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lvl 28 Magic Leper
Quote from Yoshi348:
First of all, remember that Dark Samus is Metroid Prime.

Yeah I know, but it's just not the same D:.

Metroid Prime was a far better designed enemy than a swarthy version of Samus. DS is just your typical stock villain that you can find in any Zelda or Mario game.

I was really hoping Dark Samus would revert back to Metroid Prime but instead we got a mother brain wannabe.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
the lack of a escape sequence disappointed me too.

i was like "boss down. now, the escape!" then, Samus stays there and then she is with the others magically.

i felt robbed there

the escapes just went downhill since mp1. mp1 was ok but misplaced, mp2 was just a timed boss fight and now we don't even get a timed sequence. lol.

i guess i was too excited due to Super's escape sequence

hopefully the next metroid game will do justice with that. it's been too long since the last decent escape sequence.
Quote from Vertigo:
Metroid Prime was a far better designed enemy than a swarthy version of Samus. DS is just your typical stock villain that you can find in any Zelda or Mario game.

As opposed to Metroid Prime changing colors so you know which beam to use?  :o
lvl 28 Magic Leper
Quote from granto:
Quote from Vertigo:
Metroid Prime was a far better designed enemy than a swarthy version of Samus. DS is just your typical stock villain that you can find in any Zelda or Mario game.

As opposed to Metroid Prime changing colors so you know which beam to use?  :o

I don't know what that has to do with Dark Samus being the overused archetype of the shadowy version of the hero. But a lot of enemies in the old prime games changed colours because they were conveniently weakened by one of your beams. It added incentive so that the players didn't just stick with one beam. Dark Samus isn't above Prime's perceived stupidity either, in echoes she constantly feeds you with phazon to shoot back at her when she's invincible to all else.
My argument is that Metroid Prime was not a particularly inventive boss in MP1.  It changed colors while you spammed your color-coded beam at its one weak spot.  It was much better when it lost its shell, which was disproportionately shorter than the lead-up.

What's more fitting than having a
Mother Brain
facsimile as the final boss in the final (probably) Metroid Prime?  :P Though it was pretty easy to see it coming from the beginning.
lvl 28 Magic Leper
Oh I see what you were saying, I was talking about the referring to the appearance of Metroid Prime though not the actual battle layout. It just makes more sense to me that Metroid Prime or some DS on steroids should have been the final boss, being the series eponym and whatnot.
yeah, i'm talking sheer boss design and mechanics.  Yeah dark version of main character has been a staple since Zelda II for NES ;)
Having beaten the game about 30 minutes ago there are a few things I liked and a few I didn't.


- Hyper Mode. It felt like a gimmick at first and it is very annoying gimmick when it comes to the puzzles but for combat it adds depth and made some bosses more challenging (Mognar). I think I killed myself with Hyper mode two or three times. Once from corruption, once from getting hit by a Pirate EMP bomb, and the third time by over using it and simply running out of Health.

- Scripted Event/Boss Sequences. They did a good job with these. My favorite is first encounter with Ridley falling down the 15000 meter shaft. That was pretty intense. The opening sequence was also pretty amazing. Rumdas(sp?) was probably the hardest for me but most rewarding.

- Artwork, Story, Ambiance. They did a great job on all three of these. I thought that Corruption definitely has a better story than previous Prime games though I wish they better explained what happened to phazon at the end.

- Controls. The Controls were awesome. You have to switch it over to Advanced controls in order to actually play the game but once you do you'll never want to go back. The free aiming while targeting is really nice and allows some complex manurers. I didn't find the grapple beam overused. It felt like another weapon and went pretty well with the game.

Didn't like:

- Dark Samus and the final boss encounter. She/it seemed like such a wimp in Echos so when she first attacked Samus and the other hunters I thought they made her much stronger but the final boss fight is kind of a joke. I'm not sure how the HP works when in perma hyper mode but seriously it was just to easy. I think the encounter just needed another boss fight to follow wrapped up the story better. Killing an Aurora unit just wasn't satisfying. I felt like Dark Samus/Aurora should the Meta Ridly to Metroid Prime and there should have been a darker and more sinister being to blame if they are going to make Dark Samus so weak.

