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I'm trying to do a 23% run (more a crawl) with the PAL version but i'm hopelessly stuck at the beginning of the mines. The door to the wastedisposal is tightly locked so thats not going to work. that ofc still leaves the normal route into the mines. But its insanly dificult! First 2 mega turrets, no big deal, then 2 more turrets, again no troubles. But there there is a nice big room with horders of pirates. First there are 3 or 4 shadow pirates. I've managed to beat those once. but then the wave troopers finish me of. any help?
Thread title: 
avoid fighting more than one pirate at once!!!oneone

and afterward, keep on movin and firing, i dont know what more hints to give you...
as you finished the shadow, the wave should be no match *shrug*

good luck =)
I'm pretty sure there is a lock on the door...
The shadow pirates are the easy part. dont forget to use missile on them, cos you aint gunna need em for the wave pirates. Also, make sure you get some refils from crates before taking on da waves.

Now, I find that as soon as the battle with the waves begins, running like a girl down the ramp to the opposite end of the room gives you the best shooting spot. They seem to come down one at a time if you do this, maybe 2 or even 3 if you get unlucky. Basically, "flick" back and forth from behind the pillars in the middle of the room, firing a single wave shot each "flick". If a pirate charges forwards (probably will) then stay at the opposite side of one of the pillars, and block its right arm with the pillar (remember, thats YOUR left) then it cant shoot you, and your free to blast away. Thats all there is to it, really, and a bit of luck is always nice.
ok thx for the help. I'll waste my free time on it tomorow.

Btw. whats the record for a PAL 23% run?
Quote from fractic:
Btw. whats the record for a PAL 23% run?

no clue. also, you might try watching segment 13 of treb's 23% run, as he deals with the same thing you are dealing with there. and yes, he will tell you that it's extremely difficult, and you are not a bad player for dying there.
I managed to do it a couple of times now. But i've decided to go back and save after i did it last time. Now there are about 8 troopers and a turret in the room but i can roll throug :D

however i have more trouble at the ore processing (with the rotating spider track) there are 2 power troopers there. Fighting them is hardly an option. I've managed to take one down but not a chance to get them both. And i've seen zoidi climb the thing in his run but he gets hit 3 or 4 times and usually i don't have that much energy left. Any suggestions?
That'd be the hardest part of a low-% run. I struggled every day for over two weeks to get to that one save station after the power bombs. Trust me, this WILL take long, you WILL swear, but it's soooo worth it...

By the way, if you head out from the first save station, blow up the turrets, open the forcefield and go save again, the turrets won't be there when you load the next time. Pirates will be, but they won't hit you if you just run run and run s'more.

Seconds set of turrets you can just scan and shut off. Saves time. The shadow troopers, I took out easily with charged ice beam shots. Look around in the roof, try to see if you can hit the closest pirate without walking very close. One charged shot and he'll be weak. Walk up to next to the metal beam, by the slope, charge another shot and look where the second shadow pirate will come, between the next metal beam and the wall. You'll see both sparks and some unnatural shifting when he walks by. Try to hit him and he'll freeze, sometimes even his partner behind him will become an icicle.

The wave troopers are a bit more difficult. I found it easy to remove all destroyable pieces of metal first, then when the cutscene starts, just rush forward while charging a shot. Remember you only have to charge them half-way to inflict enough damage for it to be worth the time. You'll be able to hit the first trooper three times or so before one of his friends come rushing. Back away and hide behind the metal pillars. Don't hesitate to be cowardly. Elite Research shouldn't be a problem...

Ore Processing is probably the trickiest room. Power troopers are the strongests of em, and there's nowhere to hide. Try to follow a certain pattern every time you go there. I did, eventually I knew what the pirates would do before they could do it. The first one is best removed with a super missile, followed by some close-up power beams. For the second you might have to keep some distance, and do a LOT of dashing.

After that, you have the Elite Pirate to look forward to, as well as Omega Research, with the triple power troopers and two wave troopers.

On the plus side, each of the earlier rooms give you full energy once you're done shooting. Either you'll get ultra energies from the dead troopers, or several small energies from crates.

Wait a second... you're not doing this on Hard, are you? I was. 28% on Hard... Very interesting, actually.... I'd sink to 26% but I'm too lazy to learn the Sun Tower and Vent Shaft tricks.
I'm doing it on normal but its 23% not 28% so no charge beam let alone super missiles for me. I managed to beat them once but i screwed up afterwards. Really makes me wish i could just powerbomb them to bits Twisted Evil
No Super Missiles!? Aren't there artifacts you NEED Super Missiles to get!? The one in Flaaghra's room for example.
Quote from skynes:
No Super Missiles!? Aren't there artifacts you NEED Super Missiles to get!? The one in Flaaghra's room for example.

well you don't even need the spiderball infact. Just browse the prime page of M2K2 and you'll find a nice IBJ of an oculus and a sick TBJ incase you have the spiderball
Oh, no charge beam? That's a different story then... erm... well, good luck to you. I'll never let go of my charge beam... or power bombs. Things get so much easier once you get those.
Okay, the mines are without a doubt the single hardest part of a 23% run (and even more in PAL since you can't sequence break to the PB).

Since you've already defeated the room with the scripted wave battle I won't go into details for this one.
Know however that Shadow Troopers should never be a problem : whenever you have to fight them, go back to the previous room and keep the door open. Since they can't follow you in the other room, and can't hit you from distance it's easy as pie to ice-shoot them to death (it's cheap but it's soooooo easier).

As for the Power Troopers in Ore Processing, these ones are really a pain. Again, I fought them from the previous room since it avoids them to jump at you and kill you at point blank range. My strategy is this :

Always stay in Research Access until BOTH pirates are dead.
Shoot the door open, then shoot at the first (left) pirate to get his attention. Try not to get the other one's attention until the first pirate is dead...

He'll come at you, shoot him a few times while going back to avoid his shots. The door will close.
Shoot the door again, move towards the door and when it opens shoot the pirates a few times and run back to hide from his shots... Repeat until he dies, then shoot the right one and start over again.

This will be long and probably boring. And it's also a cheap strategy but it should be manageable if you take care. It's not as easy as the Shadow Troopers since Power Troopers can (and will!) shoot you...

I hope you can do it, you're almost there. Once you get the PB it'll be a lot easier (until OP at least).
How many energy tanks do you have... I'm guessing you're going to say None right?
welcome to the forum, zanapher. ;P
Quote from skynes:
How many energy tanks do you have... I'm guessing you're going to say None right?

yes none ofc! but I still did it once ;)

Ow zanapher welcome to the board and thx so much for that strategy i'll try it out as soon as i have some time. I really don't care about long and boring. It beats a quick death