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professional chin scratcher
Thank you very much for watching the run and finding bits that could be improved.

I'll try to give an explaination to the ones you mentioned.

1, Can honestly say i've never tried that until i've got the speed booster as you saw.
2, I could definatly try this, in fact i believe i did test it a few times in the past. I think there's a PAL NTSC difference for samus as she travels in the air not spinning which prevented me from reaching the charge platform but i'll test it again.
3, Again the same thing can be said for samus as she is as a ball making this trick slower than it is on NTSC. But probably marginally quicker all the same.
4, I'm very dubious about this. To me it clearly feels quicker to get to the door mockballing. I get up at the right spot, pummle the door, cancel, aim up and shoot, grab the missles and in the door. There isn't a lot in it i know but every little helps and i rarely screw the mockball up.
5, yea wrecked ship does throw in a lot of problems lol. In that room sometimes i've been able to shoot a robot in a hole and the next robot is approaching the same hole amd i jump on top of it and shoot it into the same hole. Saving loads of time. I'll try your strat anyway. I did used to do this but stopped doing because of the damage sacrifice you make doing it., and health is a huge concern in wrecked ship for 100% after phantoon.
6, Yea strangly i am actually aware of this but dunno why i did it anyway. Guess i forgot there and then.
7, On golden torizo i tend to just shoot regardless. If it hits twice it's a bonus. It's very hard to judge when he's gonna jump so that two hit on one beam. I'll try it though.
8, Back to the PAL NTSC midair morphed differenece between to two versions unfortunatley this trick doesn't work. You get hit by the flame but holding left the entire time doesn't get you in the hole. But on practising after this TAS on console i've learnt to lay a power bomb upon entering the room and then quickly getting up and jump in the hole.
9, Again i must try this on ridley. I think ridley could be killed very quickly with it.
10, Yep on console i do this now so that's not a problem. Another case of forgetting little things when doing a TAS. Never any good that really is it lol.

I've actually revised a few rooms since this TAS, especially the few rooms before ridley. Going to ridley AND coming back.

The spring ball thing. Is that when i was in the spring ball room and on the last bomb jump i quickly unmorph and shoot the ball encasing the spring ball and then go into a ball again?
Or is it just the general waiting for the creature to clear the rubble?

It's a cool TAS and was shocked to see 50 minutes myself because i know i have to raise the bar unnassisted lol. I was expecting 52 or 53 whoa (@c.bags)
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Giganotabehemoth87:
The spring ball thing. Is that when i was in the spring ball room and on the last bomb jump i quickly unmorph and shoot the ball encasing the spring ball and then go into a ball again?

Nah, it was after Ridley, just after the face block I mentioned Screw Attacking in point 10.  You laid a Power Bomb to destroy the three blocks, and then laid a bomb to jump you up, rather than just jumping.aiwebs_011
professional chin scratcher
Ahh yea. Another case of forgetting during a TAS. I'v been doing a spring ball now unnassisted anyway lol.

I'm gonna practice all those points today. grin new

Been practicing the charge beam section and the unmorph trick doesn't work unfortunatly because of the lack of forward momentum samus has in the air on PAL., and the other one when exiting the charge room is also slower because samus also has reduced momentum even as a ball so getting to the hole is slow and plus she bounces from a lower height as a ball on PAL meaning when she enters the hole she bounces. On NTSC she doesn't do this. So jumping onto platform and then doing a little jump morph into the hole is actually quicker on PAL.

Wrecked ship robot room. I've noticed that the last robot always approaches the same hole that the robot i'm shooting is gonna fall down. So naturally today i've learnt to exploit this and as soon as the second robot falls down the hole i jump right over it and soar onto the last robot and shoot down on it so it falls into the same hole, saving probabably about 8 seconds !

Edit history:
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-03-04 01:58:06 pm
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-03-03 01:59:22 pm
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-03-03 01:57:55 pm
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-03-03 01:28:47 pm
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-03-03 01:22:41 pm
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-03-03 11:55:38 am
professional chin scratcher
practicing on golden torizo and i take back when i said it's hard to tell when he's gonna jump. In fact he's very predictable with jumping.

When the battle commences i shoot the first shot and move forward so he jumps back to the corner. Then i get into position crouching and aiming up and i wait until he's finished firing the globules. Then he jumps, that's when i fire for the double hit. Then i charge again to do a single hit. At this point he's firing globules again so i wait a fraction until he jumps and then i shoot for the double again. And that pattern continues until he's dead. It's incredibly easy. I can't believe i never bothered looking for a pattern before. Thanks for highlighting this because i wouldn't have bothered otherwise.

Ridley. This is brilliant. I shoot one charged ice-wave-plasma followed by 5 supers at the start and then ridley flys right to the top left. From then on i've got power bombs ready to finish the fight after 16 more charged shots. Or alternativly if i have plenty of ammunition i can do first charged shot followed by 10 quick supers and then 13 charged shots. The fight is very fast. Even more so if i can get ridley bouncing in one spot above me on the left for loads of guarenteed shots. Cheers again.

