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Use \ before commas in usernames
I know this is a n00b question...and I know this has probably been asked a million times before....but still.  How do you do this?  I know you open the zsnes with the rom, but after that I'm clueless.  Thanks in advance.
Thread title: 
Name the rom "metroid3.smc" if the zmv's are metroid3.zmv, metroid3.zm1, metroid3.zm2, and so on.  And make sure the zmv files are all in the same folder as the rom.

Then you just load up the emulator and the rom and go to Movie Option, then select the slots from 0 to whatever.
everybody knows it's true
Hoy do you do it with VBA? >_>
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I...er...don't think you CAN open zmvs with VBA.

Heh, sorry, I just had to. I don't know what the VBA files are called, but I remember it was something similar to how to open zmvs on ZSNES. I believe it had to do with renaming the file.
everybody knows it's true
I actually meant showing an allowed file from VBA
Rename either the movie file or the ROM to the same name as the other piece, and open the movie with Tools Arrow Play Arrow Start playing movie. Just make sure to triple check that both the ROM and the movie name have the same name, or it won't work.
red chamber dream
Hey, someone actually used the arrows in a way they're meant to be used.
That must be the first time since... since... Well, don't ask me, i don't know
Quote from DominicanZero:
Rename either the movie file or the ROM to the same name as the other piece, and open the movie with Tools Arrow Play Arrow Start playing movie. Just make sure to triple check that both the ROM and the movie name have the same name, or it won't work.

The movie files and the ROM can be named whatever, however, <i>the two movie files</i> (the VMV and the VM0) must have the same name.
And you have to load the ROM before you open the movie.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Woah, woah, hold up...The arrows were there for a REASON? Holy McCrap! So useful! Why didn't you just have "->" be the arrow code? Probably would have been seen more often then. I've seen "->" around a few times.
Maybe he did that because I like to see arrows used like that, and because  Arrow  is less effort to type.

Just picture me saying thatin a friendly voice.