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Alright, I've finished the game and will now offer my opinion.

Controls are generally great. After about an hour, I had mastered the controls and things flowed well. The grapple lasso, and the gestured controls in general, worked fairly well but often I needed to slow down my gestures in order for them to register correctly.

The difficulty curve was very good. I guess the reviewers who deemed this game too easy played on Normal (essentially a euphemism for Easy mode, considering there are 3 modes). I had some trouble with many of the bosses and died on several of them, yet the game was never too difficult. I felt it was just right.

The boss battles in this game were outstanding. I died once on most of them, and they all took different ways to defeat. Their was somewhat of an epic feel to each of them too. The Gandrayda fight was quite a surprise to me, the Rundus fight had great music, and the Seed bosses all were fun. My only beef is with the relatively easy final boss which did not match the difficulty curve at all.

The E-cell quest wasn't too big of a distraction like the keys in Echoes, as 6 of them I found on my way. One of them, however - the Bryyo one where you need to find a ship grapple piece and put it in a room, took me a while to solve, which hampered the overall experience a little.

Another frustrating part was when I assumed I needed the Plasma Beam to progress through Bryyo Fire, but I eventually figured out that only the charge beam was needed. I (like Matt Cassamasina) couldn't find the Energy Cell data until I randomly found it under Samus' status screen, which is not where the game told me it was! I was also slightly disappointed that the Valhalla looked like a skin of the first GF ship, and that all the Seed areas looked the same, but those are minor gripes.

Environmental puzzles were in full force in this game. There seemed to be far more of these than in previous Prime games, and they were generally satisfying to solve but sometimes messed with the pacing a bit if I was eager to reach the next objective. Also, combat in general was more prevalent in this game, which I enjoyed, but some of the endless enemy rooms were frustratingly difficult (in particular, the one where you must grapple levers to disable the cannon on Bryyo while Flying Pirates pull them back).

The graphics were great, even with the Wii's limited abilities. The lighting and particle effects were really good, and helped create certain moods for certain areas (menacing in Valhalla, calm in Bryyo Ice, etc).

All things considered, it was a great game and certainly better than Echoes, perhaps on par with the original. This game definitely deserved the 9.5 it got from IGN, which is about where I'd put it.

EDIT: Forgot to mention something. The ship missile expansions seemed utterly unnecessary, and I rarely used the bombing runs. Hyper Ball and Hyper Grapple were only used in puzzle solving and never against enemies for me, while the mapping of missiles to Dpad down seemed unintuitive. I was also disappointed not to find a seeker-missile requiring boss.
Anywhere, everywhere
Okay, I said that I would leave these boards until I beat the game, but I just passed one of the greatest Metroid moment I've ever had... the area with the seekers. I think that it's called xenoresearch labs or something. The experience was so eerie, so amazing, that it's too hard to describe. Seeing tons of confined metroids gave that "oh shit somethings gonna happen" feeling. Then once the power goes out, the cages break, the eerie music plays, and the metroids are seen floating below you.... it's incredible. Also, the metroids aren't wusses this time around! They're not as powerful as the 2-d ones, but they're much better than prime's or echoes'. That moment solidified the fact that I am in love with this game.

EDIT: Oh, and phazon siphon, Helios requires seekers.
Well, I beat Helios without seekers, but I could see how they'd help on that one phase where he creates all of those energy-shooting blobs that charge. Using seekers always disrupts my aim though, just because I had to slightly adjust my grip to use them.

Oh, and that seeker area was intense. A great moment in the game, one of my favourite areas.
I can't wait to get to that metroid scene again on hyper, I bet the increased challenge will make it even creepier. I refuse to play that at any time but night.

I know, the ship missle expansions were unneeded, although the bombing run itself was fun if you remembered to use it in open areas. I remember getting sick of enemies of the surface of bryyo and bombing them to the stone age. One thing that I thought would have made the grapple lasso actually a lot cooler is if they had let you syphon health off of enemies with it instead of just in puzzles, you'd be like a freaking metroid.
[ M a n a t e e ]
No, the seekers are best used when he makes the five balls orbit him.

