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Trained by Cpadolf. Mission: To Perfect.
Quote from Sturmvogel Prime:
I'm stucked, i can't find the Power Bombs

After getting grapple, go back to red brinstar, in the old pre-spazer room you can grapple up and get pbs.
The easy version is complete!

Check the main post or this post:
The hardest moves are all easier. Shinesparks and walljumps have much more leeway.
Thanks Bolognab!! You made a lot more people happy to try this out and not worry about it being too hard =D&gt;

Not that I'm gonna play easy
Quote from TAxxOUTBR3AKxx:
Thanks Bolognab!! You made a lot more people happy to try this out and not worry about it being too hard =D&gt;

Not that I'm gonna play easy

I think I might try the easy version instead of regular version when I'm done with Revolution.  The only thing that can possibly distract me from my first playthrough of Revolution right now would be the release of Aegis or Volta.  Besides, I have to know my first playthrough time and item collection % in that one....

With this in mind, it's probably obvious I'm not capable of a speed run in any hack.... :-k
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Well, Aegis won't distract you any time soon. I've got lots of work yet to do.

I'll test the new version out when I get the chance. I'm glad you made an easier version; I was actually halfway through making one myself, but now I don't have to.
Quote from Acheron86:
I'll test the new version out when I get the chance. I'm glad you made an easier version; I was actually halfway through making one myself, but now I don't have to.

Well, I just threw together a patch after quickly editting all the hard tricks I could think of...all it took was a few tile movements. That is enough right?
Yea, after the Spikes at the beginning, it isn't bad. I could only recall a couple tough areas, and I see myself as a Veteran to Metroid games. Entry to Kraid's Lair, going up to Spore Spawn, and the Red Brinstar Elevator up to Crateria, those walljumps. Couple hard Shinesparks, but I felt dumb not realizing how to do them until I did it the first time.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Bolognab:
Well, I just threw together a patch after quickly editting all the hard tricks I could think of...all it took was a few tile movements. That is enough right?

I think any hack's easy mode should be beatable without save-states. As long as that holds true, I'm sure it's fine. Just too busy doing hacky stuff to test right now. :/
Almost happy
Mission finished!

Completition time 04:48 (Pretty slow... Mostly because this hack was not very backtrack friendly, going anywhere took forever.) Item collection 45%.

Very enjoyable hack, pretty good difficulty too. Overall I'd say that many of the needed tricks here was as hard as anything in cliffhanger or Impossible, the main difference is that you could try again and again without dieing. The only real complaint I can think of right now is that Hi-jump is acquired so late (this is true for other hacks as well), I hate running around without it, especially after you get speedbooster which makes jumping without it extremely annoying. And I don't really see any reason holding it off for so long, any obstacle where it would be needed could easily be changed to require some other item.

Also, where was plasma?
Thank you for your comments.

Plasma was hidden well so that Tourian wouldn't be a breeze. I won't reveal the location quite yet.

[spoiler]Is plasma the only main item you missed? [spoiler]
Almost happy
Plasma and X-ray.

Wow, I did alot of backtracking in this game....I too missed Plasma and X-Ray, but I have no idea how many missile tanks I could have went back to grab. I just wanted to finish the game.

Anyways, your hack was very, very enjoyable, besides all the things that frustrated me(you know what they were). But after the first half of the game, I enjoyed it even more because I was actually able to do exploration, and not "search,search,search". I love what you did with the Gravity Suit, that's pretty slick IMO. I think I might just go back and search for a matter of fact......
It's in the place where you've found the most beams

I KNEW I"D FIND IT!!!!!!!! Holy crap that was horribly tough (for me) to get to.
I never thought I'd ever have to infinite bomb jump EVER.....and then even MORE're a slick one!!

Also....about those "dead" robots.
You know how long it took me to figure out that just shooting it can kill it in this hack???

Now just to look for that darned X-ray.......I wanna find that too! I have no clue where to even start for it.

I have a very strange suspicion that the X-ray Scope is
where the old Plasma Beam used to be, since it got moved to the giant room in Brinstar with the old Charge Beam location.

I found crumble blocks, but I can't find a way up towards where that room used to be........unless it's just another Missile, SM, or PB expansion; man I'll be angry. I think something is there though, but I don't have the time to investigate a highly doubtful theory. There are such a broad range of places to look, but I had a feeling and I checked the best I could and came up with nothing. Where the heck would you hide a hardly useful Xray Scope?
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Glad you finally made an easy version  :-)

I can't remember what my time and % was. Is it still in one of your messages?
I downloaded the Easy Version but I see no difference in the Kraids lair entry.  Is it because Im using the save state from the original verison?  I wouldnt think that would have any difference,  but i seriously dont see the kraid lair entrance as any different from the original
Opium: Make sure you leave the room and come back.  THe ceiling is three blocks flatter now, so you can hit the ceiling andstill make it

Dmantra: you got 65% 6:45.
Edit history:
Opium: 2008-09-22 09:38:41 am
Quote from Bolognab:
Opium: Make sure you leave the room and come back.  THe ceiling is three blocks flatter now, so you can hit the ceiling andstill make it

Thanks friend.  I pwned Kraid w/o any problem and...

now in norfair.  Am i supposed to only have 2 energy tanks for this hells run ??  Im trying a hells run through the lowest right door, and i can get as far as a save room (which I dare not use since I have only 30 energy left!)  I could use a hint.

EDIT:  nevermind, i finally made it

But now im in another one of those wall-jump water-level nightmares  *groan*

(user is banned)
Edit history:
DMantra: 2008-09-22 03:12:39 pm
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Quote from Opium:
But now im in another one of those wall-jump water-level nightmares  *groan*

I remember that jump. Fun times. Are you getting a good running start from the room prior?
Phazon Vasteel Autobot
How i can get out of this?

(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Quote from Sturmvogel Prime:
How i can get out of this?

Dude.. jump, aim your grapple up and hook.
Quote from DMantra:
Quote from Opium:
But now im in another one of those wall-jump water-level nightmares  *groan*

I remember that jump. Fun times. Are you getting a good running start from the room prior?

yes, and im jumping at the very last possible moment, but im still hitting the ledge and the water at the same time.  PRECISION is not for me.  I'm over it. 
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Quote from Opium:
Quote from DMantra:
Quote from Opium:
But now im in another one of those wall-jump water-level nightmares  *groan*

I remember that jump. Fun times. Are you getting a good running start from the room prior?

yes, and im jumping at the very last possible moment, but im still hitting the ledge and the water at the same time.  PRECISION is not for me.  I'm over it. 

a midair morph gets you a lot more distance. try that.
Quote from Sturmvogel Prime:
How i can get out of this?

Diagonal right grapple the block you see at the top of the's the easiest one.

I might have to make a Precision hack minus the precision  laugh new.
I found it easiest, grapple the grapple block you stand on, facing right-->. Stay uber close while swinging and when you time it correctly, you can fling yourself vertically up more than high enough to then grapple the crumble-grapple block. You will figure it out.