*some minor spoilers (if you havent played for at least 20 min)*
I must admit I didn't like it from the beginning, everything felt so uncomfortably (haven't find a better word), but this feeling was similar in the beginning of Prime1, too...
The beginning where scanning is a chore, where everthing is explained to you and they develop sort of an 'intro' which excells in Samus losing her equipment...
*some bigger spoilers (if you haven't completed the second region)*
Agon waste wasn't exactly better because for the first time this whole "light & dark theme" kicked in and in the beginning I thought of it as kinda confusing... constantly switching between the two dimensions. I'm often overstrained with simple 3D environments but with a second layer of a world which is a bit "generic" in some areas it gets worse. Add to this the constantly received damage in the dark world (until you get the dark suit)...
*major spoilers (3rd region)*
This changed dramatically with the 3rd region, approximately after obtaining the seeker missile. Now the old Prime feeling kicked in, it was really a similar curve like in Prime... I enjoy this game a lot, but it's now clear to me why this game is nearly ignored by the gaming press especially in terms of GOTY...
I liked the boss of Torvus, the use of the grapple beam in the battle was awesome.
*minor spoiler 4th region*
I'm now in the Sanctuary Fortress which is a really strange place for a Metroid game... The graphic is gorgeous, though
As a sidenote, I play without the hint system but after I searched about 3 hours for the third dark temple key of Torvus Bog (sp?) and looked under every rock and leaf, I enabled it only to find the key...
*end of spoilers*
- The game would be a joke with the hint system on... - somewhat much key hunting.. - All things considered awesome game so far :)
I think there should be a way to somehow mark your map when you come across something that you can't get yet, but know that you will be able to when you get a new item. It would make the first time through a lot less frustrating for some people, especially if you're not using any help from anywhere.
Okay, I got 1/4 of the game yet (40% scan, 20% Items, Fought Amorbis, Dark Suit, got Super Missile) and I love this game. It makes me scare, because the Dark World is so terrifying. I got the fear of dying like in the old times, in the Phazon Mines, but here only from the very beginning! The game has something I can't explain, but it's really really amazing. It's not the gameplay, it's the atmosphere!. So for me, you can't compare Prime 2 with Prime 2 because Prime 1 has other qualities than Prime 2. Prime 2 got this something I can't explain, this hopless atmosphere, this "your ship is blown off, your weapon systems are gone and you are hunted by unlimited of Ings". But Prime 1 has this "being god in Chozo Ruins".
This reminds me on how crappy the hint system is. I could't find the second key in torvus, so I turned the hint system on. It told me to a) get the second key. and b) go to the temple. The problem is that I need either power bombs or the spider ball to get the key. I don't have either yet and the hint system won't tell me where to get them. :(
This reminds me of my problem with finding the key without hint system.
I thought logically that I would either need
A) power bombs (the only not yet explored dark aether region was blocked by yellow doors)
B) spider ball (I assumed that the power bombs would be at the bottom of the underwater area, because there was this spider track to the portal there and the only other access to this Dark Aether region was blocked by a yellow door) to get A)
or C) to search for the key itself with only the present upgrades. This was also determined by the fact that I had already the third key and one could assume that one had to find it in order.
As I couldn't find the key itself I searched for power bombs in all three regions, mainly in their respective Dark Aether regions because all previous Guardians resided in Dark Aether. I searched for hours excluding region by region and starting over (I even tried to pass this tunnel where you constantly lose a lot of energy because of these purple floating particles, I even made it to the Ing reliquitary (sp?) before dying...)
Shortly before going insane I turned the system on, it showed me
*spoiler for the temple key*
the second portal at bottom of the underwater area
Same here. This key makes me feel so stupid right now. While spending hours searching for the key, I already wanted to bash my head against a wall. Now that I know how to get it, I want to bash my head againt a really hard wall.
That's me in Sanctuary Fortress :D I have collected 1 key & am told to find the fourth beam now by the Luminoth Ghost thingy (blue). The other key I've found is for a completely different area. At least Agon Wastes did not force me to leave the specific area to find more keys...