One downside to this is sometimes when you count your not consentrating on ridley's moves and sometimes i miss easy shots because my brain is trying to rememeber what number i'm on. But it's getting easier.

Another downside is when you lay a power bomb ridley is very quick to swoop down but not nessassarily down to pick YOU up. He just decends down one line from wherever he is in the air., and of course you can't see ridly all the time. So the power bomb laying has to be very careful and you know exactly where ridly will swoop down.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Without wishing to sound too obvious: if it saves time, it's ALL worth it. cookie
professional chin scratcher
Ahh i tell you if something saves a tenth of a second i usually incorperate it lol Rolling Eyes
professional chin scratcher
I'd say with all these points cleared up i'm ready to begin recording next week. (ugghh i hate pre recording nerves). I honestly can't see what else could be improved in the run unless it's tool assisted, i can do everything in that TAS and now i've rearanged some rooms to be even faster. But that's not to say then that i should be looking at equaling my TAS with 50 minutes. The start of that TAS was far too good. Arm pumping was probably approaching 20 per second in ceres in some rooms. The Chozo skip i won't do. I just think it's silly really. Plus with a TAS you can make sure you jump how you want for each jump. Jumping in this game is very sensitive. over doing the height on jumps is really time costly over an entire speed run. That's why when i play unnasissted i really try and aim to ledge grab well in all rooms whenever i possibly can. I reckon then that a far more resonable human limit by todays cosidered peak performance on this game would be around 51/52 minutes on PAL. I'm not giving myself lee way here either hahaha. My limit is still 54 i'm sure of this.
professional chin scratcher
I was recording yesterday a sub par run, just to get my feeling back into recording while playing at my best. It was a shoddy run anyway, mistakes left right and centre.

Anyway i got to phantoon and mest up a 2 rounder, continued and finished phantoon off. scouted the ship for the rest of items, bringing me to the robot room at the top that we spoke about in earlier posts. I grabbed the missles in there, looked at my dvd recorder to find out that it had stopped recording !.

Now i pressed nothing on the dvd remote. And certain that my foot never touched any buttons on the recorder itself. What is quite interesting though is that it stopped dead on 30 minutes.

Now i havn't played with my recorder at all to set it to anything nor am i aware of any functions for it to stop recording after a set amount of time, but needless to say i can't afford to have to worry about this happenening again when i'm doing my best run. Also i tested it again last night and it was fine. It went past the 30 minute mark so i let it exeed to 40 minutes before confirming that it was ok now for some reason. It was set to SP quality which gives me 2 hours recording time on the dvd which is plenty even for a 100% run. My 100% runs are about 1 hour and 20 minutes i think. The dvd was re formatted before recording so there was the full 2 hours on it to start recording with.

Posting this to see if anyone could come up with a reason why a dvd recorder would stop recording suddenly like that for no reason.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Other than something bizarre like a minor power fluctuation, it just seems like one of those random things that crop up.  I'd be tempted to leave it recording any old crap a few times (TV or whatever), just to put it through its paces.
professional chin scratcher
yea sounds like a good idea. But why did it stop dead on 30 minutes and 0 seconds, unless of course it was freak coincidence.

The dvd recorder cost 179 pounds. Not sure what that is in dollers. About 250 dollers perhaps. There were lots others in the shop that were cheaper but also there were others a lot more expensive.  It's somewhere in the bottom to middle price range.

Anycase i'll record more with it just to give it a work out
there's sometimes a "timed recording" feature you may have accidentally activated. if that's the case then you may never see it again unless you accidentally activate it again. sometimes it's as simple as hitting the record button more than once on accident that makes it stop after a certain amount of time.
professional chin scratcher
ahhhhhhh yes. I do recall pressing the record button more than once at the start of the run coz it looked like i diddnt press it right. Even though i must have. I reckon that's what i did i pressed the damn button twice *slaps self*

Just done a 56 minute 100% run. Holy crap 100% runs take so much outa you in a SS. Very good run. All bosses went extremly well. 2 rounder against phantoon, 2 rounder against botwoon and a 2 rounder against draygon. Messed up the last shot against ridley. It seems i counted wrong for the last shot followed by a power bomb. I must have been one behind what i initially thought coz ridley grabbed me and diddnt die. But i used quietus advice on ending the match after the next shot with a power bomb as usual.

Also i diddn't get to record the whole run due to not enough space on the dvd. I had a 40 minute other piece of crap on the dvd and i diddn't re format to get rid of it. It doesn't matter i knew i weren't going to get my record tonight anyway. I think it stopped recording somewhere after ridley.
professional chin scratcher
Well here is my completed 54 minute 100% PAL run peeps
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!

Almost happy
You should really try the Torizo skip. It's honestly not that hard, and there are probably tougher tricks you already do pull of in this run. I mean I've done it several times, and you are obviously a lot better having 5 minutes on my best segmented any% run with a single segmented one.

In the run you just posted you where in a pretty good position to do it, having gotten a decent turnaround at the missiles, but you didn't even attempt it. And the thing is that you can't really lose any time attempting it (well, you'd lose about a second if you turned around to quickly and missed the missiles), but you can gain so much. Plus, it's probably the only notable trick you can only pull off on the PAL version.

