAQ (of course credits will be given to you guys).  And I really want to know if I can use Mr. Potter's guideline on the "Best Speed Route" thread for a summary (Copy+Paste+Credit).

I finished the Celestial Archives Part I already.  I dont know when the whole thing will be done but hopefully soon.
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(user is banned)
Im sure that Potter wouldn't have any problems with you doing that, as he didn't have any problems with me doing it.
Wait, you know what, scratch that.  I won't make a FAQ, I'll try to make a video of it.  How do I delete a thread?
you don't...it gets locked...
If you decide to do the FAQ, I have no problem with you using my route, as long as you give proper credit.