Hello again, after being ridiculed (well, not quite) for using game maker, I have decided to move on, to other languages. One thing I could use help with is the mathematics of it all, so if anyone wants to help, here is my current wish list:
direction_to_point (x,y,target x, and y) (or, what is the direction from here to there)
animated sprites
For that last one, what I am looking for is a way to extract the frames from an animated image, and animate them, rather than making loads of seperate bitmaps.
Point_free(x,y) as is checking whether an object or instance of something specific is at that point
Advanced collision checking, as in sloping and mishapen masks, not just the little square it exists in.
CAn't think of anything else at the mo', but any help is greatly apreciated(sp?).
direction_to_point (x,y,target x, and y) (or, what is the direction from here to there)
animated sprites
For that last one, what I am looking for is a way to extract the frames from an animated image, and animate them, rather than making loads of seperate bitmaps.
Point_free(x,y) as is checking whether an object or instance of something specific is at that point
Advanced collision checking, as in sloping and mishapen masks, not just the little square it exists in.
CAn't think of anything else at the mo', but any help is greatly apreciated(sp?).
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