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Well just to inform you I haven't managed another run that's better than the last one. Thanks mainly due to my fucking DVD recorder messing up most of my recordings on several discs. Including the run that contained the 32:30. That unfortunately turned out unwatchable.

The run I'll upload is the old 32:40 which doesn't contain a Torizo skip but is alright time wise I suppose. On more positive news I must have done the Torizo skip about 7 times this night. But I failed to get any where afterwards. Felt quite frustrated tonight for some reason and my room is like a furnace which doesn't help. 
Here we go

Edit history:
Reeve: 2011-07-03 07:03:42 am
Reeve: 2011-07-03 07:00:33 am
Reeve: 2011-07-03 04:57:38 am
Good run, Behemoth, Congratulations. I'd like to analize the run, if you don't mind, but maybe i'm too cold with my words and you could not like, so i'll post it hidden. if you're going to read, don't take me bad.


It could be better, since it is a short area. But iirc you said you would continue if you get a 44 or higher...


Nice Climb in Crateria Shaft and nice fight with Torizo. Also, i noticed you mockballed later going to Torizo's area and in the bottom you quickly unmorph and shoot so you run and jump through the door. That's pretty good to watch. Crateria was very good, but a Torizo Skip would make it perfect. The time lost in Crateria was what you would gain skipping Torizo, as the only mistake i saw was the fall in old mb room, what costed, at most, half second in my opinion.


you missed the shot to break the block going to Spazer, and had to come back to shoot again... i think it costed around half or one second. Another mistake that probably costed 2 seconds was that after killing Kraid you took too long to open the door. In Mini Kraid's room you had to delay Samus due to lack of missiles and failed the mockball out of Kraid's area. Overall i think you lost around 5 to 6 seconds in Brinstar. Good.


Damn fucking place! Around 3 seconds lost before the Lava rising room and bad luck in Bubble room... Damn Cacti/Flyer. I hate when Samus is entering a door and some enemy touches her. The Flyer costed you some seconds in the Green bats room. Another little mistakes in Bubble room going back. Bad luck with the jump through the save pod... that happens a lot to me. After the save room i can only see a minor mistake where you had bad luck with the jump after the first power bomb room in red brinstar and had to walljump up again. It's hard to say how many seconds you lost from the momment you entered Norfair to the momment you get to Red Brinstar elevator. Maybe around 12 seconds. I think Norfair was pretty bad and you had bad luck there too. You may think that 12 seconds is too much and i'm wrong, and maybe you're right. But i've been playing in Norfair on emulator and having the same problems and usually, even going well through some rooms, the time lost is big. The problem in Norfair is that even small mistakes costs you a lot of time, cause it usually fucks up the entire strategy for the room. Most of Norfair we are jumping, and if we fall or miss the trick, you can't cross the room in the same speed.

Crateria/Wrecked Ship

The time lost here, in my opinion, is due to the usage of a wrong strategy in the Attic room. After having a great fight with Phantoon you had luck with his drops getting 5 supers and 3 power bombs, also you left his room with a good ammount of energy. After getting the Super Missile pack you had 10 supers and the best strategy for Attic room would be the same you used in your 100% run, so you would waste two Supers killing the ball creatures but would save health for the shinespark in gravity statue room. In the worst case you would enter Brinstar with 8 supers, collect 1 from the cacti in pre-spazer room, waste 1 openning the green door in Maridia and get to Botwoon with 8 supers. If the right strategy were used, you would probably feel more confortable by just keep going and not stopping to refilly Samus health. I think that made you miss the super short charge in the Gravity statue room.


One thing i've noticed since your 100% run is you wait too much ( compared to NTSC ) to jump after the power bomb explodes the Noob Tube... i'll test it but i think you could be faster there at least half second. You had bad luck with Botwoon's drops, but the best choice here, in my opinion, would be stop i the bugs in the next room to get at least the necessary supers to enter Draygon's room. After the good fight with Draygon, i think it would be better to space jump than shinespark back from Draygon's area. Though it is faster by around 2 seconds, you loose too much energy and have to worry about it to not get killed in Norfair (Remember the double kago room? hehehe...). You could use the blue suit to shinespark to the space jump room and then space jump all the way back instead of shinesparking, saving your energy for later. So you would not have to worry about refills and higher health means that you can take more risk fighting Ridley. I think you lost around 10 seconds in this area, mostly due to the four particles of the wave beam combo no hitting Botwoon. if you had hit him with all four particles, you'd have three supers left, and would not have to stop to refill your supers, though i know how hard is to time properly the particles to hit him on PAL. Maybe seconds lost...