Except for that though, this is awesome, I never thought that I'd see a 00:54 100% PAL run (nor a 00:34 any% PAL run).
Edit history:
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-04-01 05:03:40 am
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-04-01 05:03:07 am
professional chin scratcher
I know what your saying but i don't think i was in the right animation in my run to get out the door regardless. Plus i did the turnaround at the bombs just for show. Her back has to be facing the bombs when you collect them for unnasissted anyway for consistancy. Unless someone can arm pump super fast. Another problem with this is i recently changed my button settings. I switched select button with the L button for easy access to the missles, supers etc. In turn this means i have no angle down meaning i can only arm pump with the right shoulder button, making this trick even more difficult. Like you i've done it several times before but only when i've been practicing specifically to do it. Personally i think it's a very difficult trick. Maybe i do somethings wrong. Like jump at the wrong time or soemthing.

However i will probably include it in my second attempt at any% later this year when i aim for 33 minutes !. I'm thinking about purchasing a classic controller pro for my wii instead of this standard classic controller that i have which has crappy pressure sensitive shoulder buttons. You can't arm pump very well with these anyway. But the pro controller i've been told has shoulder buttons similar to the snes ones which are great for arm pumping.

Anyway i'm very glad you liked the run Cpadolf
Almost happy
Hmm, I ran some tests and it did turn out to be harder than I remembered. Basically, you can do the escape if you end up in that pose, but you only have a 50% chance (the timer for the closing of the door oscillates between 41 and 42 frames every other frame, and from that pose you need it to be 42), and you have to armpump pretty fast to do it. The jump when reaching the door is pretty hard too, you only have a 1 frame (sometimes 2 depending on the number of armpumps you manage to do) window, so you need to jump as late as possible. The turnaour trick at the door is actually pretty easy though, as you have at the very worst a 4 frame timing window (doesn't sound like a lot, but it's almost as much as the window for a walljump).

If you end up in the best turnaround position, it it possible to do it regardless of your luck with the door timer. Basically, if you are unlucky your situation is the same as getting lucky with the worse turnaround position, and if you get lucky the run and jump becomes pretty easy, and it is even possible to jump straight out if you get enough armpumps in (though it is naturally not advisable to try that, you should always do the turnaround trick at the door to maximize your chances).
professional chin scratcher
That is very interesting. When you say turnaround animation at the door do you mean spin jump into the door and just as your about to get into the door transition you turn the opposite way whilst spin jumping so samus essentially flicks her back into the door making the jump quicker?

I've also managed to fly through the door and straight into the next room before when i had best turnaround position at the bombs and arm pumped very quickly. This was in the days when i had angle down on the L button where i fetched my right index over to it and hammered away at that while my thumb was on dash and the middle part of my thumb was ready to hit jump.

I guess really to be able to do it consistantly we should all be looking at getting the best turnaround animation at the bombs.
Almost happy
Quote from Giganotabehemoth87:
That is very interesting. When you say turnaround animation at the door do you mean spin jump into the door and just as your about to get into the door transition you turn the opposite way whilst spin jumping so samus essentially flicks her back into the door making the jump quicker?

Edit history:
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-04-06 07:39:55 am
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-04-01 05:36:36 am
professional chin scratcher
exellent. I'll try it. 
professional chin scratcher
So when you grab the bombs and you've done the right turnaround animation (or just grabbing the bombs regardless) the door closing timer is either 41 or 42 frames depending on nothing other than the two times ocilllating for every other frame. So if we re saying for example that i get the best turnaround but i had 41 frames to escape then i do wonder how worth it this is as i'd need to arm pump around 8 or 9 times before the jump. I tested this on the emulator and it was about that much arm pumps to barely make it out. Almost unfeasable unnasisted for human in a short distance like that, and on another time when i entered room, it was very easy to escape. Wherebye i must have had 42 to escape, and i was able to escape with as little as 4 arm pumps.
Almost happy
Since you get moved forward a pixel both when you aim in a direction and when your aim goes back to normal, you actually only need 5 presses as you need to get ahead by 9 pixels to make it if you jump at the best position and turn around properly at the door. It can still be hard but it is definitely possible (just mash away on the shoulder buttons and hope for the best), and there is no reason not to try no matter what position you are in.
professional chin scratcher
So in the event that i'm rewarded by random a 42 frame timer for the door, I can manage 4 arm pumps which = 8 pixels. If the timer is 41, then i'm sure the arm pumps required is approximatly double this. So 8 arm pumps = 16 pixels required to escape (not very feasible for human). It's getting easier to get good turnaround on the bombs now. It's just a shame the door timer will either will or wont let me do a chozo skip by a 50/50 basis.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
It sounds more like you'd have to perform an extra one or two at most.

Have you tried the jumping method (small jump, and then turn around and let Samus's 'back' collect the Bomb) instead of the turnaround?  I wouldn't know if it's any easier, but it's possible, as you immediately land, and can start running, rather than the other frame or two where you are finishing your turn.
Almost happy
If you get the 42 timer you actually only need to get ahead by like 4 pixels, which is 2 full armpumps.