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Yeah, the title pretty much says it all.  10 Energy Tanks, 210 Missiles, all Beam Combos.  Any tips?
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Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Use Super Missiles, only take out Beam Pirates only during the period between his disapearance and reapearance, and keep your distance so he can't connect with that ouchifying slash attack. If you keep on the pressure with the Super Missiles, it shouldn't take too many pools before he goes down.

If that doesn't help, perhaps kip or Trebor, or anyone else who's beaten a 24% or less game can help. That's a one E-tank, no charge beam fight.  Shocked
You should use plasma beam on the armor plates as it's a pretty rapid-fire and high-damage weapon, and use missiles occasionally. ONLY use super missiles when you're actually doing damage (he's cloaked). Also, ONLY attack Ice troopers and plasma troopers as they're the easiest to kill (Ice you hit em with a charge shot and a missile; plasma just shoot em really quickly) and omega will kill the other pirates when he comes out of cloak-mode.
While everyone keeps saying to take out only the Ice and Plasma Troopers, it's much easier said than done.  The Troopers have a tendancy to close in on you in order to slash you, as well as climbing the walls.  Since the shockwave doesn't hit the walls and doesn't cover the entire room, it tends to take some time for them to die.  Also, especially on hard, it's not particularly easy to ignore something that's rapidly draining your energy and making it harder to lock onto the Omega Pirate.  Overall, they seem to be the largest problem in the equation, since the missiles can be avoided by staying within shockwave range and the claw can be avoided (sorta) by keeping your distance.
Quote from Dark_T_Zeratul:
Overall, they seem to be the largest problem in the equation

agreed. try shooting the wall clinging pie rates once to cause them to jump off, enabling op to kill them.
If you absolutely MUST take out all the pirates, use super missiles on the Power Troopes and repeating Charged wave beam shots on the wave troopers... But this takes a while (wave troopers) or wastes missiles (power troopers) which is why i recommend ignoring them as much as possible.
Hmm, not sure if this works, but you could try power bombing them.

I've never tried it on troopers, but I know it works wonders on fission metroids, so it's worth a shot.
iirc power bombs only work on troopers in jp/eu.
Power bomb OP's ass before he calls the troopers. Works like a charm, and makes it a much, much easier fight.
if by any chance you're referring to my trick


i'd hardly say it "works like a charm" ;P
And considering he calls the troopers before he appears and can be damaged, it's impossible to PB him before he calls them.  I think I will try Power Bombs, however.
Ready and willing.
Quote from Dark_T_Zeratul:
And considering he calls the troopers before he appears and can be damaged, it's impossible to PB him before he calls them.  I think I will try Power Bombs, however.

You didn't click on the link, did you. Wink
The best way I found to kill the troopers is to just constantly jump around so the troopers dont hit me, then when I get omega to try and recharge I quickly switch to morph ball and drop a power bomb on him, then quickly switch to the x-ray visor so that the damage counts. This takes away huge amounts of his health, letting you kill him really quickly  :)