Club 27 Goals
Over the past month or so I've been making some perler things in my free time, and tonight I finished making a Metroid and I figured that since this is a metroid site I should post it here as well as my other things.
If any of you guys have made perler stuff feel free to post it and stuff.
Here's the metroid I just finished making a little bit ago. He used a LOT of black beads. I made this for Andrew (spidey-widey) for his birthday. It might not be the zero mission metroid sprite, but whatever.

Oh no, it appears my cat has fallen victim to the metroid, poor kitty :(

Next we have an Articuno I made for another friend for his birthday. I had to make this one pretty fast because I was already late to his party by the time I finished making the black-bead outline.


(I realized after melting him that the two black beads by his feet look like a penis, which I totally didn't mean to do, so I broke them off)
and last but not least, we have Corphish. I made him as a test because it was the first one I made, and I wasn't totally sure how to melt them right.

Oh no Corphish, what happened to you?! (I dropped him like half an inch when I moved the peg board to go melt him iirc)

Corphish crawlin around on my monitor

Run corphish, that isn't a pokemon!

If any of you guys have made perler stuff feel free to post it and stuff.
Here's the metroid I just finished making a little bit ago. He used a LOT of black beads. I made this for Andrew (spidey-widey) for his birthday. It might not be the zero mission metroid sprite, but whatever.

Oh no, it appears my cat has fallen victim to the metroid, poor kitty :(

Next we have an Articuno I made for another friend for his birthday. I had to make this one pretty fast because I was already late to his party by the time I finished making the black-bead outline.


(I realized after melting him that the two black beads by his feet look like a penis, which I totally didn't mean to do, so I broke them off)
and last but not least, we have Corphish. I made him as a test because it was the first one I made, and I wasn't totally sure how to melt them right.

Oh no Corphish, what happened to you?! (I dropped him like half an inch when I moved the peg board to go melt him iirc)

Corphish crawlin around on my monitor

Run corphish, that isn't a pokemon!

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