- Linear Gameplay. It just seemed like every time I entered a new zone that there was only one path available.

- Game Length. If Phaaze had been a full planet like the Pirate Homeworld/Bryyo/etc then I think the game would have been complete. Also the final save thing is pretty lame.

- Physics. Not a huge deal but it is pretty annoying to end up hitting a wall and then lose your second jump. When turning during a space jump you lose a stupid amount of momentum in corruption which is also pretty annoying.

Overall Great game. I really hope to see another metroid game on the Wii with the same control style and gameplay. The only thing I don't want to see is phazon and Dark Samus. Please just let it die so we can move on.
[ M a n a t e e ]
Thank God that Phaaze wasn't a full planet.  I love fighting last bosses and it'd be horrible to have to play that whole damn place over again if it was as long as any other planet. -_-

What's wrong with the final save?  It finally lets you get 100% scans if you missed one, and it clearly warns you ahead of time that your file will die, so it's your own fault if you didn't copy it first.

Also, what's with people saying Rundas is hard?  He dies to two full charged hyper shots on any difficulty. >_>;

I'll definitely agree about the new spacejump physics though--and worst of all, the fact that if you walk off a cliff without jumping first, you can't spacejump.  I'm fairly certain you could do that in Prime and know for sure it worked in Hunters, so I kept trying to do it here. ><
Prime didn't have it, and Hunters has no space jump - you could just use your normal jump after you walk off an edge. Rolling Eyes
[ M a n a t e e ]
..Which is exactly what I'm complaining about not being able to do now.
coral to complement blue
I don't really mind. Hunters was the only Metroid game to every have that feature anyway, so it isn't like I've tried to do it out of habit.

But not being able to jump again after touching a wall was really stupid. >_<
red chamber dream
Quote from 072:
But not being able to jump again after touching a wall was really stupid. >_<

Agreed. Easily the worst part about the game (so far, at least. . . I just beat Mogenar).
Quote from Dazuro Ghenari:
Thank God that Phaaze wasn't a full planet.  I love fighting last bosses and it'd be horrible to have to play that whole damn place over again if it was as long as any other planet. -_-

What's wrong with the final save?  It finally lets you get 100% scans if you missed one, and it clearly warns you ahead of time that your file will die, so it's your own fault if you didn't copy it first.

Also, what's with people saying Rundas is hard?  He dies to two full charged hyper shots on any difficulty. >_>;

I'll definitely agree about the new spacejump physics though--and worst of all, the fact that if you walk off a cliff without jumping first, you can't spacejump.  I'm fairly certain you could do that in Prime and know for sure it worked in Hunters, so I kept trying to do it here. ><

The final save just confuses me. I thought that it was going to be like Prime 1 where it lets you save after you beat the game but when you reload the game you start in the Crater and not in a new file. I wish it gave you an option to save and reset or just save the game. It is just kind of confusing the first time you beat the game.

I didn't really use the charged hyper beam shots until I got to the Pirate Homeworld. It used up so much Phazon and the fact that it must be focused on the target for the entire duration (3-4 seconds) so I just avoided using it.
Alright, just finished a bit ago...

overall, the game was very cool. The last boss fights may have been a bit too easy, but they were still fun.

I think my next playthrough will be a bit more enjoyable now that I got quite a bit better at the controls... the grapple lasso still doesn't always cooperate with me though. ;)

I'll probably fire up a new game later on.  8-)
[ M a n a t e e ]
Quote from Ntsc:
The final save just confuses me. I thought that it was going to be like Prime 1 where it lets you save after you beat the game but when you reload the game you start in the Crater and not in a new file. I wish it gave you an option to save and reset or just save the game. It is just kind of confusing the first time you beat the game.
Then perhaps when it told you in detail that your file will be completed and that selecting it starts a new game, you should have listened. >_>  Don't blame the game for that one, mate.
Just beat Omega Ridley... and I'm sensing a trend.  Either I'm too good or this game's that much easier than MP2 in terms of boss battles.  I can recall dying a few times to Spider Guardian and Boost Guardian in MP2... but not even coming close to dying against these guys.  I guess I'll need that hyper difficulty asap.
red chamber dream
You're playing on Veteran and still find it really easy?
Bangaa Bishop
Though there were a few tricky spots, to me Normal is like Easy in ZM- the amount of damage you take from most things is trivial. I never have a hard time avoiding death (I mean, come on- I got hit by the bosses loads of times- in a technical sense they weren't easy, but the damage I took was so low that it ended up being so). Or is it just me avoiding hypermode and they expect me to be using it all the time, draining my energy? I think its more the latter, but the game is way easier when you only use it when you really need to.