Norfair/Lower Norfair

You had problems after the lava rising room in Lower Norfair. You tried to freeze the Pirate but you killed him instead and that costed some precious seconds. You had a great fight with Ridley. Some mistakes leaving Lower Norfair and that's all for here.


Fell before reaching the platform bellow the door in Maridia... hahaha... bad luck with the second wave of green bugs. Missed the jump in the room after the Ship room... that costed some seconds...


Good Torian, you had luck with the supers drops and ended the metroid's areas with 10.

Overall it's a good run, but i really think it's below of what you are capable of. The First part of the run, from Ceres to Norfair entrance, it's very good, but after that there were too many mistakes. Some of them costed too much time, like The bad strategy for Attic room, the Power wave combo on Botwoon and the mess up in the three pirates room in Lower Norfair, after the lava rising room. If this mistakes were exchanged for minor ones and if you had a Torizo Skip, this would be a 31 for sure.
Edit history:
Reeve: 2011-07-02 08:47:44 am
Reeve: 2011-07-02 08:47:22 am
Reeve: 2011-07-02 08:46:57 am
Regardng the Noob Tube, it's slower on PAL. It seems you have to wait for the explosion to reach the right side of the tube for it to activate the animation. So you have to wait for the explosion to get to the other side, and as soon as you notice this happened, run and jump up. I did a smv with a strategy, but don't know if it's faster. Take a look.

Note: You don't need to hold run for the second jump to reach the door.
Thanks for the analisation of the run. But first of all I have to say, I know the run is kinda crap. I only watched it once and wasn't that pleased with it at all. Many recordings I'd done after that run were vastly superior to it with much higher consistency but unfortunately I'm having some issues with my dvd recorder which fucked up the recordings. The run I've uploaded wasn't meant to be a reflection of my skill set as of now. It's just something to replace my old (slower 34) and to somewhat enjoy based on the fact that it's 32. It's to bide the time with until I get 31 which could take months of hard work.

yeah I know i fucked up Ceres lol but i didn't give a shit because it's 44. When I play this game I feel like I'm always learning and practicing. This run iirc wasn't taken that serious. Just a practice run that turned out alright in the end time wise.

The jump through the door going into the bat room before Torizo is quite risky actually on PAL and I've since stopped doing it. It's only pretty is all and isn't that much faster. To get 31 the need for consistency above anything else has never rung more true than now. I need to feel completely composed throughout and not feel burdened with having to do pretty things like this which can cost me dearly if I fail it.

Bit before spazer: Rare for me to morph before shooting like that. Just rushed myself a little that's all. When I kill Kraid and i took too long to open the door, that's actually because my jump to get onto the platform didn't make it. So I'm shooting but it's not opening the door coz I'm standing next to the platform. I've learned since this to always do a rather big jump after collecting kraids drops to ensure I make the platform and the door is in front of me.

Norfair: again as it's a decent practice run I continued despite some fuck ups. I know it's shit here and I do better nearly all the time.

Attic room: Since this run I've been doing the 100% strategy anyway so that's cool. But only if I have a lot of supers. If I have like 7 or less I might opt for the shinespark instead.

Noob tube: Yeah my delay is the PAL difference of the tube breaking slower which I've known for a very long time. I can't remember how long it took me to jump in the run but by the sounds of it I was slower than I usually am due to just being careful. I usually start running just as you say, when the explosion reaches the other side. The SMV is interesting but I don't think that's faster really. I'll give it a shot though and see how it feels.

Maridia and LN: I think the opposite about the health conservation after blue suit usage. Even with little health after using one, it doesn't waste any time collecting more on the way to plasma because I always kill the same stuff on the route. The kago room in LN isn't the thing that killed me itself, what happened there on that other run I've spoken to you about was me unmorphing too early. Yes I had low health but it wasn't a problem for me as it's happened countless times before and the ninja pirates correct this anyway. Ridley hasn't killed me for a very long time either, even with low health. I think blue suit is fine, is easy to pull off and looks rather neat.

Tourian went very well indeed. Rare to have 10 supers by the end of the metroids !

So anyway, yeah I'm well aware this run ain't that good and I've proven to myself already that I'm capable of much more. Even after doing that run I thought it was shit honestly. I've been getting progressively better since this run. Mistakes are getting much less and some strategies, some of which you mentioned I've already started doing. I'm feeling more confident and since I've stopped doing practice runs and instead doing actual attempts the gameplay is much better, with me only continuing if I get Torizo skip for one thing.  The blame should go to my DVD recorder for not recording properly the better runs.
The Bomb that says it all .!..
Hey Behemoth, I loved your run. Especially the TAS inspired entrance to Kraid's area. DancingApplause

A question.

