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I've a problem with all the vids I record, the picture and the sound are not synchronized. It's a progressive desynchronization.

Which program can I use to solve this problem? I've tried virtualdub but it doesn't work.
Thread title: 
have you tried the "change framerate so matches audio" in framerate in vdub?
Quote from njahnke:
have you tried the "change framerate so matches audio" in framerate in vdub?

Yes I've tried, the desynchronisation is less important but it's not perfect.
you may need to export the audio as a wave, open it in a waveform editor (such as goldwave or cool edit pro), make an adjustment to it there, save it, then choose audio: wav audio in vdub and reattach it.
I've downloaded goldwave.

What kind of adjustement can I do in goldwave to solve this problem?
either insert however much silence you think will correct the problem (if the sound is ahead of the video), or delete however much you think will correct the problem off of the start of the waveform (if the sound is behind the video, as it usually is). then save the wave, open it with audio:wav audio in vdub, and play it to see if it's lined up. repeat until you achieve desired results, then go to video: direct stream copy, and make sure your audio compression settings are set (with audio: "full processing mode" on), and save your new video.
I'd better try that myself. Just outta curiosity, but...Nate, what is your surname? Only I saw a person called Nate in the MZM credits...
red chamber dream
Nathan Jahnke. And no, that's not him in the MZM credits.
always move fast
sequence break coordinator: nathan jahnke
everybody knows it's true
Quote from bartendorsparky:
sequence break coordinator AND publisher: nathan jahnke
You underestimate his video card powers
Quote from Arkarian:
Nathan Jahnke. And no, that's not him in the MZM credits.

Oh well. It was a strange coincedence.