Also, I don't get all the OMG FINAL BOSS TOO EASY comments.  I died more to her than anything else in the game. <_<
On elysia right now, just 'saved' the AU and got to a save point..

I am not overly digging the boss fights thus far in this one. They are pretty much just reusing a common theme...

Boss has X weak spots which must be targeted first. Then rip off armor/drop bombs to make boss actually vulnerable. Enter hypermode and drill them. rinse and repeat.

It makes the fights tedious and uninteresting, IMO. Hopefully they get better.
I love this game. That's about it.
Wow I pulled off some speed tricks in this game on the valhalla without ever getting all of the e-cells, I only used three. This game was awesome and I love it I put it on par with Prime and so far I have found it to be more fun than prime. I'm on the last boss and have found it to be very hard...
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
hm i just beat the game a few minutes ago.

my impressions are good overall but some things disappointed me while others were very cool.

cool stuff:

-the beginning was good to set up the mood. first everything is calm and then hell breaks loose. it was intense.
-the seeker missile sequence. like most people said, seeing the metroids in those tanks in that area automatically make you think "now there will be some shooting after power goes down". i like how the seekers are useable now.
-the skytown area was pretty cool overall. it had a special feeling. for me it was like chozo ruins in the sky.
-bryyo was nice too. the heated areas looked nice and it had a mix of other kind of terrain too.
-the pirate homeworld was also interesting. the place was all beaten up and full of acid rain. seemed like a place dragged down by pollution. it had an old factory feel.
-most boss battles were fun. they were a bit easy but that's mostly because i was in normal mode. i bet that veteran will up the tension and hyper will make me sweat (hopefully not like the boost guardian in hard mode).
-the valhalla was also kinda creepy. i thought i stepped into outer space in the rooms that had different pressure. seeing more and more enemies every time i came back was also nice.
-something funny is that i kept hearing about the fetch quest and i was mentally prepared to do a "Sky temple key" kind of quest but i didn¡'t even feel it. i was like "what happened to the fetch quest?" when i arrived at the final area. if that quest was the energy cells, then it was pretty minor. even the artifacts from prime 1 demanded more and were more distracting (little note: i used a ghetto jump + SA to get the missile expansion in the valhalla without the 2 energy cells needed in that room :p)

uncool stuff:

-they copied and pasted some tunes. i would have liked to see them remixed a bit. imagine if, in MZM, when you fought ridley, the exact sample from the Fusion version played instead of the new one? i felt like that when old music popped up. at least some were appropiate for the situation and were still intense like the "oh crap metroids loose!" music.
-items. heh i didn't expect so many classic items to be absent from this game. what happened with the power bombs, other beams, other visors and charge combos? the ice missile was acceptable but i liked more the old freeze-then-missile combo from the previous games.
-the stackable beams also disappointed me a bit. only 3? also, they were saying they would be like in Super and they turned out to be like the Fusion/MZM ones instead. there's big difference with those stackable beams. also, they didn't use my favorite beam shape. i wanted the last beam to use that one but there were so few that it didn't have a chance.
-no water. i was waiting for the water moments but they never came. i guess designers looked back at what happened with the water areas in previous primes and decided that it wasn't important enough to bother with it this time. not something big but i missed it.
-final boss (the aurora) was kind of a letdown. it went down too easily. i was expecting a boss like metroid prime in mp1. that was a perfect boss. the one here felt like the emperor ing minus the annoying jumping.

still, impressions are from the first playthough. i didn't even come back to earlier areas to get all the pickups and scans.

i'll start a veteran 100% playthough when i play again. most of the music hasn't grown on me yet but neither did most of the music in past metroid games so i have to play this game a few times to see what sticks and what doesn't.
lvl 28 Magic Leper
I have to say I'm having somewhat mixed feelings about this game. From a gameplay perspective this game definitely deserves to be criticized as positively as it has been, but I was disappointed by some of the story elements.

