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Cook of the Sea
Hey, there needs to be a topic about this series.  I just got I & II for GC and am loving it.  To start, how are Section IDs figured?  I know it has something to do with the name you input but I can't figure out exactly what.
Thread title: 
What's PSO mean?
Cook of the Sea
Phantasy Star Online.  Perhaps I should edit the title...
Yes, spank you.  Stupid people like me don't understad stuff like that. Hence, people who don't understand that stuff.
Cook of the Sea
*crickets* :P
I really like episode 1&2 but I haven't tried 3 yet I am doubting it's greatness because it uses the card system.
Cook of the Sea
Yeah, I wont judge III until I've played it, but I can't imagine them successfully transferring the pace and feel of I & II to a turn-based card system. 

On I/II I've started as a RAmarl, Pinkal.  Yes, I know that's not a good ID for a Ranger, but I've never been one to keep trying until I get the ID I want.  I'm trying to lean away from that sort of thing in general.  And I looked up the final Pinkal Ranger Female Mag evolution, Diwari, and it looks awesome.  Cool wingses.
Section id deals with name length and is Cap sensitive! for example: Name/ Id  Sonic/Yellowboze
To find a section id for a certain name go to [url]www.pso-world.com[/url]