Do you still unlock hyper when you beat it on normal? Should I skip veteran and go to normal if this is the case?
Beating it on normal will open up hyper.
Just finished it and overall I enjoyed it, but there were quite a few things i did not like about that game. I liked a lot of the same things about the game that have already been mentioned in this thread so i wont get into that.
But somethings I didn't like about the game where:

1) Hint system off does not mean hint system off

This one bothered me the most. Why bother putting a hint system on/off toggle if it does nothing? Just when you think your left on your own to figure out what to do all by yourself ... theres that beeping! "Samus let me tell you the exact room you need to be in, push 1 so I can reveal the room on your map and yes this message will stay on your screen until you hit 1" Did anyone play with hint system ON? Its cool if you did I am just wondering what the hint system does for you, does it just tell you to go to the room that the computer or whom ever has already revealed to you

2) Enemies have too much health

Maybe it was just me but I thought the enemies (mainly on the pirate home world) took way to many shots to kill with normal beams. I got sick of hitting 'A'. If I could I went hyper every fight. It reduced the amount of times I had to spam 'A' and besides it would only take an energy tank usually, and I would get that health back if not more from dead enemies/crates.

3) Some item upgrades = LAME!

  It has already been stated that the final seed item is just plain dumb. Which it is and you get to use it a whole 3 times I think.

  How come I didn't get a new suit! Technically Im not counting the PED suit as a new suit since you pretty much start with it. I always liked getting a new suit in my metroid games and having it permanently alter Samus's color scheme, but maybe that was just me.

  The grapple adapter you get from Gandrayda I thought was pretty lame It was just like the final seed item just it was used a few more times.

  What happened to power bombs? had to make room for the highly desirable ship bomb expansions? Maybe the ship bomb expansions would be more useful if you could use your ship in places that where more ... useful.

  I never used the hyper version of .... anything other then charge beam (Unless I needed to use it to advance)  so you know what I didnt like any of those expansions.

Now I didnt hate every new expansion, I did like spring ball

4) Stupid final boss(too easy and all that)
  This has been said a million times so I wont go into detail

5) Sorry I don't have one I could probably think of one but this post is long enough as it is!
I've been finding it funny that everyone seems to dislike the final boss  when they gave fans something they'd been looking for ever since Prime was first announced.

A mother-brain like battle in 3D.

But I think the hint system part is mainly so the game stops nagging you to do what is supposed to come next. Because I tried turning it off once and the game still calls you all of the time, as you found out.
Look, witty text!
Actually, the Grapple Voltage isn't too bad, since you can siphon energy from any enemies that you can grapple.  I haven't tried sending energy to an enemy, though...
red chamber dream
I don't find the "hints" too bad; it's more just annoying that you HAVE to press 1 to get rid of the damn thing on the bottom of the screen.

I also don't mind much that you don't get any new suits-- by Echoze it seemed like they were running out of ideas, and doing stuff like Varia or Gravity again would be lame.
As for Power Bombs: again, they've been in every single flickerbatting Metroid game (wait, were they in Hunters? Do I even care?), and having to get them in Corruption, then run around and use them on all the Bendezium I missed would feel like old hat. I actually sort of like that about Corruption-- seemed like Retro didn't feel the need to include all the old items just because it's another Metroid game. We got some of the staples of course, like Bombs and the Plasma Beam, but they left out others, like PBs and Super Missiles intentionally. The game feels fresh in that respect, and it was cool that they brought back old stuff like the Spring Ball, too (though I wish the SB was something you actually had to GET, even if it were early in the game. Woulda been awesome).
You can wait a while, and the message will disappear on its own. The problem is trying to play with a big "LOLGOHERE" on your screen.