Quote from Chanoire:
Quote from Nario:
Sorry that I'm misunderstood, but then again, I am fairly unique so I don't expect everyone to get used to me right away.
We're quite used to "fairly unique" people. That's because most people consider themselves unique. The only thing about you that's registering as at all out of the ordinary, besides your persistence in clinging to the idea that you're in any position to talk down to your audience, is the bizarre non-sequitur with which you attempted to illustrate this. Calling your examples taboo-breaking viewpoints is ludicrous. To wit:
Quote from Nario:
As for the father, however, he is a male and a lot of males have sexually-driven impulses and some can't hold them in; he may have scarred the child but men are wolves and the child can still have a future to look forward to, even though she'll have a lot to overcome.
It is due to this logic that helps me overcome all taboo and base my thoughts on the truth, not false emotion. "OH NOES The man raped her! KILL HIM!" vs "Why did he do this? What he did was wrong but I'm sure there is a good explanation for this, however, he will by no means get away with this".
It is due to this logic that helps me overcome all taboo and base my thoughts on the truth, not false emotion. "OH NOES The man raped her! KILL HIM!" vs "Why did he do this? What he did was wrong but I'm sure there is a good explanation for this, however, he will by no means get away with this".
Your fatuous certainty that you're far more qualified than those "falsely emotional" people to determine "the truth" of an issue which is purely theoretical to you because they can't possibly be as logical as you believe yourself to be, your flippant description of the magnitude of a brutal and shattering crime as "oh noes", your insulting characterization of "a lot of males" as wolves who are simply unable to resist their natural impulse toward rape, and your belief that "a good explanation" can exist for rape are all entirely typical of people who have never been raped and are complacently certain they never will be. You're not different. You're not unique. You sure as hell aren't superior. You're just unaware that you've gone from the small pond in which you were a big frog into the bloody ocean.
I extremely appreciate you taking your time to post such a lengthy paragraph. You have automatically gained a huge quantity of respect from me.
Now, as for the discussion. First off, I've seen many people shrug off events without even wondering why such an event could occur; not even to question the factors that have caused such a predicament. A great example would be a female in my English 101 class. She said that homosexuals were sinful and disgusting, the teacher asked why, and she said "I don't know... they just are." Believing in something without a reason seems like the worst thing anyone could ever do, mainly because it puts shame on humanity and its potential to use intelligence and think critically. Putting intelligence to waste by ignoring reason seems like a waste of a person if you ask me, but she still has the right to live, to procreate, and to fulfill the requirements that we all have in this life, only that she will continue to live a reason-less life. It's kind of like being assigned an open response and writing down "I don't know" as the answer.
Secondly, I don't think I explained this clearly. Most men are wolves because a lot of what they think about goes down into the following list: sex, food, sex, sleep, sex, beer, and sex. The emphasis is obvious. ;) However, that does not mean that most men think about rape. In fact, rape is something that most men cringe thinking about and find it repulsive, being that it is; the nature of having sex without consent is disgusting and it's no wonder why it's looked down upon. While a rapist is definitely desperate to "get some" and might even have a few mental problems, we cannot overlook how sexually active the man is and if his condition can be fixed; of course, he'd still need to serve a lot of time for permanently scarring someone's life. The mind of a male usually revolves around sex, but there are exceptions. Some men have no want for sex, thus most likely won't participate in any sexual activities and might even find the act of masturbation to be a complete waste of time, even though it is beyond the fact it is a form of entertainment and giving pleasure to oneself. Overall, the average male almost constantly thinks about sex, but at the same time are disgusted by the thought of rape.
Lastly, you prove an excellent point between the perspectives of the raped and those not raped. According to the one who is raped, there is no logic and the rapist deserve major punishment; a major slap of doom to the groin, if you will. With that said, you are right on that point and I congratulate you for adjusting my thoughts. I only like to further my knowledge and you certainly have done just that. :D
I feel like this now belongs in a debate section. One thing that really worries me is that only a select few of you actually took your time to discuss your opinion on me or the argument itself. Like, posting an emoticon as a response to my post is extremely vague and posting something like "okay..." means almost nothing and only proves that not only is the argument awkward but that a few don't even have the words to express his or her true opinions on the matter. Chanoire, you have done such superbly.
I wonder when we will focus on nothing but the song? It's quite a shame how much of a stir I have caused... even though I think it's a great example of how I overlook taboo, no matter how disgusting they may be. If it must be known, I am 100% against rape and I actually have a feeling someone is going to bring up "why did you have to justify yourself?". If that is the case, then it's because of the nature of my post. I'm sure MANY could automatically call me a rape-lover and a murder-hater (due to stereotyping), even though I extremely despise both.
EDIT: moozooh, you stole the words from my mouth. :D