The controls are vastly superior to what I had anticipated after playing redsteel (I rue the moment that the fiendish employee at the electronics aisle allowed me to part ways with my money, may one thousand curses descend upon her) to the point where the majority of the motions surpassed simple gimmicks. I found the aiming to be remarkably easy, however I disliked targeting reticle as I often lost track of where I was shooting when it was hidden by beam fire. I think the grapple system could have been improved and some of the mechanisms that involved a push/pull motion were unresponsive, but it didn't really effect the game in any negative aspect for me.

I thought some of the scenes involving battles in space could have used a little bit more polish. However those scenes were represented a minuscule fraction of the game and it's the in-game environments that mattered most. Which where extremely well done from the ambiance to the level of detail. The only level which annoyed me was the first part of Bryyo, the music there made me briefly consider suicide, also the second and third leviathans gave me a strange sense of deja vu. I'm sure this has already been mentioned many times but the xenoresearch (the place where you get the seeker missiles) had some of the best ambiance in the entire game.

Some of the reviews called this game "too easy". I don't agree with them, probably because I played veteran mode off the start and found quite a few parts in the game challenging. However it was too easy in one respect, within 5 days of the games launch I had completed the game with 100% and a 16 hour playtime which was ridiculous compared to the 20 hours it took me to beat the first prime without 100%.

Some of the powerups seemed... unnecessary. I have yet to use the ship missiles on an enemy and have yet to find a group of enemies I can use it on.Overall I thought this was a great game, it's just the little things that hold it down for me.

For instance the complete lack of a normal metroid. The phazon metroids seem just as docile as the ones from the other prime games but these ones have the tedious feature of dodging every missile you throw at them until they charge you. Which for me they rarely did as they seemed to prefer zapping me. Couldn't they have just made normal metroids with a more aggressive AI or ones that at least do decent damage when they latch onto you.

Another thing is the sheer number of questions this game leaves unanswered (or at least I haven't found answers to). Is mother brain an aurora unit (contradicting it's chozo origins), are the aurora units based on mother brain, or are the similarities between the two completely coincidence? How much did the invasion of the pirate homeworld and the outcome of the game affect the space pirates? Is there more than one Metroid Prime as one scan seems to indicate? What is the orange phazon and why wasn't it on Phaaze (I hope Retro didn't pay anyone to come up with that name :/)? How do they keep bringing Ridley back for Super Metroid especially after his complete obliteration in this game (I've always assumed cloning and uploading his memories similar to adam, but it would have been nice to know)? I was hoping some of these questions would be answered in the final installment of a trilogy.

Still my points don't really detract from the game they just bother me, my one major criticism of the game is the nonchalant use of phazon that bloats this game. I find that in the original two prime games phazon was more of a mystery, something that created extremely potent foes that would comprise some of the most difficult bosses. In corruption it's everywhere! Even the most diminutive and common enemies have phazon in them, it just ruins the ominous feeling that I feel phazon once had.

I was really hoping Metroid Prime would be the final boss but oh well.
[ M a n a t e e ]
Ship missiles are quite useful in many rooms.  Don't blame the game for your own lack of ingenuity in finding uses for them.

MB being an Aurora would contradict nothing, as one lore said the Chozo designed the Auroras for the GF anyway (or at least 'suggested' that they make them, implying that they had a tried and true brain computer of their own).

Red phazon wasn't mentioned specifically, but red phazite as its byproduct was seen and described.

Ridley's revivals were already explained in the first Prime.

And this one's really just nitpicking, but Metroid Prime WAS the final boss, in that it was the same entity... >.>
lvl 28 Magic Leper
Quote from Dazuro Ghenari:
Ship missiles are quite useful in many rooms.  Don't blame the game for your own lack of ingenuity in finding uses for them.

True and I don't blame the game, although I can see how you think I did. I just never once found it necessary to use the ship missiles and eventually forgot about them. I'm sure some people made good use of them, I'm simply not among them.

Quote from Dazuro Ghenari:
MB being an Aurora would contradict nothing, as one lore said the Chozo designed the Auroras for the GF anyway (or at least 'suggested' that they make them, implying that they had a tried and true brain computer of their own).

