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There's a passage in the ceiling. The fact that you went through all that to get to that red beam is the best indicator that the beam is a false dead end.

Also, if you can survive long enough down there, there's an e-tank right before the next key item. And there was an e-tank before that acidrise room in the stairway room as well to get you to full. When in doubt, keep a savestate from before the acidrise room and redo it if you find you need more energy to get through the coming rooms.
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Cloud07: 2008-01-02 11:45:39 am
i have the
wave beam
to go through a few passages and also thanks i thought i might of never escaped  :D.... but so far i'm lost and i have no idea where to go :(.
Well, now it's easy,
you can just go to the final area that connects to High Command. (Wave is what you needed to proceed a bit in there.)
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sonic shadow: 2008-01-02 01:30:45 pm
^^ Now I am advancing a lot! I was playing with the hack now and found the X-ray, and a helluva lot more items in Tetra ruins, EH, UW...
Well, now what is the next key item? And the Sequence break now possible for the gravity suit? =P\
... I mean, HI-JUMP GET!  :-D
The sequence break for the Gravity suit is possible as soon as you get Power Bombs (the door that blocks it is a PB door, but thats only half the obsctacle you need to clear to get it). The sequence break over the other half of the obstacle consists of "abusing" savestates in order to keep retrying bomb jumping and rolling over crumbleblocks in a small morph ball passage that are much easier to get over once you get the spring ball. Although I suppose some people are good enough to be able to do it without save state assistance. But the spring ball may have been one of those items you mentioned picking up, in which case you can get the Gravity suit legit now.

Also, if you don't have the spazer yet, I'd recommend finding it before fighting the next boss if you dont have a good stock of super missiles.
The spazer's in the eastern end of Dark Gardens
Yes, I got the Spazer before the PBs.
No, I don't have the spring ball, the items I picked up was missile/supers/PB packs, and E-tanks.
Still, there is somewhere in Tetra that I will explorate later.
Z0MG Botwoon? *shot*
Yeah, then your next two key items will
both be in Tetra Ruins
Are they
Hi-jump and springball?

If they are, where is the gravity suit? =P
Oh, I didn't realize you didn't get the hijump boots. You'll pretty much need those to get the spring ball. Spazer is also useful to have. It's close to the hijump boots (map-wise anyway)

Anyway, Hijump boots are
back in Dark Gardens very close to the ship. (Not in the watery room though.)

After you get those, then you can make a jump out of shallow water high enough that'll let you get to where the spring ball is.

The Gravity suit was actually what I intended when I said the next two items (along with the spring ball). It's also in Tetra Ruins not too far from the 'exit' of the segment where the spring ball is hidden. If you've found the shaft that leads from Tetra to the Eternal Hall, then you've seen exactly where it is...or at least the door that leads there.
But I got the hi-jump boots. o_o
Well, I'm still lost. Can you show me a screen? ^^'
Oh, I thought you implied you didn't have them by answering my "the next 2 items are in Tetra" with what I viewed as a guess as to what they were. (Since you must know the hijump boots aren't in Tetra)

I'm not really sure a screenshot this specific will help if you haven't seen this area yet, but here's the door to the Gravity Suit (its near the bottom of Tetra Ruins):

Edit history:
sonic shadow: 2008-01-03 02:15:04 pm
Yes! I forgot that door, the lava and the pink pirates made me regret getting back there D=
...But now what?

Eastern Underworld
Got wave beam, now I'm lost at Sky temple.
Precise spoiler plx ^^ *shot*
The bridge room right next to the tall Metroid room has the next key item, then after that you'll need to go back a bit to High Command.
Still cannot find, X-ray shows me nothing =/
You probably wouldn't be able to see it from the outside of the maze its in. It's on the far left side inside a pipemaze, but you have to get in the middle of the room to go in there. If this doesn't seem like it's working for you then maybe you're in the wrong room?
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TheCheruben: 2008-01-09 07:46:01 pm
Just found this hack.
I enjoy the artistic conception put into the level design.
Not having the luxury of a lot of time to search, i used one cheat, starting with the wave beam. Makes the enemies too easy (for now); i'd use the hard patch only i'm pretty far in. Using the justin bailey.

So far nothing has been inconveniently confusing, up to the point of seeking Crocomire. I am in Underworld right near his neck of the woods (i know where he is, as in Telomeres's vid the map shows up for a split second), but i cannot get through. Unless i need to go back to DGs and go around...
Quote from TheCheruben:
Unless i need to go back to DGs and go around...

Ironically that's exactly what you need to do  :P
I am playing the hard mode of golden dawn and am a little stuck.

Can you give me a hint to where to go after the wrecked ship?  I am thinking I need power bombs now but I can not find them?

Look to the higher portions of the Eternal Hall (but not so high that you'll enter HC of course) - with the speed booster you'll be able to get through to where the PBs are. Eternal Hall actually has 3 elevators total and their placement is rather symmetrical.
thanks.  I forgot about that spped booster part
hi, i JUST got this to work(stoopid header Rolling Eyes), so i'm realy early in the game.
i dont know where to go, i only have the morphball, and i'm in the room after the room that has the charge beam in a block. there are two ways to go, but i can't figure out wich one.i know it's dumb to be stuck this early on in the game, but i'm just dumb that way extra_smug
Keep going to the left until you reach the red door. Then you need to find the false ceiling in that room.
i already did, but didn't see any where to go, so thought that was a dead end Rolling Eyes