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It deals too much damage?
Glitch, lack of appropriate sprites... something.  It causes him to back up as though he were constantly being hit by concussive blasts, if that is what you were wondering.  Just something the developers never considered a possibility.  Or something.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Because Crocamire has two 'faults' in his programming.
The first is that he does not destroy plasma beams that come in contact with him, as is par with major bosses. Normally, this isn't that big a deal, since they can only hit twice at most (as with the Golden Torizo).
The second is that, because he uses special damage routines, his normal damage routine isn't accessed, and he doesn't get invincibility time from hits, including Plasma beam combinations (which is treated specially as far as invincibility time is concerned). So you actually hit Crocamire anywhere from 10 to 50 times each time you shoot a charged plasma beam at him. Each hit from the plasma beam counts as around 9 steps, so it's easily possible to force him to walk all the way off with just one shot.
I think his step counter is read as a single byte, though, so you can easily loop past 255 steps and back to 0. I've seen him only take ~15 steps after a good hit with the plasma beam.

And then Crocamire also has the attach + movable pointer for grapple, which is just plain stupid even if it's only possible with the reset glitch.
I don't think it's a glitch...I just think it's an oversight...

The programmer's made it so that no part of Crocomire's body can be damaged by any weapon except inside it's mouth...they also programmed the Plasma beam to pierce any enemy...they didn't plan on you having the Plasma beam already...so they didn't make a little thing that comes up and stops the Plasma Beam...therefore it continues in it's path...each time the beam comes in contact with a piece of Crocomire's body it is told that it can move through...but at the same time...told to stop...the little mini explosion you get when you fire any other beam at his body comes up...but in every...little...bit of his body...not just the mouth...since the beam is larger than the mouth...each little explosion counts as one hit...because hundreds (just putting a number up) of those little explosions come in contact with the damageable zone of Crocomire's mouth each one is set to push him back a bit...I think that if Crocomire could continue going back after he is supposed to fall he would go well past the energy tank...

That explanation is all just what I think happens...but then again...I think I just described a conflict between two parts of the games programming...resulting in unintended consequences...called a glitch...so really what I said first shouldn't be counted...

(all written off the top of my head without going back...I need a life)

Edit: Crying or Very sad Kej posted his explanation first! I feel so unspecial now...*sigh* *giggles*
Quote from Short Circuit:
why does the plasma beam kill crocomire in one hit?

I think I can answer that. The designers of the game never meant for the player to have the plasma beam at this point, so the effect will naturally be a little strange. Anyway, the beam hits Crocomire, and because it passes through him, it repeatedly hits him for every pixel the beam passes through, which causes x damage times the number of pixels it passed through, which is sufficient enough to make him step back all the way into the acid. This effect can be seen if you shoot Kraid's arm with the plasma beam, as tons of small explosions appear as the beam gets negated for every pixel it hits.
To sum up kej's post: the plasma beam pierces; it can hit multiple times.  Crocomire doesn't stop the piercing.  Thus, he takes not one hit, but many.
Y'know, I was about to call you all stupid, when I realized I was the one confused and was mixing up Crocomire with Phantoon. Go me. :P
Thanks everyone!

but why does he flash for a few seconds after you shoot him? (behind crocomire glitch)
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Because you touch yourself at night.

Also, possibly because that was the fad with bosses of the time. Every time you shoot a boss, it needs to indicate its loss of pride by flashing everyone on screen.

EDIT: enemies did it too. my bad.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
I'd think the flash is from all the Plasma Beam hits still registering; the hits take place faster than the game can register/display on screen with flashes. So the delay.