Interesting I never saw that lore however I was missing one space pirate lore. But I did read in the Elysian lore that the GF gave the Elysians the aurora unit which seemed odd as the place was built by the chozo.

Quote from Dazuro Ghenari:
Ridley's revivals were already explained in the first Prime.

Yes I realize this but at the conclusion of Ridley's portion of Prime 3... well there wasn't much left to rebuild, and it's hard to pin the lack of remains on graphical limitations. He just got incinerated :O. And the fact that he returns in Super Metroid and Fusion after that is interesting.

And if I wasn't clear enough I highly enjoyed this game, it was just minor details that irked me.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Ridley is just a foe that won't stay down, no matter how badly he's killed. reminds me of horror movie villains.

this game felt a bit like star wars episode 3 in the sense that it left many things unanswered. in a way,that's good because you can conclude on your own what happened in some instances and that also leaves some meat for a future game (they could tie some ends in a remake of Metroid 2 since that game comes directly after this one or bring back stuff when they do Metroid 5)
Look, witty text!
I figure they've got tissue samples of Ridley or something, so when he kicks the bucket, they can just clone themselves up a new one.

Also, I get the feeling that there's at least one more game that chronologically takes place between Prime 3 and Metroid II.  Some incredibly desperate situation directly resulting from the metroids' existance has gotta come up for the Federation to want to order Samus to outright eradicate all of them, thus giving up their own chances of studying them (after all, the whole metroid hatchling thing was a fluke).
Could that be Metroid Dread, perhaps? The name seems to fit in any case. I know it was originally supposed to be Metroid V, but that this point I think it's safe to say that anything goes.
The only level which annoyed me was the first part of Bryyo, the music there made me briefly consider suicide

Bryyo's theme was awesome.
lvl 28 Magic Leper
Quote from Melancholy Spork:
The only level which annoyed me was the first part of Bryyo, the music there made me briefly consider suicide

Bryyo's theme was awesome.

It was for me for the first few moments, but then I found the chanting to get way too repetitive.
[ M a n a t e e ]
Huh, I found it to be one of the best area themes in the series.

To each his own.
Ready and willing.
First of all, remember that Dark Samus is Metroid Prime.

As far as things in between prime 3 and RoS:

Given that the 100% ending shows a ship chasing after Samus, it'd be hard to justify delaying whatever game that is much farther time-line wise. You could, perhaps, have it wait in orbit around SR-388 during RoS to launch an ambush (which actually wouldn't interfere too much with the urgency of RoS -> Super, seeing as how getting shot at interrupts anything), but it's probably not likely. Although that could be cool idea, perhaps, using a game where you have the Metroid hatchling helping you out.
They could make a Starfox-like shooter between 2 and 3 and it would fit perfectly. >_>
[ M a n a t e e ]
Metroid is not Star Fox.

As much as I support the series evolving, that's just ridiculous. >_>
coral to complement blue
Keep in mind, Metroid isn't Pinball either. Nintendo didn't really care.
Ready and willing.
See that's one thing, though. If you release something as a clear spin off, nobody really seems to mind too much (unless you end up not making any mainline games).
Justbeat the game 100%.... I think the game was too linear, not too much replay value except to get achievments.

I hated the ending..... as usual retro makes a great game, and rushed crappy ending.

c'mon, no escape!?!  that just begged for an escape.  then suddenly we see samus NOT evacuate with the rest of the fleet, as phaaze explodes, and wormhole closes, yet SUDDENLY she's there.  I hope we get to play an escape with a future update or something.

the other endings sucked too, just seeing her thubs up magically out of her PED.  At leaste retro nailed a good Zero suit exit pose unlike the terrible echoes one.
When I finished Echoes, I finished... I was done with it and had no interest in revisiting it.  This game is more like Prime 1 for me.  I keep playing it despite having finished it already. 

Best art in any video game, ever.  If ever a game could be considered a work of art, this is it.  (The first two hours notwithstanding)