Was that multiple Murder Beams on Mother Brain?

Good luck with the 0:31, A Torizo Skip and a tidy up of your little mistakes should do it easy.

I'd Like to wager that you get it earlier than what you think you will.
Thanks a lot.  Bosses went really well, all of them for a change. That entrance to kraid area is a strategy that 072 came up with last year. It saves about 1 - 2 seconds and makes the jump over a lot easier and less likely to fall. Also on most occasions you don't need to wall jump off the edge either. The top and bottom super shots can a do miss so it takes a bit of practice first to get the feel for it.

Yeah that's 3 murder beams placements. When you do the murder beam at the start of the fight on MB's head it glitches further and sticks to her head dealing constant damage, but unfortunately it's a bit slower than using good, fast charged shots for that first phase. So what I do is use charged shots for the first phase and then as MB is about to do the big beam, there's enough time to lay 3 murder beams in those positions to deal constant damage thereafter throughout MB paralysis, Metroid healing and Metroid death stages. So it saves in game time and real-time since there's less lag to suffer through. Well actually there is more pause screens but who cares, in game time is what matters.

It's cool your optimistic about the run. I need positive mental energy from everyone Pray Razz
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Behemoth:
I need positive mental energy from everyone Pray Razz
Omm, omm, omm... Pray
Just to inform you, there's a reason my run is taking too long to go up on SDA. There was a missunderstanding with the torrents. I was supposed to torrent all three qualities of the run (lq, mq and hq) but I only did mq. So it'll take a bit longer until I sort out the two remaining qualities for them.
Wtf??? So i was blaming the wrong guys??? Now i know who is the guilty!
Well, Nate should have all three qualities now and the run could be up on the site soon. Yipee
Great!!! Can't wait to download the HD encode! This one i'm going to watch on a 42 inch TV!
Edit history:
lxx4xNx6xxl: 2011-08-19 06:14:17 am
My name is 4N6/Forensics.
BTW Behemoth you should submit your 32 Any%. Its nice to replace the 34 Any%. Also why haven't you submitted your 14%.
Yeah it's about time I started thinking about submitting the 14%, as I have no plans to improve it. I think I'll submit it when the 100% is up on the site, which should be on the next update.

As for the any%, I wish to replace the 34 with a 31, which I know is possible. Also that run on youtube isn't even one of my best 32. I've done better ones but at the time my recorder fucked those up.
Edit history:
lxx4xNx6xxl: 2011-08-19 09:47:08 am
My name is 4N6/Forensics.
I mean you can just submit a 32 now and just submit the 31 once you get it.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
In fairness, in the time it may take for the 0:32 to be put up, you may well have finished the 0:31 anyway.  SDA is sometimes silly slow in updating.
My name is 4N6/Forensics.
I do understand that they are busy and all, but they really are slow on the updates.
FINALLY, your run is on SDA! Congrats!
oh yes !!!. finally, what a relief
The Bomb that says it all .!..
Congrats, on your run being published on SDA. To celebrate I watched the entire run from start to finish. It is such an enjoyable run to watch and I never get tired of all of the skills on display.

Once again well done and congratulations.

P.S. Thanks for the shout out in the write up. I wasn't expecting that being a relatively newbie and all
Mang, you're so good at this game it's not even funny. D: I really hope you can get that 00:31 soon! ^__^
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Forgot to say: Thanks for the acknowledgement, Behemoth. aiwebs_004
Quote from Quietus:
Forgot to say: Thanks for the acknowledgement, Behemoth. aiwebs_004

Same here!Very Happy
Edit history:
lxx4xNx6xxl: 2011-11-04 03:34:10 pm
lxx4xNx6xxl: 2011-11-04 03:11:17 pm
My name is 4N6/Forensics.
First off I forgot to say thanks for the shout out in your submission!!!!!!!

Now here's something of you!!! I found a consistent way for my Kraid Quick Kill on PAL. Took a little practice, but I found the correct spot to stand.

On NTSC you have to stand in the middle of the Block. On PAL you have to have her back foot in the middle of the block.

Next I'll find a way to 2 Round Draygon for you but, that may take a while for me to start testing it. I mean I do have to practice and try to complete my next segment. I'll get around to it one day though!!!

This .smv was done on 1.43 v17.
Good shit Forensic. I'll try and nail this later on console and let you know how it goes.