First impressions of a yoshi: Great game, absolutely awesome, I love the free aiming, and the level of control it offers you! Grapple lasso is very well done, though I would have liked to throw pirates around with it... What has they done to the pirates!? HOWEVER, it isn't a very good metroid game, way too linear, and the opening bit on the (thingyship) reeks of halo. But, still, looks good, plays good, and the controls feel 'right'. Yoshi is happy! EDIT:The music... is not as good as MP, which in turn is pwned by super, IMO. Also, DAMN YOU, RETRO! I loved the old pirate music!
Finished 10 hours ago with 100%, and I have a question: What's the point of Ship Missile Expansions? Didn't collect any until near the end of the game, everything you bomb with your ship seems to blow up in one assault anyway, and I never got a message saying "ship ran out of missiles", either.
Finished 10 hours ago with 100%, and I have a question: What's the point of Ship Missile Expansions? Didn't collect any until near the end of the game, everything you bomb with your ship seems to blow up in one assault anyway, and I never got a message saying "ship ran out of missiles", either.
They can insta-kill all enemies in open rooms. pretty useful in fact.
My favorite place to use them is in Thorn jungle right after you call it to knock down the gate, immediately order another assault to deal with the Berserker Lord and Pirates.
Honestly, I never think to use them most of the time though... I wonder where else they might come in handy...
By far, the X-Ray Visor in Metroid Prime 3 Corruption ís the most beautiful and greatest Visor in the entire Metroid series! Period! It felt pretty awarding bombing the Elysia thing (its called Elysia shield right?) after going through all that trouble :) Honestly, I have never had this genuine urge to get back playing a game like I have for Prime 3. Best game I have ever played so far in my life. Thank you Retro.
You really think so? Corruption's X-Ray Visor just gave me the "been there, done that" feel.
I do I think my reason for my thinking is the somewhat minor yet significant detail of us being able to see Samus finger trigger her cannon. That is in my opinion a nice feature. But also, I think it is very cool that you need to use it to type in alien code.
Well, the point is that X-Ray in Prime 3 does enough to be considered unique in comparison with the original, and with any other Visor, honestly. It tried something more flexible and interactive. Similar to how the Command Visor is the first Visor in the series that doesn't work like magic sunglasses revealing the invisible. They were really spot-on with Visors in Corruption.
You'd have to be really hard-headed to have gone "meh" when a weak spot zoomed in out of freakin' nowhere against a Metroid. I don't think that's 'been there' material, personally. That's depth beyond mandatory. While I was relieved when I could finally track Chozo Ghosts in Prime 1, the ability to kill a boss in one hit was just absurd, it made me feel that much more powerful.
But I guess I can see it. They do share a name, after all...
I'm currently at the collecting the sky temple keys, err, energy cells part. (And backtracking to pick up missed expansions...Chozo Observatory wasn't really needed in my opinion)
But I couldn't resist checking out this place, so I don't mind if I pick up a spoiler or two by now. (one already hit me - I'm going to fight dark samus :o )
So far, mixed feelings. After going through Bryyo, I was thinking, hmm, might be the best prime so far. Skytown was good, only thing of annoyance being those ziplines. But the Pirate Homeworld was kinda meh. The lore was basically like "lulz we r teh c0rrupted hailz dork samus". While it does make a bit of sense, it's simply strange to see a pretty big faction like that being overthrown by one single being, just like that. With the pirate lore in MP1 being awesome, and the pirate base in 2 being by far the most interesting place in the game in my opinion (even if it's too small), it was kinda dissappointing. Not to mention, it's too bloody orange.
I really like it, but it lacks MP1's magic :(
But the title music's fucking brutal :)
Edit: and we're done. Phaaze was nice, even if the final bosses were a tad too easy. (The Dark Samus fight was tuned pretty good, but the Aurora died a wee bit too easy imo)
Ending was ok'ish too. Some footage of Samus actually escaping the depths of the planet and ditching the PED suit would've been nice, but other than that it was nice. While I still prefer the Samus model used in mp1, the "cartoony" one used seems to look a bit less stupid than it did in MP2. Could be me, but it seems to be a bit more human.